Odds are you’re all gifted out and getting ready to focus your attention on 2007 and the obligatory New Year’s resolutions. Listen, you’ll still eat like a pig when no one is looking, you’ll never exercise regularly and you’ll still park like an asshole.
The GOOD news is that a new study shows that almost 75% of people who make career resolutions actually keep them.
Rather then give you the typical "brush up that resume" type resolution, our resident career counselors are hard at work preparing a great segment for our podcast relaunch on 01.01.07 that will give you some fresh and new things to strive for.
Making resolutions is easy. Keeping them is hard. Here are some tips from Online Recruitment Magazine on sticking to your guns and making 2007 the best year ever!
1. Choose a resolution that’s meaningful. Resolve comes easier when it is focused on something specific. Forget your list of 10, go with two!
2. Be realistic. Everyone has setbacks, so don’t give up if you break your resolution during the transitional period. Give yourself time to change, and treat yourself fairly.
3. Make resolutions as a family. Having a common goal allows family members to support one another in keeping the resolution, and gain quality together time in the process.
4. Have a buddy. Recruit a friend or co-worker, beyond a family member, who can offer additional support when the going gets tough. Having a buddy also means you have another person who is aware of your goal, which can be a motivating factor as well. (Like staying positive at work!)
5. See the future. Motivation comes from envisioning how you will benefit from the change. When the going gets tough, think about how your life will be better. For example, will you have an exciting new job? Use this vision to spur yourself on towards your goal.
We’d also love it if you resolve to subscribe to this blog! Your comments and feedback are always appreciated!
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