Consider this scenario: you've got one day left to complete a final project that's worth 30% of your grade. Then, that afternoon, your boss tells you he needs you to stay late and help him with a work emergency. What do you do? Which priority takes place: your full-time job or your online degree? If you're an online student who also works full-time, you know the challenges associated with earning a living while furthering your education. Indeed, working and taking classes, while also maintaining your grades and meeting outside obligations, can be difficult, to say the least. It's the rare online degree student who hasn't had at least one of these conflicting priority scenarios come up, whether it's the boss who asks you to stay late or the online group project that can only meet during working hours. … [Read more...] about Getting Your Degree While Keeping Your Job
Career Advice
Tax Credit System, Employability & Businesses
Companies of any size need to keep in mind certain regulations related to taxation. While it is mostly looked upon as a business expense, there are advantages that companies can reap from taxation as well. In fact, an optimal business strategy is initiated based not only on product/service/market knowledge, but also through the application of tax based incentives. The existence of different tax brackets means financial leverage is be quite diverse in large and small businesses. Tax matters are linked to corporate governance, and there is a need for a set of processes and policies to manage the impact. … [Read more...] about Tax Credit System, Employability & Businesses
How an Online Savings Account Taught Me About Financial Strategy
I got my first salaried job after three years of temping and retail, and was very excited to finally bring in enough money to start planning for the future. I didn't know what that future was going to be -- a wedding? a baby? retirement? a crazy round-the-world adventure? -- but I knew that I needed to start setting money aside to make it happen. I earned $42,000 that first year working as an administrative assistant at an insurance company, and by the end of the year had saved $7,000. This is right on target; finance experts recommend that you should save approximately 20% of your after-tax paycheck, and I had saved just a bit over that key percentage. However, $7,000 didn't seem like all that much. Maybe it was enough for a round-the-world trip, but it certainly wasn't enough for buying a home, or even buying a new car. And I could forget about retirement; if I only saved $7,000 each year, it would take me four years of working to save for one year's worth of retirement expenses, … [Read more...] about How an Online Savings Account Taught Me About Financial Strategy
Annual Review: Why You Should Be Happy With a 2.5% Pay Raise
For many office workers, the end of the year means annual review time, and if you're lucky, a raise. For most folks, these raises will be in the low single-digit percentages, usually between 1 and 3%. When you first do the math, it's hard to get excited about such a nominal increase. In fact, in my experience, many workers become angry and disappointed over such a "small" raise after an annual review. But once you step back, take a deep breath, and become grateful for what you have, you will see that this money can make a difference in your life. If you're making $50,000 a year and get a 3% raise, you're looking at around $40 more in your pocket per check. Are you getting rich, no. But if you have a plan to spend this new found money, you can help advance your career and put your finances in better order. Here are a few ways Jobacle recommends spending your raise after your annual review. … [Read more...] about Annual Review: Why You Should Be Happy With a 2.5% Pay Raise
Should I Call in Sick to Work?
Being sick is bad enough, but being sick and feeling like you still have to go to work can take it to another level. There is a lot of guilt and worry about taking time off work when suffering from illness. Pressure from the boss, an ever increasing pile in the in-tray, important meetings, and dead-lines to meet can all make a convincing argument that going in while you are feeling terrible is the right thing to do. In fact, going to work when you are not well enough can be counter-productive and potentially irresponsible. Before you take yourself in to work when you are feeling like death warmed up, consider the following: Can you do your job properly? Consider how well you can perform your duties, will you be physically able to do the tasks required and will you have the ability to concentrate. It's worth considering that, although you turn up for work, colleagues may still be doing much of the work for you to keep up the slack. You run of the risk of making mistakes through an … [Read more...] about Should I Call in Sick to Work?
Thanksgiving at Work
Thanksgiving is a time when you traditionally think about time spent with family and friends. Although this is true, there is no reason not to celebrate this wonderful time and show thanks with colleagues at work as well. After all, work is where you earn a wage to live on, and where and who you spent a large proportion of your time. And for some, having holiday from work at this time isn't possible. If this is the case, there are still ways to celebrate this festival, in the true spirit of being thankful. Potluck Potluck is a great way to share favorite thanksgiving foods with co-workers. A time is designated at work for the thanksgiving meal. Each member of staff brings in a food that is a particular favorite in their family, made following their own individual recipes. As the meal is enjoyed, each person shares with the others why their meal is special to them, sharing not only the food but the meaning and associations behind it. … [Read more...] about Thanksgiving at Work
How to Be Professional When Calling in Sick
Calling in sick is something most of us have to do from time to time but, for many, there are worries associated with calling in sick even when there is a genuine need to do so. The current economic climate has made job security a real concern for many, with a fear that taking time off due to illness may be seen in an unfavorable light by employers. This can result in many struggling into work ill, rather than resting and recovering at home. Knowing how to take a professional approach to calling in sick can take some of the worry out of informing your employer. It can also help you to take responsibility for doing what is in yours and your co-workers best interest i.e. getting better before returning to work. One of the biggest problems in this situation is deciding if your illness warrants you taking time off work. It may seem like the right idea to continue working, but there are several points you need to consider before choosing to take yourself into work if you are ill. Being a … [Read more...] about How to Be Professional When Calling in Sick
The Best Career Books for Coworker Gifts
Books are a great gift for coworkers. Even the worst book has something to offer, as it opens up our horizons and make us reflect on things we haven't thought before. There are books that even people who are not particularly fond of reading will enjoy. The key, when you are looking for a book to offer as a gift, is to find one that is well-written, relevant to your colleague's interests, easy to read in terms of font and short enough to be thorough and interesting but not too heavy. Following you will find a list of the best career books for coworker gifts. These books are motivational, inspirational and practical and they can help people improve their career, work-life balance and level of fulfillment at the workplace. When you get one for your coworker, don't forget to pick a copy for yourself as well! The 4-hour workweek by Timothy Ferriss Tim is an exceptional young man who, after going to Princeton, managed to start his own health supplement company and run it with the help of … [Read more...] about The Best Career Books for Coworker Gifts
The Longest Aussies Stay With a Job
Australians, like most other people, do not usually stay at one job—or even in one field—for the entirety of their working lives. But, as one might expect, the time spent in the same job varies from person to person, generation to generation, and age group to age group, among other things. This variation within factors is fascinating to observe, and thanks to Valued Opinions™ online surveys in Australia, we can see some trends. Here's what you need to know about job longevity for Australians. Initial Jobs The job landscape has altered dramatically over the previous years and decades in Australia. Australian workers decades ago would usually enter the workforce in a field that they hoped to build a career in. Slowly, over time—and due largely to innovation, technology, and the infinitely more diverse modern market—first jobs became more about getting your foot in the door, making connections, and saving money, and less about landing your long term job on the first shot. … [Read more...] about The Longest Aussies Stay With a Job
Practice What You Preach: Good Money-Management for Finance Students
There are certain expectations that come with life and one is the ability to manage personal finances a little better than your peers. Surely someone studying finance should know how to balance their own books better than a history, engineering or drama student? Well, when it comes to money management, book smarts don’t always translate into street smarts. Those opting for an undergraduate major in finance are just as capable of running into a personal budget crisis as anyone else. If you’re thinking of choosing finance course or already belong to this group, here are a few ways you can apply your macro knowledge on a micro scale. Determine Your Income As your finance professors will teach you, an income statement is one of the essential tools for determining a company’s financial health. There’s no reason you can’t apply this to your own life. Keep track of all your incoming funds - your monthly salary from that part-time pub gig, money from mum and dad, etc. - and balance … [Read more...] about Practice What You Preach: Good Money-Management for Finance Students