Wondering how to make work go by faster? Join the club! Here are some tactics we employ.
Let’s face it: Some days are better than others. This is true, whether you’re at home or on the job. Everyone has days that seem to last forever when they’re at work. Sometimes you have other things on your mind, or you just can’t seem to get started on the latest project. What follows is a list of some things you can do each day to pace yourself and help the day go by faster.
1. Leave your problems at the door. It’s not always easy to do this, but focusing on work when you’re at work, and home when you’re at home, will help you significantly. It makes no sense to dwell on things you can’t take care of in the now.
2. Set small, achievable goals. If you are trudging through a project and not making any headway, set some milestones for yourself to make sure you are getting things done at an acceptable pace. You’ll feel more accomplished as you reach each goal.
3. Reward yourself. After you reach your goals, reward yourself with a cup of coffee or a trip to the water cooler. Waiting until you’ve accomplished something will make the reward that much sweeter. So while you are wondering how to make work go by faster, do something that sets you up for a reward!
4. Develop some office camaraderie. Make some friends at work if you don’t have some already. If you do have some friends at the office, maintain these relationships. There’s nothing that helps a day go by faster than good company.
5. Create some healthy competition. Another way to help the day go by is to create some interoffice competition. Whether it’s who can make the most sales calls, or who can get their reports turned in with no mistakes, this strategy increases productivity and helps the time fly by.
6. Listen to some enjoyable music. Without bothering anyone around you, see if it’s okay to listen to something you like. It will make you more comfortable and happy and is great as long as it doesn’t become a distraction.
7. Keep a journal. Writing your thoughts down throughout the day is an amazing way to keep track of how you spend your time. Schedule in five minutes at the beginning, middle, and end of each day to reflect on your work.
8. Intersperse your work with a little “you time.” Take a few minutes to check your email, write a note to your significant other, or look at some pictures of your family. Sometimes we just need a little reminder of why we’re doing what we’re doing.
9. Move around. When you’re starting to get bogged down, get up and move about the office for a few minutes. Changing the scenery can help re-center your thoughts. If a coworker asks how to make work go by faster, simply suggest a stroll to the office vending machine.
10. Go for a walk. If getting up and around the office isn’t quite working, excuse yourself and go for a quick walk outside. Enjoy the weather, clear your head, then get back in there and finish up your work. You’ll feel much better when you return.
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