There comes a time in many organizations when a manager quits, leaving an empty management position to be filled. If your manager has recently left the company or will soon be leaving, you may be considering putting in your application for the job. Many of your coworkers are likely thinking the same thing. If not carried out properly, the process of competing with coworkers for a management position can get a little messy. The following are four ways to apply for the company’s management role with grace to avoid coworker resentment. Be Honest While you have no obligation to inform coworkers of your intention to apply for a management opening, being vocal about the application may be beneficial. By being honest and upfront about applying for the job, you’ll leave fewer reasons for coworkers to talk behind your back as the competition heats up. Focus on your Assets You should never put other job applicants down in an attempt to build up your qualifications during a job … [Read more...] about How to Gracefully Compete with Coworkers for Management Positions
Career Advice Blog
Don't Get to Work Early!
If you’re the most productive early in the day rather than later, you may find yourself frequently arriving at work before the official starting time. While arriving early to work can start the day off in a productive manner, it may actually also be harming your workplace relations. Here are a few reasons coworkers may not love your ‘go-getter’ attitude and what you can do about it. Causing Coworker Guilt Most people enjoy putting the minimum amount of effort into their jobs. As such, when coworkers begin noticing that you frequently arrive early to work, this can lead to those coworkers feeling guilty about not putting in more effort as well. This guilt can then quickly turn to resentment among those coworkers who feel you’re putting unfair pressure on them to increase workplace performance. Being a Brownnoser Often, those employees who arrive early at work every day are viewed as brownnosers. Even if you have a pressing project that requires additional hours … [Read more...] about Don't Get to Work Early!
All About Interviews
With so many people looking for work at the moment, and people reporting record numbers of people applying for each job, it's never been so challenging to find employment. Just getting called to interview is an achievement. Of course, getting called to interview can be just the start of a long recruitment process, but also, unlike with a CV which is always open to interpretation, an interview is your chance to shine: Nerves The first thing you have to control is your nerves, so make sure that you make life as easy as possible. Find the location early - you don't want to be rushing - and then take a walk to explore the local area. Aside from giving you something to do which isn't thinking about the interview, it'll give you some quick and easy small talk with your interviewers. Preparation First of all, make sure that you research your prospective employer thoroughly knowing who they are and what they do inside out. If you know who's going to interview you, have a look for their … [Read more...] about All About Interviews
On the Job Hunt? 5 Lessons You Can Learn from the Pinterest Spammers
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are currently 5.3 million people unemployed long-term. I’ll give you a minute to let that sink in. That’s more people than the entire population of Singapore. The hunt for a job has turned into survival of the fittest —and no we aren’t talking about The Hunger Games. This is a real problem, and unfortunately we aren’t living in a fictitious world where we come out on top. Looking for a job is no easy feat. You have to be the best and impress during the interview-- competing sometimes with hundreds of other qualified applicants. So how do spammers of the hottest social media site have to do with job hunting? Check out the lessons below to find out. It’s a Numbers Game No matter the site, spamming is a numbers game. The more emails, tweets, pins they push out the more likely it is they will make revenue. If it didn’t work they wouldn’t do it. The same thinking can be applied when applying to jobs—just on a smaller scale. You don’t … [Read more...] about On the Job Hunt? 5 Lessons You Can Learn from the Pinterest Spammers
How to Display Your Emotional Intelligence in an Interview
You have an impressive resume, a wealth of relevant work experience, and glowing recommendations from numerous sources. Given this impressive background, you’ve made it to an interview with the hiring manager. But despite your professionalism and well-prepared skills, you’re unable to make it through the process. This is an all-too-common situation faced by many job seekers who have the qualifications, but seem to be missing that extra spark that makes them stand out. There are a number of reasons why the candidate fails to make an emotional connection with the interviewer. Perhaps it’s because of personality or awkwardness that’s built up in the conversation. But one of the most common culprits in this scenario is the lack of emotional intelligence. More and more hiring managers are looking for indicators of high emotional intelligence, as it is seen as crucial to a business’s success. If you are looking to make a favorable impression in an interview, here are some tips to help you … [Read more...] about How to Display Your Emotional Intelligence in an Interview
5 Ways to Still Enjoy Summer While Working Fulltime
Most people come alive when summer arrives. Extra winter weight is shed and the sluggish feeling that cold weather brings disappears when the weather warms. You may have anticipated summer for several months and may be very excited when it finally arrives. Unfortunately, many fulltime employees are so consumed with work projects that summer passes them by in a flash. If you’re tired of summer disappearing before you can get outside, here are five ways to still enjoy the warm weather even while working a full schedule. Wake Early Sleeping until the last possible second before work will start your day off in a rushed manner and will cause you to miss the best part of summer days. Rather than hitting the snooze button five times as you may do in winter, set your alarm for an early hour and wake to it. Then, enjoy breakfast on the patio in the morning’s calm weather or go for a walk while enjoying the crisp air and summer scenery. Avoid Overtime Be more than willing to work … [Read more...] about 5 Ways to Still Enjoy Summer While Working Fulltime
How to Maintain a Social Life While Telecommuting
Telecommuting offers many freedoms that in-office jobs typically don’t bring. From eliminating commutes to getting groceries in the mid-afternoon, you likely enjoy many aspects of your telecommuting arrangement. While telecommuting certainly offers more job freedom, it also brings more isolation. If you’re a natural social butterfly, you may have been unprepared for this increased isolation and may be struggling to overcome it. Since having a social life aids in life happiness and also increases work performance, here are five ways to continue socializing while working from home. Socialize Online Most telecommuters are required to maintain normal business hours even though they work from home. If your employer still requires an 8 to 5 work schedule, you may find it difficult to get out and socialize during the day and may be consumed by family obligations at night. One option for socializing even with a full schedule is to do so online. Online social networks offer great … [Read more...] about How to Maintain a Social Life While Telecommuting
Alternative Career Breaks for Teachers
Teaching is a rewarding profession, yet many teachers find that the constant challenges and the repetition of their daily routine can sometimes lead to burn out. When this happens, taking a break from teaching can lead to a new career path that offers the opportunity for personal and professional fulfillment. The skills that a teacher uses both in and out of the classroom are applicable to many different types of careers. Yet, knowing which career is best for them and how to get started is the first hurdle that teachers pursuing a break from teaching must overcome. Consider Staying in the Field For some teachers, finding a different type of position within the education system can offer the break from teaching that they need. Teachers with years of experience might find that mentoring a new teacher can renew their love for teaching. Other teachers might find work in the administration department of their school district. Teachers who dream of starting their own business might find … [Read more...] about Alternative Career Breaks for Teachers
Dealing with an Annoying Co-Worker
Working alongside other people can be a great experience but it can also bring its fair share of difficulties for many people. Firstly, let's have a look at the main types of annoying co-workers: The Gossip A little harmless discussion about current events in the workplace is one thing, but working with someone who likes to share everyone else’s business and their opinions on it, can be a real drain. You will need to learn how to avoid gossip to stay clear of this one! The “Smelly Food” Eater Of course, we all have different tastes in food, but in the workplace it is worth thinking about how what you are eating and drinking will affect those around you. An egg sandwich now and then might be forgiven, but you don’t want to be known as the colleague with smelly food! The Noisy Colleague When you are working in a shared environment, an awareness of your behaviors and noise levels on those around you is necessary. If you work with … [Read more...] about Dealing with an Annoying Co-Worker
What Not to Wear on a Job Interview
If you have an interview for a job that you really want to get, then I suggest you will be very careful with the way that you'll dress. This is because companies care a lot about how their probably future employees present themselves as aspirants for the job, because it will tell them a lot of things about their commitment to helping the company grow and their efforts into making that happen as soon as possible. So what are the things you should keep in mind when going to a job interview? The basics Being too casual is a big mistake when going for an interview, especially at an important corporation. It doesn't matter if you will interview for a company with a business casual dress code, you need to keep in mind that you are looking for a job and don't have one yet. If you want to get hired at a bank or maybe a law firm, then you should adopt the formal clothing style, meaning a dark suit. Regardless if you are a man or woman, this will be adequate. For a more relaxed look, you can … [Read more...] about What Not to Wear on a Job Interview