Social networks tow that narrow line between transparency and stalkerism. As the business-minded adult player on the field, LinkedIn offers a feature that allows you see who has viewed your profile. Free accounts show you the five most recent viewers and Premium accounts show you everyone who has checked in your profile over the past 90 days. After a 30-day free trial of the LinkedIn Premium package, I’m now convinced I need the feature. A mere four weeks ago I couldn’t understand why anyone would pay $29.95 a month for a few enhanced features. But after a test drive, I see great value in receiving three InMails (allowing you to contact anyone within the system) and becoming a member of the Open Link Network, where any user can send you a message. The most valuable feature for job seekers and freelancers, however, is the aforementioned “Who’s Viewed Your Profile” function. An expanded list of titles, regions, and companies, makes it ease to deduce who has checked you out. … [Read more...] about LinkedIn Job Hunting: What if a Potential Employer Views Your Profile?
Career Advice Blog
8 Ways to Be the Perfect Professional Reference
I take a ridiculous amount of pride in being a good professional reference. After all, who am I to stand in the way of a person looking to improve their work situation or to make a better life for themselves? Here’s how I ensure I am the perfect professional reference. If I’m your reference, and you don’t get the job, it ain’t on me, buddy! 1) I make sure I pick up the phone when they call. Getting embroiled in a game of phone tag only hurts the prospect's chances, especially if the company is in a rush to fill the slot. Most people won’t roll the dice on picking up a call from an unidentified number. But if your colleague has tipped you off that a call might be coming in, take a chance. In the long run, it will save you time. 2) I make sure I take the call in a quiet location. If I am forced to whisper at work or am shouting over other folks in a public setting, the conversation will suffer. Since we are dealing with another person’s livelihood, it’s critical to set … [Read more...] about 8 Ways to Be the Perfect Professional Reference
The First Things to do When You Lose Your Job
There's nothing easy about losing your job. Whatever the reason behind it, there's an emotional reaction that you need to deal with before taking steps to move on. For most folks, this means taking a bit of time just for yourself. Of course, if your financial situation is not the best, you may feel you can't take time off. But it needn't be a long time, and sometimes as little as a couple of days will do the trick. So what do you do during this recovery time? Much will depend on you: your personality, your emotional temperature, your family situation, your support group and more. But here are some general thoughts and ideas you can adapt to suit yourself. First, be nice to yourself. Don't beat yourself up because of what has happened. If a good friend was in this position, wouldn't you give them words of encouragement and reassure them that they are "all right"? Well, you can do the same for yourself. This might be the ideal time to treat yourself to a spa treatment. If that feels too … [Read more...] about The First Things to do When You Lose Your Job
What Breed of Dog Is Your Boss?
As I was writing an article about the most popular dog breeds, I started thinking that we work with a lot of dogs "Animals in the Workplace - No, Not Your Boss!". I don’t mean that to be denigrating, but don’t you just see different breeds around you at work?TerriersDoes your boss get hold of an idea and never let it go? Imagine him as a member of the terrier group, running around with a toy in his mouth, violently shaking it side to side. Terriers are also great at rooting things out of holes or hiding places. You can’t hide from your boss; he’ll find you, even if he has to sniff around under your desk. Now if your boss has a scruffy little beard, you’re never going to look at him again without thinking, “fox terrier.”What about the hyper co-worker who can’t even finish one sentence before starting the next? I don’t know if she can leap up to your full height like my neighbor’s Jack Russell terrier, but has it ever been … [Read more...] about What Breed of Dog Is Your Boss?
Work Lunches Stolen? Get The Fridge Locker
Every worker has experienced getting their lunches stolen from the office fridge. It usually happens on a rainy day when you have no cash in your wallet. The suspects are often obvious, but unless you find someone reeking of your sandwich or chowing down in the stairwell, bringing these thieves to justice is a long shot. But where ever there’s a problem, there’s someone looking to score a million bucks with a solution.The As Seen on TV people have stuck (comedy) gold again, this time, with The Fridge Locker. A 3-digit combination code keeps your food safe, locked behind heavy-duty plastic bars. Your coworkers can see your lunch...smell your lunch...maybe even touch your lunch - but they can’t eat it. Unless, of course, they have a hacksaw in their desk drawer. And if they are already stealing lunches - it’s possible. Crime is a slippery slope.With catchy slogans such as “The Personal Food Security System,” … [Read more...] about Work Lunches Stolen? Get The Fridge Locker
What to Expect When Moving to China for Work
With the economy still lukewarm at home, intrepid types are looking further afield for their paydays. Last year, China's economy grew by almost 10%. It also replaced Japan as the world's second largest economy. The demand for skills and management experience is creating jobs for Americans in the East. Living and working in China is certainly the ultimate way to experience this fast changing country; and of course it looks great on a resume. But more importantly, working in China offers a fresh start; a way out of the professional or personal rut you may be in. If you've got what it takes, the adventure of living and working in China can be yours. Finding the job and sorting out the visa is not as difficult as it once was. International recruitment companies are scouring the globe for the best and the brightest, and visa application services take all the stress out of getting work permits. However, the transition from the West to East is not an easy one. Many expatriates find the … [Read more...] about What to Expect When Moving to China for Work
Four Ways to Overcome Procrastination
It seems as if there’s always something just waiting to be put off. It could be the laundry, filing the income taxes or starting that PowerPoint presentation at work. Regardless of the task, Procrastination and its first cousin Lack of Motivation are usually in the wings just waiting for their close-ups. So how do you kick them off the stage and get down to business? It won’t be easy but it is possible. To get started, you’ll need paper, a pen, a month-at-a-glance calendar and a small reward. Identify the project Start by writing the overall goal and the deadline. For instance, you may have sales presentation that is due next week. Once you have a deadline you can work backward to create a timeline of smaller tasks with corresponding deadlines. What started out as a large project can be segmented into a list of smaller, more manageable steps. Break down the project into smaller tasks Once you have your overall goal, you need to start the day by writing down your goals. Think … [Read more...] about Four Ways to Overcome Procrastination
How to Get a Second Interview
It's the cliffhanger that's used in countless TV shows and movies: "To be continued..." We already know that the sequel is never as good as the original, but when it comes to searching for a job, that rule doesn’t apply. Part Two has to be better than the original.When you go on a job interview, your goal is obvious: get the job. But it’s also wise to take a step back and think short-term. If we break the interview process into bite-size pieces, your goal is to get a second interview. Unlike a boxing match, you can afford to let it all hang out in Round One. After all, you’re not guaranteed to see another round. But holding back a little something, a tiny little "to be continued..." of your own, can help you land the second interview.Here’s a smart strategy for getting asked back for a second interview: Ascertain from the employer the biggest problem you’d help solve in the position. Then, in your thank you letter, include a brief but well thought-out … [Read more...] about How to Get a Second Interview
Is a Roth IRA Good for Your Retirement?
Saving for retirement can be confusing. Many people simply choose to let their employer or a financial advisor set up a retirement account. Then, they can blinding make monthly deposits and hope for the best. This will lead to a decent retirement for most people. However, there are other alternatives. If you are employed and have a retirement program as part of your benefits package, you may or may not have a Roth IRA. A Roth IRA (Individual Retirement Account) is different from most retirement savings accounts. Unlike a standard IRA, money invested in a Roth account is not tax deductible. However, money taken out of the account is not taxed. So the benefits are not seen at first, but can be substantial over time, at least in terms of taxes. Financial experts who favor Roths give these reasons for their attractiveness... Interest can be compounded several times over before retirement as long as the account is opened early enough. So even less risky investment can bring a … [Read more...] about Is a Roth IRA Good for Your Retirement?
Do You Have a Career Backup Plan?
What happens when the one thing you do - and do well - gets taken away? You adapt - of course. Such is the case of Doc Martin, the lead character in the British dramedy of the same name. When the successful big-city surgeon succumbs to panic disorder at the sight of blood, he is forced to shift his life by becoming a general practitioner in a rural town. The public perception is that he has fallen from grace; trading in big city life for the back country.As ironically far fetched and beautifully off the plot sounds, it's not all that uncommon. There are people who end up unable to do the very thing they once loved; something that was the backbone of their career happiness.It could be the baseball player who gets injured after the draft or the driving instructor who suddenly goes blind. More realistically, it’s the sales executive who develops a fear of public speaking. Or the swimmer who feels allergic to water. Maybe even the blogger who … [Read more...] about Do You Have a Career Backup Plan?