It was a lousy day at work. People who love to fight were looking to engage. Monotonous projects continued to drag on and on. Even my lunch was an unexciting tuna sandwich.Uncharacteristically, I carried my work frustration with me out of the office. I normally do a good job of compartmentalizing work. But not today. The signs of stress were lurking below.I went straight from work to the supermarket. With my wife working late, I was on dinner duty.As I filled my cart, I played back the work events of the past few days. With each dinner ingredient I added, the more agitated I became.I was suddenly hot. On the precipice of perspiration.With negative work thoughts swirling around my head like vultures hunting prey, I approached the checkout counter.I scanned for the shortest line. After all, I just wanted to get home. I still had a dog to walk, dinner to make, plus, I was exhausted.As luck would have it, I got on line … [Read more...] about The Signs of Stress: Carrying Work Anger Home
Career Advice Blog
3 Simple Steps to Starting a Specialty Food Business
Have you ever thought about starting a food business? Commercial success however is not contingent on your ability to cook up a tasty meal. Starting a specialty food business involves a lot more than simply having a great idea. It’s important to have a firm grip on some of the basic business concepts to insure your specialty food business is off to a good start. However if you feel a need for an in-depth education on how to start a food business, The New School, a premier New York University, is a good place to start. The school offers bachelor degree programs as well as adult education courses in various subject areas including Food Studies. If time does not permit, below you’ll find a 3 step guide to starting a food business.1. Conduct Market ResearchBefore you do anything, research your target market. Conducting market research is not an easy task and will require you utilize various resources. Before doing research brainstorm what you already know … [Read more...] about 3 Simple Steps to Starting a Specialty Food Business
4 Reasons “Talented” Employees Get Fired
Though workplace success is not necessarily “rock science”, I'm amazed at how many folks fail to realize that job performance is not the only thing that keeps them on the payroll. Word!As someone who's sat on both sides of the fence---as a worker bee and the “B” that folks worked for, I can attest that it's not that cut and dry.(By the way, that previously referenced “B” can stand for “boss”,” beauty”, “Black person”, or any other number of nouns or adjectives). :-)Think of it this know how reality TV competition shows like American Idol and Dancing With the Stars often render winners that are not necessarily the most talented? How their popularity, charm, and rapport with the judges can factor in to the ultimate decision too?Well similar dynamics are at work in the world of work as well! Trust me when I say that I've seen the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to employee retention and … [Read more...] about 4 Reasons “Talented” Employees Get Fired
Ways to Save Money While Looking for a Job
If you're unemployed, you'll know just how difficult the time spent looking for a new job can be. Some people go from living comfortably to struggling get to by in a very short space of time - so taking care of your money is very important. Here are a few ways you can reduce your outgoings and make your money stretch further while you're looking for work. Use 'free' transport Even people who have a job often complain that their car costs a fortune to own. In fact, a car is easily one of the biggest drains on our finances. It's not just the cost of gas - insurance and maintenance also add to the overall cost. If you're unemployed and looking to keep on top of things, it just doesn't make a lot of sense to keep paying so much for a luxury like a car. Yes, depending on where you live, a car is often a luxury - even though many people treat it like a necessity. And if you're really struggling for money, you probably don't need it. For most purposes, getting around by bicycle or even by … [Read more...] about Ways to Save Money While Looking for a Job
7 Great Online Resources for Students
Modern students can learn more and learn it better than ever using the tools available in the Information Age. When looking for references, looking for tutoring, or finding additional instructional material, students can get their hands on more tools than ever before that can help them on their way to academic success. Here you will find the 6 best online resources for students that include valuable learning opportunities for free.1. Open Yale Courses presented by Yale University allow free access to a variety of introductory classes where students can gain insights from some of the most distinguished professors anywhere. These courses come from actual Yale classes and are available in audio, video, and text formats for the convenience of the public. Students can come here to get a taste of a different academic path or to gain reinforcement for their existing path. Open Yale Courses has offerings in Astronomy, Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry, Economics, English, History, Music, … [Read more...] about 7 Great Online Resources for Students
5 Ways to Stop Feeling Angry at Work
Everybody gets angry. Feeling frustrated by an annoying coworker or stressed over a missed deadline is a natural emotion. What's important is how we deal with those negative feelings. No matter what the situation, it’s critical not to water the seed of anger, but to extinguish it as soon as possible.Here are five fail-proof ways to reduce office anger and keep desk rage in check:Practice ZazenThe backbone of Zen Buddhism, zazen is a form of seated meditation. It’s easy to practice a modified version at work because you don’t need any equipment. All you need is your butt in a chair.First, loosen anything on your body that feels tight, like your watch, collar, or belt. Next, sit up straight, making sure your spine is erect. With your eyes half open, take a deep breath, filling your belly with air. When you exhale, feel your belly return to its normal position. Concentrate on your mind or your breath–and nothing else.Modified work zazen is easy to hide from your … [Read more...] about 5 Ways to Stop Feeling Angry at Work
Going to College and Working Full Time
Can you actually hold a full-time job while taking an online degree program? Yes, you can! You'll probably have to cut back on playing video games, watching silly YouTube videos, responding to unnecessary text messages and watching television. Don't pout! You may actually enjoy spending time taking online classes. Online education programs allow students to attend classes at their convenience. People who can work independently with little assistance are best suited for online education programs. Acquiring more education can help you get a promotion. Here are some helpful tips which will make it easier to hold a job while taking an online education program: Set a schedule: Set aside a number of hours per week and try to be consistent with the time schedule. It's easier to get the work done if you have to be studying at a specific time.Family members: If you're living with family members or roommates let them know they should not enter your room during your school hours unless it's … [Read more...] about Going to College and Working Full Time
Are You Smarter Than Your Boss? Prove It!
I used to spend my days in the corporate world and one thing that always seemed to happen was people “above” me, making mega bucks more than me, often made less-than-intelligent decisions. At least it seemed that way. When I’d question – in an effort to understand – or offer an alternative, they would often chide me or make me feel small. Now that I am a business owner, I know that many were very good decisions. I also know that I was right quite often to question their decisions. So how do you get the respect you know you deserve – how do you get the top dogs to listen to you? Confidence when speaking is a must and a key skill that many bosses note as a requirement for promotion. There are a plethora of audio, video and ebook downloads that can help you with speaking techniques. This comes in handy whether you are in front of hundreds of people in an auditorium or presenting an idea to your boss. If you decide it’s time to move on, these … [Read more...] about Are You Smarter Than Your Boss? Prove It!
5 Tips to Effectively Handle Office Politics
Office politics are present in every industry in one form or another - and it is not going to go away anytime soon. Usually, the main intention of people who engage in office politics, is for personal gain. But what makes office politics a serious issue is the fact that employees who participate in petty politics contribute very little to the organization and its presence at all levels. Since it is impossible for anyone in an organization to stay untouched from office politics, it is always better to play it safe and position yourself in a way that you don’t get harmed. In honor of Election Day, we will cover few tips that will be handy for anyone dealing with office politics. And when it coes to talking about politics at work, avoid the subject altogether! Be a good observer – Do not get so involved in your work that you don’t know about the things going on in your workplace. If you want to keep your job safe, you should keep yourself updated with the latest happenings at your … [Read more...] about 5 Tips to Effectively Handle Office Politics
How to Make Your Work Commute More Productive
According to surveys, the average American spends 100 or more hours a year commuting to work. Many people dislike commuting because they feel that they are wasting their time as they crawl through traffic or stare out the window looking at the clouds. But your commute does not have to be a boring time suck – there are several things you can do to utilize the ride efficiently. Here are three things to do while commuting that can help you improve your career and productivity at work.Read If you are riding the bus, taking the subway or carpooling and you don’t get carsick easily, use the opportunity to read. You can use the time to catch up on work related materials that have been piling up, prepare for a meeting, or find out about new things that can help you do your job better. On the other hand, if you need a break from work take this chance to relax by reading something entirely frivolous and pleasurable. It’s important to read something you enjoy once in a while to … [Read more...] about How to Make Your Work Commute More Productive