You know you’re meant to be a creative professional and that you can do much to improve any company’s marketing image. However, before being selected for your ideal job, you must first sell your abilities to potential employers. The following are five things you should always bring to interviews if you want to land your dream job. An Organized Portfolio As a creative professional, your portfolio will typically be the main selling factor in job interviews. A portfolio should be well-rounded and should display the best projects you’ve completed for previous employers. By assembling an organized and top-notch portfolio, you’ll grab the interviewer’s attention from the interview’s start. Don’t have any previous work to fill a portfolio? If you’re interviewing for an entry level job directly out of college, employers will understand that your portfolio may be a little slim. However, school projects and even work you created for fun can show your abilities and will be more beneficial … [Read more...] about 5 Items Creative Professionals Should Always Bring to Job Interviews
Career Advice Blog
The Job Interview: Confident and Competent? Or Cocky and Unbearable?
Some people head into job interviews with lowered heads, sweaty palms, and flinching facial expressions, hoping only that they’ll survive the moment without screwing up. They mumble their way through a series of simple questions and scramble out the door when they’re mercifully dismissed. There’s a lot at stake, after all, and there’s no question that job interviews can be a terrifying experience. For some people. But not for you. Fortunately, you’re not burdened with this problem. You don’t need to psych yourself up with a pre-interview men’s-room-mirror pep talk because you woke up ready. You were born ready. No job interview can scare you. This is partly because everywhere you go, you bring your own soundtrack (the theme from Rocky, and partly because you’re pretty certain (make that 100 percent certain) that none of the other applicants for this job are as qualified, smart, handsome, charming, and amazing as you are. In short: You aren’t worried. Your confidence radiates, and … [Read more...] about The Job Interview: Confident and Competent? Or Cocky and Unbearable?
Get That Promotion: Identify Your Boss' Pet Peeves
Tired of your job? Do you feel that you deserve something better? Ever perceived yourself in a higher office? Have you ever imagined yourself as the boss? Have you lost your patience with your current designation? Well, based on experience, the common employee often asks these questions to himself. Whether its lack of confidence or knowledge, most of them fail to achieve their career goals in time or if they do, it’s way behind schedule. The thing is, the boss always has the power to give you that sweet raise or promotion you’ve been longing for a long time yet it seems that he just won’t give it to you. According to a survey conducted by an HR department in a prestigious company, 39% of their employees feel that they are not achieving success because of slow career growth. They also stated that they feel under ranked for their age and experience. Well to be honest, the secret to a fast growing career is by identifying your boss’ pet peeves. Seriously, finding out what he or she hates … [Read more...] about Get That Promotion: Identify Your Boss' Pet Peeves
Handling Romantic Relationships in the Workplace
Work and relationships can be a funny mixture. On the one hand, work can be a great way to meet people but on the other hand, there is the professionalism issues and possible fallout that can come if things don't work out the way one or both of you would like. Finding out if someone likes you in that way can be difficult at work; you don't want to find out that you read the signals wrong. After all, you will have to face your co-worker every day in a professional capacity. Navigating this slippery slope is even more difficult than finding out when to give the perfect push present! You also need to think about whether you like them in that way too, if they are into you. If so, how do you proceed? If not, how to let them down gently and without ruining your professional relationship? Possible signs a co-worker likes you: They go out of their way to talk or engage with you They are interested in what you do outside work and whether or not you are going to the staff party … [Read more...] about Handling Romantic Relationships in the Workplace
Increasing Your Popularity in the Workplace
How does one become popular at work? How do we increase the odds of being liked in the workplace? If you are popular in your workplace it might be something you take for granted, something that comes easily; however if you are struggling with bonding with your team or colleagues and feel that you are unpopular this can seem to be something elusive or hard to get a handle on. There are of course always different work places and cultures, but there is also usually a lot we can do ourselves to influence the odds. Here are some ideas:Learn from Others Many successful people recommend learning from others who are doing what they want already. Look at who's popular at your workplace and identify what you admire about them. You could ask someone you admire to mentor you. Traits like happiness, thoughtfulness and being a team player are common ones for popular people. I'm not talking about "copying" or being something that you are not, but about being aware of the ways of being that … [Read more...] about Increasing Your Popularity in the Workplace
Top 10 Things to Do Before and After a Job Interview
Interviewing for a new job can be a nerve-wracking experience, even without a slow job market adding additional layers of stress to your mental state. With unemployment hovering around 8% according to the Department of Labor, competition remains fierce for each job opening. As an interviewee, you want to make sure that everything you say is professional and informative, interesting enough to set you apart yet not so unusual that you are turned down. By following these key tips, you'll be able to present yourself in the best possible light and improve your interview process. 5 Tips for Interview Preparation Whether applying for a marketing position in Spokane, WA or IT jobs in Philadelphia, PA, you will want to give yourself the best possible chances. Following these steps may dramatically improve your experience: 1 Plan a Relaxed Schedule. One of the most common problems on interview day is an unexpected change in your schedule. Whether you miss the bus, get the address wrong, … [Read more...] about Top 10 Things to Do Before and After a Job Interview
Transitioning to an Open Workspace
Gone are the days when office real estate represented a sign of stature. According to Forbes, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg sits in a bullpen with his staff. Zappos Chief executive Tony Hsieh has a cubicle much like his colleagues in their Las Vegas headquarters. And most recently President and CEO Meg Whitman inspired egalitarian culture back into the HP office by moving out of her office and into a cubicle. Taking away walls and high cubicles can improve corporate culture, morale and productivity, while also reducing the costs and environmental impacts associated with an oversized real estate footprint. According to a survey on the Influence of Workplace Design and Practices, companies that employ open office layouts have observed increases in employee engagement and retention and decreases in employee misconduct. At Westfield, Sr. EVP of U.S. Human Resources and Global Head of Management Stan Duncan had similar success transitioning to open workspace plan in Australia and the … [Read more...] about Transitioning to an Open Workspace
How to Prepare Yourself for the Job Market While in College
Finding employment immediately after graduating from college is getting more and more difficult than it was some years back. No wonder a recent survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers actually revealed that just about 20% of college grads of 2009 got a job immediately after completing school. Now this translates into something like only one in every five college grads getting a job immediately after finishing college. That certainly is not some cheering piece of news for college students, but more especially for college seniors who will be entering the job market sooner than otherwise. So how then can a college student whether senior or not prepare for the task ahead? In other words, what do students need to do now to increase their chances of getting employed soon after graduation? Okay below are some of the issues that college students need to grapple with, in order to ensure they get prepared for the job market out of college. The Time-Related Factor One … [Read more...] about How to Prepare Yourself for the Job Market While in College
How to Search the Internet Faster and Easier
There is nothing more annoying than having to spend time trying to find something online. The Internet is huge, you know it’s there, you know Google has spent lots of time trying to get the best results to the top of your results pages, but guess what—it’s just not happening. Whether it be because you had a coffee free day that morning or just don’t feel like being on Google any longer, we’ve all been there. Unfortunately, most companies just don’t care. What many annoyed employees don’t know, however, is that there are things you can do to help make you Internet searching more successful and less tedious. By putting a focus on becoming a great Internet searcher, you can get back to social networking and chatting with your friends. I mean…doing all the other work your employer just sent your inbox. Top 5 Tips and Tricks to Help Improve Your Internet Searching Abilities There are tons of little tricks that you can use when working with Google. For example, you can use the search bar … [Read more...] about How to Search the Internet Faster and Easier
Careers in IT
If there’s one certainty in these uncertain times, it’s that technology will continue to expand and develop at a breathtaking pace. Few people, if any, could claim that the technological changes of the past two decades have not had far-reaching and significant impacts on their day to day lives. Whether you use a navigation device within your car to traverse the country, rely upon a blackberry to keep you up to date with appointments, or pay your bills online, technology doubtless plays a meaningful role in your life. With all the excitement that each new discovery and gadget brings, why wouldn’t you want to pursue a career in the Information Technology field? With so many industries sinking due to an inability to keep pace with the myriad changes the information age has brought, the one industry you can count on for endless opportunities is the IT field. As with any career change, it can be difficult to know where to begin. What skills do you already have that will be of use in your … [Read more...] about Careers in IT