It's true – I’ve pretty much always been on the "glass-is-half-empty" team. But I vowed this year to work on taking on a more optimistic perspective. I’ll let you know how that goes. Talk to me when we get through this winter first; no positive thoughts are going to be associated with this mess. … [Read more...] about Ditch Negativity
How to Focus on Work After a Tragedy
Works sucks. Work sucks more on a Monday. Works sucks a ridiculous amount more after a vacation. But do you know when work sucks the most? It's after a senseless and incomprehensible tragedy. Trump. Mother Nature. Lone Wolf, asshole. Whatever. There's nothing like a shitstorm to cast a fleeting light on your own mortality. And of course the life and death of those you love. … [Read more...] about How to Focus on Work After a Tragedy
How Can Inner Restructuring Transform Your Career and Life?
Career is of paramount importance for anyone who aims to live a luxurious and successful life. When a graduate exits from college and enters the corporate world, he is full of new ideas and enthusiasm to change the business scenario and carve a niche. But soon everything changes, once the passionate and optimistic guy turns hostile and lacks the motivation to even go to the office every day. Ever wondered why? He gets a taste of reality and understands that he just another employee who has to deal with demanding bosses, employees with a different mindset and amidst all the chaos he has to meet the targets. … [Read more...] about How Can Inner Restructuring Transform Your Career and Life?
Student Job Hunting for New Freelance Writing Gigs
Being independent is the boldest step that every student takes after a certain point of time. They desire to be financially and socially independent and do things what they want to. In this scenario, freelancing is an interesting mode of work which can be done by any student from anywhere in the world. … [Read more...] about Student Job Hunting for New Freelance Writing Gigs
General Guidelines About Getting a Job After College
This essay is about getting work after college. In general, the theory is straightforward enough; you graduate from college, you begin applying for work, you get a call or an email from a prospective employer, you go to an interview and you get it or not. … [Read more...] about General Guidelines About Getting a Job After College
How to Let an Employee Go Like a Human: 12 Tips for Firing Someone
If you are scouring the web looking for the best way on how to let an employee go, we have some cold hard truth for you: firing someone sucks. It sucks for you, and it's likely even worse for them. However, if it's your first time bringing down the ax, we've put together some pointers that will hopefully ease the pain of firing someone. 12 Tips on How to Let an Employee Go Try to do it early. Many organizations will fire people at the end of the day to get them off the property with as little hubbub possible. But when you are the person who has to do the firing, that means an entire day of obsessing over the dreaded task. Nothing fuels an anxiety fire like anticipation, so do what you can to get the deed done early in the day. Don't throw up or pass out. I know it sounds silly, but you can't underestimate how difficult it is making a decision for somebody that can impact their entire life. Of course, you need to remind yourself that they most likely made the decision for … [Read more...] about How to Let an Employee Go Like a Human: 12 Tips for Firing Someone
How To Create A Friendlier, More Profitable Business
Ultimately, any business is a people business. While products or services are the end products of a business, it’s only what the products or services do for people that really matter. People don’t buy a 3-hole paper punch because they want more stationery, they buy it because they want enough holes to neatly bind their paperwork into a folder. And they don’t buy a computer because they want a plastic box on their desk, but because they want the ability to surf the net, or create a budget on a spreadsheet, or connect with friends on Facebook. … [Read more...] about How To Create A Friendlier, More Profitable Business
Work Crush? These Books Can Help
If you have a work crush, you are not alone! We spend more time with the people that we work with than the time we spend with friends and family members. So, it should not surprise anyone that the workplace provides the fertile setting for romantic relationships to evolve. Sure, late night romances abound in watering holes, but most of those romances last as long as a Kim Kardashian-inspired reality show. Work crushes are the rule, not the exception. How do you deal with that loving feeling? You read books to help you navigate a work crush. What You Need to Know The best books to help you navigate a work crush focus on four central recommendations. You may not need to learn each of the four recommendations, but you should have the recommendations in mind every time a co-worker lights the flame of your passion. There is a Difference between Feeling and Acting You can enjoy a feeling, without ever acting on it. This may sound counterintuitive, as most people believe it's … [Read more...] about Work Crush? These Books Can Help
Introverts at Work: A Survival Guide
2019Introverts typically harness their energy and maximize their productivity in quiet work environments. So, how does an introvert make it in the bustling business world? Surely, introverts cannot thrive in an environment of constant interaction. After all, introverts are better suited for working at home, with nothing but the family dog to act as an agent of social interaction. However, introverts comprise a vital part of successful small businesses, as it takes all kinds to create dynamic work environments. Although constant stimulation and social interaction wear on introverts at work can take several steps to survive in the workplace. Find Your Rabbit Hole Introverts need workspaces where they can disappear like rabbits that burrow into a hole in the ground. Work environments that produce excessive noise distract the most focused introverts at work. Anyone who needs quiet work environments should search for conference rooms or other workspaces that no other employee … [Read more...] about Introverts at Work: A Survival Guide
The Coworker Crush Is GOOD for the Office
I am a fan of the coworker crush. Sorry managers, CEOs, and company presidents, it's the truth. Before you start lecturing me on the hundreds of lost hours as workers canoodle behind the copy machine...and scare everyone about expensive sexual harassment lawsuits...hear me out. Workplace attraction, if held in check, can benefit the company in several ways. Let's get romantic this Valentine's Day and look at a few ways that a crush on a coworker can be a plus to all parties involved. - Work harder. You want to show the object of your affection that you're more than just a pretty face. So when you have a coworker crush you will go out of your way to succeed at your job. This can have a spillover effect and impact the company in a positive way. Perhaps you're burning the midnight oil to land that client that will impress your crush (and the boss!). - Dress better. Workers who are trying to impress their colleagues tend to spend more time on their appearance. In turn, … [Read more...] about The Coworker Crush Is GOOD for the Office