At some point in your career, you may begin to wonder if it is a good idea to get a master's degree. A master's degree can open up a lot of new career possibilities, allowing you to go significantly further in your career. However, earning a master's degree requires a lot of time, effort and money, and it can be a very challenging task for people who are holding a full-time job. If you are considering whether it is worthwhile to pursue a master's degree while working, the following information may be helpful to you. Pros of Getting a Master's Degree While Working Career Advancement If you have a master's degree, you will be eligible for a higher-level position in your company or elsewhere. Such a position is usually more financially and professionally rewarding. Getting a promotion will increase your decision-making power and make you a more important asset to your company. … [Read more...] about Should You Get a Master’s Degree While Working?
Career Advice
7 Bad Work Habits To Avoid
As our daily work routines become the norm, we develop habits that help us progress through the day. Many of these habits are beneficial to our work but some can be detrimental and often we may not be aware of, or do little to correct them. This in time can have a negative effect on our experience of work, lessen the possibilities for career development, and can even risk our employment. 1. Poor Planning Poor or lack of planning will result in disorganized working patterns. This can lead to missed deadlines, incomplete work and can create unnecessary stress. Simple measures such as planning a schedule for outstanding work in order of priority will create more efficient, productive and less stressful working conditions. 2. Putting Personal Life Before Work At times we all have to take time off work for unavoidable personal appointments that occur during working hours, and the occasional personal phone call or time spent on social media is overlooked by most employers. However, this … [Read more...] about 7 Bad Work Habits To Avoid
Organizing the Work Halloween Party
Halloween has been a popular celebration for children for many years, particularly in the United States, and in recent years has crossed over to adults and even become a good excuse for a work Halloween party! Done right, celebrating this occasion at work can be a great staff morale booster and team building experience, you'll get to see a different side to your colleagues, get to interact with staff members you would otherwise have little chance to meet on a regular working day, and an opportunity to show a side of yourself, away from your work persona. It's also a chance to demonstrate talents such as organizing, planning and creative skills, as well maybe hidden skills such as story and joking telling! Do and don'ts Do encourage creativity Part of the joy of Halloween is showing off your creative costume ideas. Do arrange games Choose games appropriate for your working environment. These could be judging the most creative or original costume idea, awards for best decorated … [Read more...] about Organizing the Work Halloween Party
How to "Refresh" Your Current Job
In an ideal world, once you become bored with your current job, you search and apply for others, have a few interviews, and then pick your preferred choice from the offerings. Unfortunately, it seldom works like that. Financial commitments, lack of employment in your area, and lack of skills and available training often mean the only choice is staying in your current employment. However, if you can't change your job, the next best thing is to refresh it! Ask for a pay rise Not many things can ignite new enthusiasm for a job than a healthy increase in your salary. Work towards a promotion Look and apply for progression in your job if there are career prospects available. Stretching your mind and developing your skills and abilities will stop you getting bored and will help develop a sense of accomplishment in your job. … [Read more...] about How to "Refresh" Your Current Job
Breaking the Late to Work Habit
There are many habits that can have negative consequences for your job but, of all of them, being late for work is one of the most common. Being late on more then the odd occasion can result in negative outcomes, probably the most serious being losing your job. Even if your boss is lenient enough to put up with your bad timekeeping, chances are your behavior may hinder your chances for promotion, more responsibility or even a pay rise. Not only does being late for work risk these serious outcomes, it also won't probably be doing you any good either. You'll not feel good about yourself for doing it, the rushing to get to work and avoid being late will create stress, and you won't feel as you've got a handle on your life if your working day regularly starts off badly. The good news is breaking this bad and potentially career damaging habit can easily be achieved with the will and desire to change. Get a good nights sleep Running late in the morning is often a consequence of having a bad … [Read more...] about Breaking the Late to Work Habit
Dead End Job? Is Your Career Better Off Than a Year Ago?
Do you know if you are in a better place in your career than a year ago? Do you know how to tell if your stalled in your job field? Or worse yet, you're in a dead end job? There are some very telling ways to understand when you're just treading water in the pool of business. Dead end job? You're Still Doing the Same Thing Has your job description or job title not changed for a few years? If so, you may want to assess your spot in the company. This can be a big red flag of a dead end job that they do not see you in other roles or suited for a higher position. However, this could also be because you are perfectly suited for your spot and they can't fathom you being elsewhere. If this bothers you, tell them that you are looking to rise in the company and seek their suggestions. … [Read more...] about Dead End Job? Is Your Career Better Off Than a Year Ago?
30 Motivational Quotes for Work
In today’s business world, motivational quotes for work can help keep you moving forward. Some companies give their employees opportunities to find inspiration through team building activities, retreats, and visits from guest speakers. Others learn from books and instructional videos. Another great source of inspiration for business employees can be motivational quotes for work. Sometimes, quotes can be the catalyst in igniting a spark for a new idea in the business world. Quotes can give a person the push they need to make a difference in their careers. If you need a jumping off point, here are some great quotes to get your business juices flowing. … [Read more...] about 30 Motivational Quotes for Work
Networking Tips: How to Keep in Touch with Former Colleagues
Ah, the familiar sight of the ‘Goodbye and Good Luck’ card – a staple purchase for workers who want to send their parting colleagues off with a ‘Bon Voyage.’ But as a receiver of one of these cards, what are you supposed to do about all the messages that say ‘keep in touch?’ I mean, what does ‘keeping in touch’ specifically entail? It’s easy to blush and feel awkward as you say your goodbyes, but don’t make false promises. Keeping in touch with old colleagues doesn’t have to feel weird. In fact, here are some tips on how you can successfully maintain good relationships with the people you used to work with without coming off as some kind of crazed stalker – or worse, someone who only uses their ex-workmates to get ahead. Why Bother Staying in Touch? If you are looking for a new job, or are looking to get promoted, having a network of contacts in your address book can help you succeed. Many jobs are filled by word of mouth and guess who knows your employment history, your interests … [Read more...] about Networking Tips: How to Keep in Touch with Former Colleagues
5 Tips To Manage Personal Internet Use in the Workplace
The Internet is essential to the operation of most businesses today, and allowing your employees to access the World Wide Web is a necessity. However, this opens up the possibility that workers will use the Internet for personal reasons during working hours, resulting in lost productivity. By following these 5 tips for managing personal Internet use in the workplace, you can avoid lost productivity without feeling the need to stand over your employees’ shoulders. Develop a Policy Develop a clear policy for personal Internet use, and make sure everyone is aware of it. … [Read more...] about 5 Tips To Manage Personal Internet Use in the Workplace
Understanding Motivation at Work
Motivation at work is a key element to running a successful business and being successful in your career. To be able to maximize production, performance and results, everyone involved has to be motivated to achieving the best possible outcomes. There are two main ways to create motivation, either by avoidance or desire, more commonly known as the carrot or stick approach. The Avoidance Approach Avoidance (or the stick approach) is about moving away from the negative, doing what is needed to prevent something unwanted from happening such as the fear of missing a deadline or fear of failing to produce a clients order as requested. This approach relies on having a fear of the outcome in order to invoke the fight or flight response, which in turn stimulates cortisol and adrenaline levels. Higher levels of these hormones help focus the mind and body to find a solution to avoid the negative outcome. This approach can be very effective for urgent situations and short term problems … [Read more...] about Understanding Motivation at Work