You’ve dreamed of owning a business for many years and have worked tirelessly to turn the dream into reality. Now that you’re finally in a position to go from employee to entrepreneur, you’re likely eager to leave your current job as quickly as possible. While having confidence and making the leap as soon as you’re able is important, you must also consider the many changes that will come with the transition. Here are 5 things consider before telling your employer goodbye. Consider Insurance Changes A major perk many employees are given is employer-sponsored insurance. The process of obtaining health insurance and dental insurance can seem like a breeze when starting a new job. Unfortunately, entrepreneurs often face a different reality when leaving their fulltime jobs. Before making the transition, research the increased insurance costs you’ll be required to pay when registering for individual policies. The costs of these policies must be affordable on your new income before the … [Read more...] about 5 Often Overlooked Details When Going From Employee to Entrepreneur
Career Advice Blog
Increasing Career Options Through the Use of Technology
In today’s competitive employment market, job seekers are beginning to discover the value of using every resource possible to upgrade their skills and find new positions within their specialized career fields. In fact, a report from the Internet Business Network has estimated that 77 percent of job seekers have conducted their job searches through using the internet. Online resources have become especially valuable as they can give people better ways to connect with potential employers. The internet has also made pursuing higher education and job training easier for working professionals by providing a flexible format for completing certificates and degrees. As technology continues to change, major improvements have been made in a few important areas that can help anyone to increase their career options by searching the internet in a few key areas. Virtual Job Listings Newspaper classifieds are becoming obsolete as internet advertisements have begun to reach a wider audience. Virtual … [Read more...] about Increasing Career Options Through the Use of Technology
Starting a Career: 5 Actions That Can Make or Break Your Future
When starting a career, many employees focus solely on impressing their employers with a diligent work ethic and an eagerness to learn. While those things are important, many new employees overlook other aspects of their careers that could actually harm their futures. The following are five actions taken as a new employee that can make or break your future. Selecting Benefits In college, you likely learned a lot about your chosen career path. Unfortunately, what may not have been taught in the classroom is the importance of things like selecting the right retirement fund and becoming properly insured with health insurance and life insurance. When starting a new job, meet with the company’s human resources rep as soon as possible to discuss the company’s benefits package. Review such topics as the cost of health insurance, whether a life insurance policy will be provided and whether an employer-sponsored retirement plan is offered. While you may think that your youth offers plenty of … [Read more...] about Starting a Career: 5 Actions That Can Make or Break Your Future
Is the MBA overrated?
"Are MBAs really overrated?" seems to be a question that finds an answer in the lives of many successful CEOs, business people and what have you that are doing well without them. And, many names do come to mind to authenticate this claim. People like Larry Page, Frederick W. Smith, Bill Gates as well as Jim Quigley are just a few of the very successful people without this highly coveted degree. Having said this, getting an MBA is not without its benefits. If you plan to work in the banking or consulting industry getting an MBA is known to put you in a better position in getting in. However, the issue at stake here is not in the benefits of getting an MBA, but in the exaggerated value or importance that is placed in this master’s degree. Therefore, consider the list below to find some of the reasons why earning an MBA may be considered overrated. 1: The cost involved The first thing that will usually prevent or even discourage many from earning an MBA is the cost involved. … [Read more...] about Is the MBA overrated?
How to Create a Good Relationship with Your Boss
Your relationship with your boss is an important relationship. It may mean the difference between getting ahead in your chosen career or even being able to negotiate working conditions that suit you. You don’t have to be best friends with your boss, but developing a good relationship with them makes life easier for you and them. Here are some tried and tested ways to make your relationship with your boss a good one: Do Your Job Well Ultimately, doing your job well is one of the best ways to develop a good relationship with your boss. The better you do your job, the less there is for them to worry about. Even if you are not close outside of work, by doing your job well you are more likely to earn their professional respect which is what matters at the end of the day. Put Yourself in Their Shoes It can be easy to pick fault with your manager or think “I wouldn’t do things that way if I were the manager” for example, but putting yourself in their shoes will … [Read more...] about How to Create a Good Relationship with Your Boss
Why You Should Not Always Be Available
Most people want to be available every time our boss, coworkers, friends or family need something. It is great to be helpful and dependable, but it is also important to set limits on the times you are available so that you are able to be productive. It is important to be available in a true emergency, but these should only occur a couple of times per year, not on a daily basis. Emergencies Versus Interruptions Telling people to only call if they really need you is a good idea, but people have different views on what is a need. Some will only call if your mother died or your child was involved in an accident, while others believe that every 50 percent off sale is an emergency. Give people examples of things you feel are true emergencies so they will know when it is okay to interrupt your work and when they should wait to call until you are done working. It is also a good idea to let people know the hours you will not be working. It is a good idea to check your voicemail and … [Read more...] about Why You Should Not Always Be Available
How to Stay Positive in a Job You Despise
You should always follow your dreams. Whether you want to start a business or land a job in management, do what it takes to achieve your goals. However, while working towards achieving a career goal, you may sometimes struggle, such as by working at a job you despise until better opportunities arrive. Since simply quitting a job you hate probably isn’t the best option for many reasons, you must find ways to stay positive in the job while you work towards making your future escape. The following are four ways to look on the bright side while working at a company you’ve come to despise. Take Action If you’re currently miserable at a job but aren’t taking steps to change the situation, you’ll only become more miserable. Begin thinking of the current job as a stepping stone towards something better. Whether you begin building a business on the side or take classes to further your education, any action you take now will bring you closer to leaving this job … [Read more...] about How to Stay Positive in a Job You Despise
Working From Home? Things You MUST Have.
Up until the late 1990s most people only dreamed of working from home. Sure, there were creative folks that started homebased businesses, but the majority of people would build up their home business in their imagination while working their shifts outside of home. With the explosion of technology, working from home came within reach for everyone. Companies found that allowing workers to telecommute increased productivity. Virtual assistants were just as important as an office manager. The growing influence of social networking has created even more jobs for people that know how to influence others. Planning to work from home necessitates that the homebased worker be connected to their chosen profession at all times. It can be very hard working from home without the proper essentials. The things you need to have a successful at-home job has changed drastically in just the past few years. For instance, in 2010 it was important to have two phone lines, a fax machine, pre-paid credit … [Read more...] about Working From Home? Things You MUST Have.
5 Ways to Keep Your Sanity While Working Fulltime and Attending College
Meeting life’s financial demands without a job isn’t possible for most people. As such, if you’ve been considering going back to college but also must work fulltime, you may be wondering how you’ll manage both responsibilities. Attending college while working fulltime can be stressful but it’s also possible and can offer many rewards. The following are five ways to balance college and work responsibilities while maintaining your sanity. Enroll for Reasonable Credit Loads A major mistake made by those attending college and working fulltime is registering for several classes each semester. While you may want to finish college as soon as possible, you must do so within reason. Before registering for classes each semester, review the course syllabi of any classes you want to take. Only enroll into the number of classes you know for certain you’ll be able to manage along with your work responsibilities. Learn Time Management Proper time management will save you a large amount of stress … [Read more...] about 5 Ways to Keep Your Sanity While Working Fulltime and Attending College
Hey Freelance Blogger, Looking to Land a Blogging Job?
Check out this free 1,200-word report I put together that gives freelance bloggers five actionable tips to ensure they get noticed when applying for blogging jobs. Because sending a blogger resume is not enough! Content includes:- The importance of email subject lines- How to impress the blog owner- Tips on being concise and direct- Timing is everything- The power of being nice … [Read more...] about Hey Freelance Blogger, Looking to Land a Blogging Job?