While a Great Depression is unlikely, it looks like it will be quite some time before the U.S. economy smiles upon us again.Since you don't have much control over your company's financial situation, you need to make sure you are ready if the sh*t hits the fan. Here are seven tips for increasing your marketability in a shaky economy, compliments from LiveMocha.1. Optimize technology. The more you know about technology, the better. Be familiar not only with the basics (MS office suite, email, SMS and IM), but also the newest types of business presentation software, interactive meeting software, social networks, and more. Advancements in technology are happening all around us, so there's no doubt they are touching your business or field too. If there's a new development that will revolutionize your industry, find out how you can get training online, through a professional development service, or at a local community college.2. Learn a foreign language. With increased globalization, … [Read more...] about 7 Ways to Increase Your Marketability
Career Advice
Impose 'The No Complaining Rule' Today
It's a two-word lesson reinforced over 143 pages: No Complaining. With millions of people struggling for ways to introduce positive life into their work experience, "The No Complaining Rule," by bestselling author Jon Gordon, joins the ever-growing self-help career aisle at your local bookstore. You might not uncover anything groundbreaking, but this easily digestible book goes down smoothly. In fact, over the course of several lunch hours, you can easily ingest the antidote for negativity. Spawned from a policy imposed by a heathcare staffing company, the book centers around Hope, an HR VP at the fictional EZ-Tech. Mired in a personal and professional slump, Hope is challenged by the company's CEO to help turnaround employee morale and breathe some fresh air into the corporate culture. Can she do it? Of course she can! What would a book on positive attitude be without a happy ending? Each day, irrespective of what's thrown in front of us, we will have a choice; to go positive or to … [Read more...] about Impose 'The No Complaining Rule' Today
They WILL Talk About You When You're Gone
His name echoes throughout the hallway at work, spoken as if he were a celebrity, royalty, infamous. Even though he put his two weeks' notice in two years ago, he is spoken about as if he were still part of the team. Yes, it's fair to say that Ant, a former programmer at my current gig, sewed himself into the fabric of my corporation.Since Ant had the unique opportunity to code an entire website on his own—and not explain to anyone what he did—he certainly left his mark.As certain as you'll pay taxes and eventually die, there's another inescapable fact of life—one that is rarely talked about.THEY WILL TALK ABOUT YOU WHEN YOU'RE GONE.We're not talking about the afterlife. Rather, bolting from a gig.Read more at US News & World Report. … [Read more...] about They WILL Talk About You When You're Gone
Breaking Up Is Hard; Work Can Help
“I think we should just be friends.” “It’s not you, it’s me.”Returning to work after a break up (or other types of personal angst) can certainly be a tough pill to swallow.We’ve all had those days at work that just seem unbearable. Whether it’s because of a break up, a fight with a friend/husband/family member, or other personal drama, work can develop into a self-inflicted prison.So what do you do? Treat work as an escape, a refuge, a safe haven. (Read more of Victor Kipling's 'Work as a Benefit')Use work as an avenue to pleasantly disengage your brain from the unrelenting what ifs, what happens now, and the tortuous blame games.Here are a few steps to start the healing process and get you back on track at work.1. The honest and unfortunate truth is that depending on the severity of your situation, escaping into work will not always be immediately possible. Each drama-filled situation is unique and it typically will require a few recovery days. Embrace these recovery days, whether … [Read more...] about Breaking Up Is Hard; Work Can Help
Big Brother Is Knocking at My Cubicle
Part of being a middle manager requires keeping tabs on what your subordinates are working on. The goal is to do this without being intrusive, yet staying aware and in control. So when applications come along that streamline the process and tear down the walls between employees and managers, you would think there would be an ice cream party in the conference room.I'll leave it for you to decide if Yammer, winner of the TechCrunch 50, is the ultimate micromanaging tool or if it's the communication breakthrough that thousands of career strategy books have been unable to uncover.As you likely know, Twitter is the micro-blogging site that asks you 'What are you doing?' Registered users post updates on the Web via computer or mobile device that are under 140 characters in length. Yammer puts a twist on the question, asking users 'What's happening at your company?'Each users' updates are centralized on a single page, giving employees the opportunity to discuss ideas, ask … [Read more...] about Big Brother Is Knocking at My Cubicle
Stop Touching the Thermostat!
I've never heard of anyone suffering from heat stroke or hypothermia at the office, but that doesn't mean the masses are comfortable. Thermoregulation might make it tolerable, but temperature swings can still affect moods and productivity. Most offices are comprised of a diverse workforce; 250lb. men and 95lb. women, all from different backgrounds and cultures, each with different proclivities to the elements. What if there was a way to give each person their own personal climate control? Cold and hot at extremes are both uncomfortable, but, in my opinion, if the office is cold, you have more options. You can always slip on a sweater; you can't however, take off your top (assuming, of course, you're not working an "adult" club. And it should be noted that at least two strippers read Jobacle). You also have the option to flip on a portable space heater to warm up, drink a hot beverage or by taking a brisk stroll (assuming you're not anchored to your desk). Cooler … [Read more...] about Stop Touching the Thermostat!
10 Tips on How to Make Work Go By Faster
Wondering how to make work go by faster? Join the club! Here are some tactics we employ. Let’s face it: Some days are better than others. This is true, whether you’re at home or on the job. Everyone has days that seem to last forever when they’re at work. Sometimes you have other things on your mind, or you just can’t seem to get started on the latest project. What follows is a list of some things you can do each day to pace yourself and help the day go by faster. 1. Leave your problems at the door. It’s not always easy to do this, but focusing on work when you’re at work, and home when you’re at home, will help you significantly. It makes no sense to dwell on things you can’t take care of in the now. 2. Set small, achievable goals. If you are trudging through a project and not making any headway, set some milestones for yourself to make sure you are getting things done at an acceptable pace. You’ll feel more accomplished as you reach each goal. 3. Reward … [Read more...] about 10 Tips on How to Make Work Go By Faster
The Power of Reciprocity at Work
From Christianity to Buddhism, almost all of the major world religions believe that the more you give, the more you get in return.Making the place you work the best place possible falls on your shoulders. Help make the office a better space by giving until you drop.It's not just giving; it's the intention behind giving. You have to want to make it really count without motive or selfishness. Mutual action, or the power of reciprocity, starts with YOU.What can you give?Read more at U.S. News & World Report. … [Read more...] about The Power of Reciprocity at Work
How to Handle Political Talk at the Office
Do you proudly sport your “I voted today!” sticker at work after voting day? Is your car adorned with bumper sticker after bumper sticker proclaiming your love for the candidate of your choice? Do you willingly engage in political debates at work?With the conventions beginning for both parties (Democratic has started, Republican is Sep 1-4) and veeps chosen or on the way to being picked, it seems inevitable for politics to be on our radar. With the Olympics finally out of the picture, the media has picked up the pieces and filled the void by dominating the news with political story after political story. But this does pose a question that many of you have probably already faced: how appropriate is it to talk politics at work? Does anything good come from discussing politics?Political talk is often referred to one of the “fearsome foursome”-sex, money, religion, and politics- that should be avoided at work. Perhaps politics is the scariest of the four … [Read more...] about How to Handle Political Talk at the Office
Line of Succession at Your Job
You never know who’s a ‘heartbeat away.’ With every presidential election, the hype of the veepstakes seems to reach new heights. Even though succession has only come into play nine times in America's history (barring a temporary pass of power), it is a pivotal issue on voter's mind in '08. Is McCain's age a liability? Is Obama a marked man because of his race? Jobacle has no clue. What we do know is that important posts are vacated all of the time - most frequently, at your office. The difference is you don't get the comfort of a line of succession.The president gets replaced by the vice president; then the Speaker of the House; then the president pro tempore of the Senate; then by the Secretary of State; and so on. You and your boss? You get replaced by ???While it's nothing you should put too much stock into, examining who could potentially fill your boss' role, or even a colleagues’, is a smart, forward-thinking play that is highly … [Read more...] about Line of Succession at Your Job