How to work for “The Man” While Working on Your Dreams!Let’s face it; we work because we have to.Because it’s the “grown-up” thing to do.Because like many things in the grown up world, it’s a trade-off.We sell our “dreams” for the “reality” of monthly mortgage payments, insurance premiums, car notes and the privilege of keeping up with the Joneses. Given our druthers, most of us would much rather spend our days chilling out in our undies with a big bowl of cereal while surfing the Net, or reaching new tiers on our favorite video games, or vegging out in front of the boob tube, or “doing damage” at the local mall, or becoming beach bums, or building our own business, or almost anything else. Almost anything else other than the slow death that is corporate America and working for the man! But all is not lost. Just because your career path has led you on the road to perdition, doesn’t mean you have … [Read more...] about Work Motivation: A Do-It-Yourself Project
Career Advice Blog
New Employee Introduction Options
Starting a new job is exciting and fun. Introducing the new hire around the office, not so much.Sure you are happy to have a fresh and willing new face around the office to help with the workload, but ushering them around the building, hoping that you don't forget an employee's name or botch a title, is a stressful endeavor. Here are several introduction examples I've experienced and used. Your feedback on each is encouraged. INDIVIDUAL INTRODUCTIONSThis is a meet and greet that involves the manager and the new employee 'making the rounds.' The seemingly never-ending tour often begins with the people the new associate will be working closest with and fans out to the tertiary players. With each stop you must ask employees if they have a minute. Assuming they do, you will go through the 'speech' that includes the rookie's name, title and general job description. You'll often hear that "Mike is the new Karen." Pros: Everyone feels special with a … [Read more...] about New Employee Introduction Options
Work Ownership Is Overrated
Sometimes omitting your name behooves you. Ownership is overrated. There's a segment of society that swears by that statement. I'm still not sure which camp I sit with, but I do know that attempting to take ownership at work can have negative consequences.I've witnessed two examples of people attempting to take ownership of projects in an ill-conceived way over the past two days. It should come as no surprise given how desperate employees are to get credit for their ideas and work.(Names have been changed to protect the guilty.)Situation #1Vito was tasked with putting together a book that features a one-page snapshot of the dozens of franchise locations that the company owns. Each location gets a "stat" page, similar to what you'd find on the backside of a baseball card. From the number of restrooms to customer occupancy limits, each profile is rounded out with a Google streetview image and location information.The looseleaf that Vito packed with information … [Read more...] about Work Ownership Is Overrated
Attention Graduates: Getting Into the Real World Mentality
The end of the semester is fast approaching for many college seniors. Even though you may be caught up in campus life, the professional world is just around the bend. Here are a few tips on how to get into a “real world” mentality to make the transition a tad bit easier. Think about what you want to do. You have been studying a particular field for around four years, but that doesn’t mean you will—or will want to—automatically enter it. If you know that you want to pursue something else upon graduation, there is nothing wrong with not going into the field you studied. In fact, you’ll do better off knowing this from the get-go so you can build your career in another field. Regardless of what you want to do, learn about your options. Examine what you want your ideal day to be like. What kinds of jobs are available in your industry and in the region you want to work in? It may sound silly but most new grads are on autopilot and, understandably, … [Read more...] about Attention Graduates: Getting Into the Real World Mentality
New LinkedIn Feature WILL Help Job Seekers
If you are targeting a specific company to hire you, you'll love LinkedIn's new "Follow Company" feature. The functionality sends you notifications on activity within the company such as hires, promotions, new job opportunities, and profile changes - all information that can help you land a job.Every company has a "Follow" link where you can see a list of followers and learn more about them. So whether you're sizing up the competition or trying to get noticed by a specific organization, this new LinkedIn feature could have a serious impact on job seekers. Expect companies to start doing more to promote their LinkedIn profiles in order to streamline the recruitment process.Users control how often they receive updates, an important feature considering that larger companies could have dozens of updates a day.The downside of "Follow Company" is that if you are relieved of your duties, there's no more going quietly into the good night. If a person is following the … [Read more...] about New LinkedIn Feature WILL Help Job Seekers
How Freelancers Can Avoid Common Business Headaches
Freelance workers need a good PR campaign. It used to be considered glamorous when someone left the rat race to start their own dream business. Now people have begun to start businesses and take freelance or independent contract jobs out of pure necessity. Layoffs and long stretches of unemployment have left many people with no choice.Of course, there are perks to working for your self. I’ve been self-employed for most of the last 16 years. I’ve yet to have a boring meeting with myself or have my boss berate me in front of co-workers. So while there are still plenty of positives to the freelance life, there are distinct challenges. Getting paid is one of the big ones.A recent Wall Street Journal article, “More Freelancers Fight to be Paid,” by Joe Light explores the issue of those pesky Accounts Receivable. Light cites a survey released by the New York-based Freelancers Union that says “about 40% of freelancers had trouble getting paid in 2009.” … [Read more...] about How Freelancers Can Avoid Common Business Headaches
Computers at Meetings Make Me Uncomfortable
Several years ago a coworker of mine showed up to a high-profile meeting with nothing but a netbook. As we all doodled in our pads like 20th century relics, this high-tech specimen tapped away, even offering to connect to the Internet when the 'conference room laptop' failed.At the time, he was the odd man out.These days, about 30% of our staff shows up to meetings armed with technology in lieu of paper, and quite honestly, it makes me uncomfortable.It might be the skeptic within; a little voice that tells me these machines are being used as the perfect prop to look like a participant while secretly slacking off. Or maybe it's the simple fact that I prefer taking physical notes with real paper and pens. I realize I'm not doing the environment any service here, but it's what I like!Perhaps playing solitaire on a computer and doodling on a pad are really the same thing, though I tend to think the former takes up more brain power.When I speak at meetings, I expect people … [Read more...] about Computers at Meetings Make Me Uncomfortable
Performance Reviews: Does a “5” Mean I Suck?!
Recently, two people who work in very different industries discussed their performance reviews with me. Both reviews were in a similar format, but one used a one through five rating scale with five being “walks on water” and one being “get that resume updated.” The other review used the one through five scale in reverse order with one being the seldom-awarded highest score. Huh?Andrew offered an astute take on performance reviews with "6 Reasons Staff Evaluations Fail." The majority of folks I know, whether management is doing the review or employee receiving it, seem to loathe the process.So, with psych persona on, I decided to examine what makes it such a repugnant experience.1. Somebody who hates you will get to harpoon you - Used to be, your boss wrote your review, you agreed or not and signed it. Now, everyone from the reception temp. to a VP gets to give their two cents in a peer or colleague review section. What a great opp. for the person who dislikes … [Read more...] about Performance Reviews: Does a “5” Mean I Suck?!
5 Job Search Tips for Graduating College Students
With graduation season quickly approaching, college seniors across the country are on the hunt for their “dream job” as they look to embark into the next phase of their young adult life. Given the condition of the current job market however, many are finding it very difficult to land their first job. Job search engine has put together five effective strategies to help recent grads landa job.1. Make a Plan/Stay Organized – The more organized you are, the more effective you’ll be. Plus, the competition is organized, so you’d better be too. Think about which companies you want to work for, what other areas/industries your skills might apply to, and how you’re going to track and follow up with all the contacts you make in the course of your job search (hint: use a spreadsheet). If you plan well and execute your job search diligently, there’s a much better chance you’ll get what you want.2. Think Before You Search – … [Read more...] about 5 Job Search Tips for Graduating College Students
Ugly Resignation Between CEO and Employee
An ugly email exchange has ocurred between Mahalo CEO Jason Calacanis and employee Evan Culver according to TechCrunch.Mistake #1: It appears the employee resigned via email and sent a friendly goodbye note to a distribution list.Mistake #2: THE CEO loses his cool and responds, "Today was your last day." He then goes on to close the departing employee's email account.Using email to quit a job is unacceptable, but it is an essential part of the resignation process.Avoid a messy situation by buying The Exit Guide: How to Quit a Job the Right Way, a comprehensive ebook that takes you through the entire process, from how to put in your two weeks notice to a plan to stay calm.It might be too late, but we'd be more than happy to pass a free copy along to Calacanis and Culver. … [Read more...] about Ugly Resignation Between CEO and Employee