When sending a job interview thank you email you'll want to make sure you're attention to detail is immaculate. Virtually every "How to Nail a Job Interview" includes a closing tip that emphasizes the importance of sending a thank you letter to the company. Although a thank you letter cements your high caliber interview performance, the method for expressing your gratitude has changed from typing out a thank you letter to sending your appreciation via email. Does sending a job interview thank you letter via electronic mail differ much from sending one via snail mail? The answer is no, except you need to include "Thank You" in the subject line of your email to grab the attention of the interviewer. After that, everything else about a job interview thank you letter follows the same game plan. … [Read more...] about Job Interview Thank You Email Tips
Career Advice
My Boss Plays Favorites – Now What?
My boss plays favorites. Help! The ideal work environment includes a level playing field for you and your professional peers. However, the ideal work environment is about as common as a unicorn sighting, so get used to working for a boss that plays favorites. It's one of the three facts of life, along with death and taxes. “Favoritism is absolutely seen in most offices, big or small,” says Ryan Kahn, a career coach and author of Hired! The Guide for the Recent Grad. According to a research study released by Georgetown University, 92% of business executives polled stated they play favorites at work. … [Read more...] about My Boss Plays Favorites – Now What?
8 Reasons for Leaving a Job
According to the National Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American holds 11 jobs throughout his or her professional career. With an average career span of 44 years, the average American moves onto another job every four years. That is plenty of experience for an American worker to create a list of reasons for leaving a job. We move on to brighter professional pastures, but we must account for why we leave jobs. You have several scenarios for explaining why you left a job, with three scenarios unfolding the most often. … [Read more...] about 8 Reasons for Leaving a Job
Skills That Entrepreneurs Must Possess
With so many start-ups coming up globally, it has become evident that everyone is trying to create a niche for themselves. There is a starting point for every business venture and almost every budding entrepreneur is boggled by the question, “Can I do it?” Some of the biggest entrepreneurs of today had the same question in mind years back when they started their business venture. Right from Bill Gates to Mark Zuckerberg, from Larry Ellison to Michael Bloomberg, from Jason Camper to Sergey Brin – everyone had doubts. But all these people had some excellent entrepreneurial skills, which helped them in surging ahead in business and make a place where they are in today. … [Read more...] about Skills That Entrepreneurs Must Possess
How to Make Time Go Faster at Work in 5 Easy Steps
Wondering how to make time go faster at work, eh? Well, it's an artform, and we all have our own unique ways to do it. That's because there are simply days where we find ourselves counting the seconds until we can leave. Everything feels slowed down, and we can't take it anymore! It just seems that no matter how much we have to do, or if we have nothing to do at all, that the hands on the clock tick by just a little bit slower. This is a handy guide for those kinds of days! … [Read more...] about How to Make Time Go Faster at Work in 5 Easy Steps
New Year, New Career: How to Prepare for a Career Change
Has a new year new career attitude taken a hold of your soul? The New Year produces resolution lists that make a difference in our lives for about two weeks after the big crystal ball descends in Times Square. Sure, we adhere to an improved diet and new workout regimen until Super Bowl Sunday. That is, if we have the discipline to follow our new lifestyles for an entire month. Most of us discard our New Year's resolutions as about as fast as The Bachelor discards a new courtship. However, one New Year resolution requires all of your attention. Making a career change to mark the New Year involves implementing several strategies. … [Read more...] about New Year, New Career: How to Prepare for a Career Change
Define Authority vs. Responsibility (and don’t forget accountability!)
Job interviews unfold with a series of questions intended to test the professional mettle of aspiring candidates. Many recruiters want to know if the candidates that sit in front of them understand the differences between authority and responsibility. You might have to answer the question, "Define authority and how it relates to responsibility." Savvy job candidates invariably add a little substance by discussing the meaning of accountability, and how it connects authority and responsibility. If it all sounds confusing, don't fret. After reading the following succinct explanation, you should nail the common job interview questions for managers, as well as understand how to implement authority and responsibility principles on the job. … [Read more...] about Define Authority vs. Responsibility (and don’t forget accountability!)
Holiday Team Building Ideas
The time of year that brings us carols and hot chocolate also needs to bring us holiday team building ideas that make professional stress an afterthought. The Christmas holiday season creates more stress than the stress created during any other time of the year. From planning holiday feasts to purchasing gifts for the family, the iconic chant of ""Ho, ho, ho" has turned into the frantic "Go, go, go." Stress turns up a notch in the workplace, as companies place pressure on employees to meet end of year deadlines, while staying well below budget. Charity Starts at Work Charitable work performed by the private sector increases significantly during the holidays. Make charity work an exciting event by running a contest that rewards everyone for their hard work raising money and/or goods for charity. Divide department teams into between four and eight employees and allow each team to create a charity drive that benefits a non-profit organization. Each team selects a charity and a financial … [Read more...] about Holiday Team Building Ideas
Why Do You Want This Job? How to Answer…And Why It’s Really Asked
The words "why do you want this job" are uttered in 9 out of every 10 job interviews. And job interviews can make the most stoic poker faces turn into sweaty messes. After all, how often do we answer questions that determine our future career paths? It all starts with the "Tell Me About Yourself" question that although not really a question, sets the stage for the rest of the interview. In fact, many experienced job interviewers make up their minds after the first answer to interview questions. If you somehow manage to pass this question with flying colors, get ready for the next question that typically follows immediately or closely after "Tell Me Abut Yourself." … [Read more...] about Why Do You Want This Job? How to Answer…And Why It’s Really Asked
How to Be a Great Manager
The 2011 World Series clearly presented the differences between good and great managers. For every move Tony LaRussa made, Texas Rangers manager Ron Washington had no answer. The stark differences in management skills between good and great managers are also readily apparent in the workplace. Legendary leadership guru Peter Drucker created several theories based on observation that defined great management skills. The Drucker Way on How to Be a Great Manager Drucker passed away in 2005, but his legacy endures in defining how to be a great manager. He maintained throughout his career and within the voluminous books that he wrote that leadership comprises only one-albeit, and important one-component of great management skills. Drucker never over-analyzed what made great managers. He predicted his theories on the axiom that successful managers demonstrated the professional skills to do things the right way. … [Read more...] about How to Be a Great Manager