At the risk of sounding like an old f—t or Andy Rooney (My apologies, Mr. Rooney, I didn’t mean to imply anything), what is wrong with people these days? Is observing a few rules of society at work such a difficult thing?This AMEX Open Forum article, "Ten Etiquette Blunders," made me a little nutty. How can people really not know how to act at work? I work from home now, so I don’t deal with this stuff. But I’ve worked in more offices than I care to count. Here’s my own list of work etiquette no-nos.1. Get out of my space, man. Editor Andrew addressed this very well in his post, "Violated at Work: The Death of Personal Space." With respect to people of other cultures who have different norms about this issue, in the U.S., most people don’t like “close talkers.” Please observe my boundaries. Don’t sneak up on me in my cube from behind or even think of touching me to get my attention.2. TMI. Do we really need to … [Read more...] about Top 7 Workplace Etiquette No-Nos
Career Advice Blog
6 Ways to Lose Money from Lack of Sleep
What is the first comment from coworkers at the water cooler? "Man, I'm tired. I couldn't sleep." And most everyone else nods in agreement. Yes, we're all tired. Sleep deprivation is as rampant as fat rolls in our United States, yet we assume it's a price we pay to get ahead. Sure, I'm tired, but I'm getting 6 hours of sleep. That's enough, right? While a very small percentage of the population thrives on 6 hours of sleep, if you're constantly tired, you aren't in that elite group. You may feel like sleep is a waste of time, or just something old people do, but the fact is getting even an hour less of sleep per night has drastic, long-lasting effects. Sleeping 6 when you need 7 (or probably closer to 8) hours means you're losing out on an entire night of rest every week. Just what will this "cost" you in the long run? 1. Blood Pressure MedicineA recent study found that people who get less than adequate sleep are significantly more likely to increase their blood pressure over … [Read more...] about 6 Ways to Lose Money from Lack of Sleep
LIVE BROADCAST: What Employees Want! (Tune In This Thursday)
Back in 2005 when I decided the world needed an "edgy" career advice podcast, I had no idea that I'd be sitting here six years later celebrating over 1 million downloads, a successful blog, and even more passion than when I started.But here we are.The big question now is where to take the Working Podcast next.That leads me to this week's experiment. For the first time ever we will attempt a brief live show on BlogTalkRadio. If the demand is there, we will start to have regular LIVE career advice radio shows. And as you already won't be your mama's radio program. Forget that housewife in the middle of the country who is recycling everything she read at the local bookstore. This is real career advice for real people. But before I put the cart before the horse...Join us THIS WEEK on Thursday, February 24 at 8:00pm ET for "What Employees Want." If you are looking to hire people for your company, get an idea of what today's … [Read more...] about LIVE BROADCAST: What Employees Want! (Tune In This Thursday)
5 Jobs That Bring the Most Happiness
All of us would like to believe that somehow, someday, we will end up with a job we love. There are those lucky few who have them now. And by and large, it’s difficult to pinpoint specific occupations that bring the most happiness because different types of jobs make different people happy. For example, some people can find no greater joy in life than becoming a teacher, while others wouldn’t have the first clue how to entertain and teach a classroom full of children. And there are individuals who would love nothing more than to jump out of an airplane every day strapped to someone’s back (whereas most of us wouldn’t go near tandem skydiving no matter how much it was paying). The point is, happiness in a profession can depend largely on the person. However, there are a few jobs that just about anyone can enjoy, so check the list and see if there are any that could offer you a chance at occupational happiness before you perform … [Read more...] about 5 Jobs That Bring the Most Happiness
How to Use Your Corporate Charge Card Wisely
It's even better than a key to the executive wash room. It's your own shiny American Express Gold Corporate Card. While membership has it's privileges, it also comes with a whole new set of responsibilities to side-step. As a former employee corporate cardholder and a current personal finance writer, I thought I'd share some tips on how to make the most of your corporate charge card -- and not get fired. 1. The size of the client dictates the quality and (quantity) of the meal and drinks.Looking to land a Fortune 500 big spender? Go ahead: Order the lobster, filet mignon and several bottles of Cristal. If it's a big enough client, you can pick up the bar tab for the whole place. When your boss gets the bill, just go on and on about how those boys at [giant mega-corporation] really drink like fish and they would have already signed the contract... if they hadn't passed out on it. 2. Let your colleague pick up the tab. The editorial department at the publishing company where I worked had … [Read more...] about How to Use Your Corporate Charge Card Wisely
Cat Chow Contest: This Dream Job Is the Cats Meow
Do you love animals? Do you want to travel around America? Are you ready to quit your job? If the answer is a resounding ‘yes,’ then we have good news for you! You can be the very first Purina Cat Chow correspondent! You’ll be paid $50,000 for one year and have the opportunity to attend pet industry events and share your experiences on and Purina Cat Chow’s other social media channels. No formal training or expertise is required to apply, but you should be a cat lover and pet owner. Apply today by filling out a brief application and uploading a photo. If you are chosen, you’ll need to put in your two weeks notice soon; the position runs from May15, 2011 to May 15, 2012. "We're searching for a passionate and enthusiastic cat owner as the Purina Cat Chow Correspondent to connect with other cat owners across the country," said Dr. Karen Sueda, Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Behaviorist and member of the Purina Cat … [Read more...] about Cat Chow Contest: This Dream Job Is the Cats Meow
What Do You REALLY Want to Do?
Do you remember the days after college graduation? The world was suddenly at your feet. You could be anything, go anywhere, do anything! And then, about a month later: reality hit. Not only did college loans not cover your living expenses, you actually had to start paying them off. You realize that, in fact, your dream job had not been just sitting there waiting for you to graduate for all these years. Yeah, so it was kinda heartbreaking. So often we end up taking whatever job comes our way first, because let’s face it: life has immediate demands, often in the form of dollars and cents signs. And then, we stick with the job because we want our resume to look good and a six months experience just doesn’t look like we’re stable. And then we stick with it because we’ve been there a year, and there’s a good raise if we stay for two. And well, at two years, kids come, mortgages hit. Definitely … [Read more...] about What Do You REALLY Want to Do?
Traits of the Perfect Employer
Perfection is an illusion. Once we give up on the notion of faultlessness, we learn that life is all about balance and compromise. Whether it's negotiating with a loved one or navigating a career filled with ups and downs, we owe it to ourselves to create a checklist and make sure that our life is filled with more pros than cons. Otherwise, it might be time to quit your job.If the dream job is out there, it would look something like this:Interview. Rather than wooing workers by explaining the job through rose-colored glasses, employers would put transparency first, detailing both the pros and cons of the job and organization, ensuring that the match suits both parties. If both sides express interest, potential employees would meet members of the staff and view their workspace before taking the job. These are important yet often overlooked factors in job happiness. The most important detail, the salary range, would be offered at the beginning of the interview or even before you show … [Read more...] about Traits of the Perfect Employer
12 Low-Stress Jobs, Really?
Who wants a low-stress job? I see lots of virtual hands raised out there. Browsing business websites produced a couple of those infamous lists – "10 Best Jobs," "15 Highest-Paying Jobs," etc. I don’t know about you, but those lists irritate me. Who collects the data and who supplies the data? Sometimes I think they must catch the “best jobs” respondents well into their post-work happy hour or after they just received a nice raise. So I just read Mainstreet’s "12 Jobs with Low Stress, Decent Pay" Honestly, most of the jobs listed I haven’t a clue about, but found it interesting to find my job and several of my friends’ jobs listed. Hmmm, not sure my friends and I realize how lucky we are to have this tranquil, high-paying work. Here’s the list: · Massage Therapist – The article mentions “soothing sounds” and “comfortable lighting.” Well, that’s more of a benefit for the client. My pal who’s a massage therapist used to like her job until the stress on her body took a … [Read more...] about 12 Low-Stress Jobs, Really?
The Perfect Fall Guy
This sad, very sad scenario is repeated all over the corporate world, and with alarming frequency. You know the drill: All of a sudden, a perfectly capable, highly motivated and well-regarded veteran middle manager finds him or herself on the company skids. A major mistake has happened, and the company is either embarrassed or lost money. Someone's got to take the blame, yet it's never, ever anyone in the higher echelons of management and/or the politically connected, who actually made the decisions that caused the screw-up. And, while the gross unfairness of it all makes you disgusted and sick to your stomach, there's usually not a damned thing you can do about it. Or is there? None of us want to be, yet we all do run the risk of becoming, the fall guy, the perfect victim. Someone who's easy to blame, whether or not they were responsible for the mistake, or error, in the first place. It's nasty, it sucks, and yet there's not a company or bureaucracy that doesn't employ this … [Read more...] about The Perfect Fall Guy