1. Make Sure You Take Your Break Pretty obvious, but one that we've all been guilty of not doing at one time or another I'm sure! Get in the habit of taking your break. There's always more that can be done, but by actually taking a break you are much more likely to be efficient when you return.2. Eat Healthily It can be tempting to quickly eat a sandwich or whatever is easiest or graze on snack foods throughout the day whilst at work, but taking the time to plan a healthy lunch is important for your health. Be proactive and plan what suits your tastes, health and budget and ensure you take time to eat well during your workday. 3. Nap Not getting enough sleep? Getting enough sleep, but know you benefit from a nap? Either way, napping is a win-win. I know it isn't always easy to find somewhere to nap when you're at work, but with a little creativity there is often somewhere you can find. I used to take a nap in my car when I worked in my last office job. I would drive to a quiet road … [Read more...] about 5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Lunch Break
Career Advice Blog
Increase Your Job Search Success by Using Perfect Resume Sample
While determining the resume requirement, it is written to communicate your skills, qualifications, and interest to serve particular types of functions. Hence, it performs the function of a tool; it needs to be effective and powerful to gain the desired effect. Take coordinated efforts to define your profile summary well, and catch the employer's attention. Get online resume help to enhance the professional format and design equally well suited content matter. Increase your job search success: You can increase your job search success by using a perfect resume sample that will serve the resume writing requirements. To know, how to improve your job search success, go through the given guidelines or features. Communication tool: Handle resume as an effective communication tool, that will introduce you to the organization, for the first time. Create good impression by utilizing such opportunity in every possible aspect, and bring a close coordination in your career … [Read more...] about Increase Your Job Search Success by Using Perfect Resume Sample
3 Hobbies That Will Make You Stand Out to Employers
Should I put hobbies on my resume? There are a few standard principles that all employers demand from a new employee, like a positive attitude and a healthy work ethic, but how do you share your values with employers before landing an interview? By adding a single positive hobby to your resume, employers will glean that you are a well-balanced individual who is dedicated to self-growth. Traditionally, hobbies are omitted from the resume; and for good reason. Employers can get bogged down in too many irrelevant details. Instead of listing your hobbies and interests on your resume, dedicate a single sentence to your hobby within your cover letter. Research the values and community service projects of the company for which you are applying. Consider which of your hobbies will make you seem like a natural fit for the company. Making a direct connection between your personal interests and the goals of the company is a subtle way to promote yourself and to let employers know that … [Read more...] about 3 Hobbies That Will Make You Stand Out to Employers
Job Hunting? Stand Out With These Products
Whether you are newly entering the job market, or if you are looking to switch companies to further your career, you will find that competition is fierce out there today. If you have already sat through countless interviews, this is something you are already well aware of. Years ago, professionals with degrees were in demand in nearly every field. As the population has grown and flexible scheduling has allowed a broader spectrum of people to get an education in their spare time, suddenly golden positions are hard to find. If you are feeling discouraged, or you think that maybe you should just be satisfied with your current job, understand that you can land the career of your dreams; you simply need to do something to stand out from the three dozen other people interviewing for the same position. Business cards and flyers are the answer! Why Use Business Cards? The right business card will say a lot about you. This is something you should have on you at all times, even if you are not … [Read more...] about Job Hunting? Stand Out With These Products
Learning to LOVE the Job You HATE
We all need a job not just to earn for a living. Our job provides us with plenty of opportunities to grow both personally and professionally. However, some people just do not seem to find joy in their current job. In fact, they hate every aspect of their job that they always need to drag themselves to work every morning. Since leaving one’s job is not a better option in these trying times, an individual must learn to love his job. Otherwise, he can just choose to leave it and spend several penniless days while waiting for a new “lovable” job to arrive. Learn to love your job by doing the following tips: Find a good reason to become motivated each morning. Even if you do not love your job you really need to find at least one good reason to go to work each day. Without your current job, you will never be able to buy the things that you need. Your job makes you feel useful even if you do not like what you are doing. Most of all, without your job, you will never be able to pay your … [Read more...] about Learning to LOVE the Job You HATE
How to Create a Killer Resume If You Are Applying as a CNA
Have you ever wondered how to create a killer resume especially if you are applying as a CNA? Many candidates think that this is not necessary, as skills that they have are enough to get them noticed. Those who think so are quite wrong. This is because employers and recruiters have to browse through hundreds of resumes every day. If your resume does not look impressive, chances are that you will not get notice and will lose a chance to get called for an interview. There are a few tips that you should follow win order to create that killer resume and appear to be a cut above the rest. • Executive summary: This is the first thing that the recruiters notice. This statement should be very short but too the point and state how you would be able to benefit the organization that you would be hired. Foe example, you can write: “Working as a delivery nurse aide for more than 2 years. I seek to work in a health care organization where I will be able to help the patients and make them … [Read more...] about How to Create a Killer Resume If You Are Applying as a CNA
Financial Aid for Older Women Returning to Education
In the last several years, there has been a great deal made about the economic disparities between men and women in the workforce. Whether they are pursuing their first degree or returning to school for an advanced degree many women opt to continue their education as a way to overcome this inequity. Unfortunately, due to the disparity, older women usually have less money available later in life to use to pursue that degree. Seeking out scholarships is one way to help fund that dream and make a better life. Whether they’ve waited to pursue a degree until after raising a family or trying to get ahead in their career, many older women face a funding obstacle when going to college. In an effort to improve the economic situation of women, several organizations now offer scholarships. *Talbot’s Women’s Scholarships – Offering a total of 55 scholarships, this organization seeks to help women who completed high school but haven’t been to college yet. To be eligible, applicants must be at … [Read more...] about Financial Aid for Older Women Returning to Education
Cloud Computing Won't Eliminate the Need for IT Professionals
“The sky is falling!” For many IT professionals looking to the cloud – as in the off-site technological infrastructure service – that cry of despair grows louder. But just as the proverbial Chicken Little’s claim proved false, fears of change within the industry shouldn’t cause panic for everyone – but for those not ready to capitalize on opportunities growing from change, the sky may get uncomfortably close. The most common concerns about cloud computing is that it will replace IT professionals. This view, so the logic goes, is fueled by the very real possibility that companies will reduce overhead, outsource computer operations and store data externally. With these new opportunities come questions of how professionals in this field, particularly those working in information technology, will continue to be employed as more and more of their jobs are moved to centralized locations servicing the cloud rather than individual businesses. Make no mistake: cloud computing is expected to … [Read more...] about Cloud Computing Won't Eliminate the Need for IT Professionals
5 Steps to Starting Each Workday Right
Let’s face it, some workdays are more challenging than others. From sleeping through an alarm to waking with a negative outlook, some days, you’d likely rather call in sick than deal with coworkers. However, since going to work is the necessary evil for earning a paycheck, you must learn how to start your workdays off in the best manner to survive the many years you’ll still be punching the time clock. Here are five steps to wake on the bright side of your workday. Wake Early While it might be tempting to hit the snooze button a few times before waking each workday, this leaves you at the risk of running behind before the day has even begun. Rather than sleeping in, wake early and take a little more time in preparing for the day. From getting in a quick workout to savoring a hot breakfast, this added time will leave you feeling refreshed when you enter the office. Eat Breakfast Breakfast is for champions and you want to be a champion at work, don’t you? Skipping breakfast leaves … [Read more...] about 5 Steps to Starting Each Workday Right
Tips for Becoming a Better Public Speaker
Does your heart skip a beat whenever you think about public speaking? We’re not all naturals at it, but as an entrepreneur you have to hone your public speaking skills. You’ll often find yourself in front of people delivering a speech, whether it’s in front of investors, your employees, or at a conference. Here are some tips that will help you become a better public speaker. Know Your Stuff The worst thing you can do is go into a speech unprepared. It’s not enough to write out what you’re going to say ahead of time. You have to be an expert at what you’re talking about. You have to know your subject matter inside and out, and be able to answer any questions anyone might have about it. If you don’t have in-depth knowledge on the topic, it will show, and you won’t be able to recover easily if you stumble or forget a part of your speech. Know Your Audience You should also find out as much as you can about your audience beforehand. If you’re speaking to a small group of representatives … [Read more...] about Tips for Becoming a Better Public Speaker