An envelope stamped CONFIDENTIAL arrived in my home mailbox today from my company's Human Resources Department. Inside is a "Personal Earnings & Benefits Statement," a pamphlet that lists my annual salary, 401k contributions and the cost (to them) for all of my benefits.While a convenient "stat card," I'm not sure what the purpose of this mailing is. Oh wait. I think I DO know. It's propaganda.The final page includes my "total compensation," a figure that adds items like my 12 vacation days and 10 paid holidays to my salary. The number is displayed in bold at a larger font size than everything else.The point they are trying to make is you think you make X but you're really making Y. You should be grateful. Look how generous we are.And I AM thankful to be gainfully employed, making an honest living. However I'm not a child. I don't need to be reminded that my "compensation does not mean salary alone."Is this a foreshadow of … [Read more...] about Company Says You Should Thank Us, Employees Barf
Career Advice Blog
Create Your Own Google Search Stories
Google has launched the “Search Stories Video Creator,“ a quickie tool where you can create your own commercial for Google. Remember that nifty ad they ran during the Super Bowl. It looks just like that. Just insert seven search terms, select a soundtrack and the video will automagically get uploaded to YouTube.What a swell idea. They've got hard working people like you and me spending time spreading their message for free! But maybe we can turn the tables and use it to promote ourselves.Here's my Sunday morning crack at it... … [Read more...] about Create Your Own Google Search Stories
Do You Have Adult Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)?
We hear a lot about ADD and ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder) these days. It used to be these diagnoses were only applied to bouncing-of-the-walls children. Now, just about every adult you talk to will say, “I’m SO ADD! I can’t stay focused on anything.” But is it really ADD/ADHD or just the modus operandi that describes how we currently function in our stressed-out work and home lives?In a recent Wall Street Journal article, “Mind Games: Attention Deficit Disorder Isn’t Just for Kids. Why Adults are Now Being Diagnosed, Too, Melinda Beck says, “How do you know you have ADHD, which experts compare to having a mind like a pinball, with thoughts flitting in multiple directions. Maybe you're just overcaffeinated and overworked?”If you can relate to “having a mind like a pinball,” how do you differentiate a real ADD/ADHD diagnosis from a chaotic work style or work environment? As … [Read more...] about Do You Have Adult Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)?
Is There Life After Rejection?
I’ve been looking for work lately and it’s bleak out there and because I’m a “glass half-empty” kind of gal, it started me thinking about rejection. I haven’t had the chance to be rejected (or accepted) since I’ve not been asked to interview for any positions to which I’ve applied. Rejection stirs up all kinds of bad feelings. No matter how confident you are, your self-esteem takes a hit.A recent article in the Wall Street Journal, “Before They were Titans, Moguls and Newsmakers, These People were…Rejected,” by Sue Shellenbarger examined how successful people, including Ted Turner, Tom Brokaw and Warren Buffet, responded to being rejected by their first college of choice. Often, after receiving that rejection, going to a different school led them to their eventual career path. In fact, some of their most impressive achievements can be traced back to that early rejection. Shellenbarger quotes Buffet, who was rejected by … [Read more...] about Is There Life After Rejection?
We ALL Work for the Money. Period.
Why does no one want to admit that the only reason they work is so they can buy stuff? Even if you enjoy what you do for a living, you are doing it because you have to. Whether it's the roof over your head, the hot meal in your tummy, or health benefits for your family - we work because we have to- we need the money.And your boss, you know, the one who lectures you on a regular basis and takes himself too seriously? He too, is only there for one reason - a paycheck.But we all dance the dance, pretending that other factors are keeping us at work. We are living in a society that fools us into thinking we must "like" what we do or that it should "satisfy" us. Those are bonuses, not requirements. If you are lucky enough to touch them throughout your work travels, hold on for dear life. But the rest of us will continue to work as a means to an end.Personally, I don't think being honest about your work motives should cast you in a negative … [Read more...] about We ALL Work for the Money. Period.
Jobacle Survey Panel: April 2010
In order to provide readers with content they want, and to keep our finger on the pulse of everything work-related, proudly presents our monthly survey series. It only takes 15 seconds! Results are 100% anonymous and your personal information will NEVER be revealed. One participant each month (if you choose to share your e-mail address) will be selected to win a neat prize. Listen to the answers from the March survey on episode #99 of the Working Podcast. … [Read more...] about Jobacle Survey Panel: April 2010
4 Ways to Turn a Part-Time Job Into Full-Time Work
Sometimes the best way to get your foot in the door with a company is by accepting a part-time or temporary employment opportunity. Here are four ways to turn a part-time job into full-time work. THREAD YOURSELF INTO THE FABRIC OF THE ORGANIZATION. Aside from doing a kick-butt job and going above and beyond expectations, get involved in extra-circular activities. Play on the corporate softball team, volunteer to assist with events, and show up at every single office birthday party. Bring that glowing personality and upbeat attitude with you at all times. Appealing to an employer's emotional side is a smart play, after all, they're human too! MAKE YOUR MOTIVE KNOWN FROM THE START. Back when I was an intern for a radio station that I wanted to work full-time for, I would tell everyone who would listen that I wanted to work there upon graduation. It became a running joke with upper-management, but eventually got me the gig. Too many … [Read more...] about 4 Ways to Turn a Part-Time Job Into Full-Time Work
Biz Buzzword Multiple-Choice Quiz
Okay, let’s think outside the box for a moment. Reach out to your team, engage them and if no one pushes back, get them working on that process map. Had enough yet? I’ll admit it, as annoying as they are; business buzzwords fascinate me - their origin, meaning, etc. But because I work primarily at home alone or with patients, I’m not exposed to the latest jargon. I have to call upon my corporate world contacts (Shout out to my anonymous source!) find out the latest. One obvious thing about most biz words is that they are action-oriented, but also a tad testosterone-laden (see: “drill down” or “SWAT team” to “attack” the problem.). So in the same spirit as Office Bingo, let’s have some fun with them.Choose the answer that best defines the Buzzwords below...1. “Software Agnostic” is___a. Someone who is skeptical about software in general.b. Someone who is ambivalent about converting religious texts to a … [Read more...] about Biz Buzzword Multiple-Choice Quiz
Working Podcast #99: 5 Things to Eliminate From Your Resume
The workplace is pagued with a serious problem: not getting credit for ideas. On this episode of the award-winning Working Podcast, I talk about ways to cope.There are 5 things you should cut from your!How many people are texting at work? Find out the results of the March Jobacle work survey.The Career Filter looks at 12 Ways to Find More Time and a neat site to introduce yourself to the world. Direct Download … [Read more...] about Working Podcast #99: 5 Things to Eliminate From Your Resume
Who Is Upper Management? Find Out BEFORE You Accept That Job
Back when the New York City commute and media grind was doing its best to burn me out, I had no idea what color my parachute was or if I would ever find work happiness.(I did find work happiness...and then lost it again. THAT story is for another day.)Like many people, when I was lost on Career Avenue, I sought refuge in a career coach. A family friend agreed to meet me for a pro bono session. After chatting for about 15 minutes, she made a statement that was so obvious and true, that I'm still mad I didn't see it myself.She told me that since I hold myself to such a high moral edict, I am constantly let down by the values of others - especially those who are in positions of power.It's true! Taking orders from someone you don't respect on a professional is difficult. But when you have to question their character too? Yowza.One mistake I've made, which I have promised myself not to repeat, is that I've taken jobs without knowing anything about the company's … [Read more...] about Who Is Upper Management? Find Out BEFORE You Accept That Job