When it comes to a philosophy of working, in recent years, some of the greatest wisdom has come from movie quotes about work. From Gordon Gecko’s famous paean on the joys of greed to Tyler Durden’s harangue on the condition of modern man, there are movie quotes to inspire or amuse every working stiff. Here at your favorite career advice blog Jobacle.com, we’ve put together a selection of some of our favorites. The importance of work: “A man should be what he can do.” - Private Robert E. Lee Prewitt, From Here to Eternity, 1953 “It’s not about the paycheck, it's about respect, it's about looking in the mirror and knowing that you've done something valuable with your day.” - Dave Kovic, Dave, 1993 “A job is not just a job. It's who you are." - Remy, Repo Men, 2010 “They say the number one killer of old people is retirement. People got 'em a job to do, they tend to live a little longer so they can do it.” - Budd, Kill Bill Vol. II, 2004 “I love the smell of commerce … [Read more...] about 22 Movie Quotes About Work
Career Advice Blog
5 Cool Underwater Jobs
There are a few lucky people in the world who look forward to going to work in the morning; most of these people are employed in a job they would do as a hobby anyway. Whether you’re a ski instructor, climbing instructor, surfing coach, hiking guide, food critic, wine taster or secret shopper, the chances are if you lost your job you’d still carry on doing the work regardless. One area that almost certainly has a high degree of job satisfaction is diving and underwater work. Many people fall madly in love with diving and the underwater world on vacation, and many go on from there to get their PADI certificate and carry on diving as a hobby. But what if you love diving so much that you want to do it for a living? Here are five underwater jobs that let you spend your days under the waves... Diving Instructor - The daddy of underwater jobs. If you’re prepared to put in the time training, (and the money too) then you’ll get yourself a job for life, useful at any … [Read more...] about 5 Cool Underwater Jobs
Moving at Work? Tips to Shift Your Cubicle
When we think of moving, we often flash to an image of a large moving truck, stacks of cardboard boxes and a brand new house. But moving is a fact of life at work too. From reorganizations to relocations, everyday, hardworking men and women are asked to change their work location. And while might not be as stressful as a house move (there should be a lot less stuff!), it can still be a royal pain in the butt. Moving and storage doesn't have to be difficult! Here are a few tips to prep for a cubicle or office move.PREVIEW THE NEW SPACE. Before you commence packing, take a look at your future work area. This is not always possible, but a visual can help you determine what you need to bring with you. Obviously, the less stuff you schlep with you, the easier the move. There's no point in moving something from Desk A to Desk B if you're only going to end up tossing it or taking it home since there's no room for it.UTILIZE PLASTIC … [Read more...] about Moving at Work? Tips to Shift Your Cubicle
4 Career Lessons From the Chinese Takeout
A model of discreet efficiency, the well-known and often loved Chinese takeout place is too often taken for granted. In their quiet and humble way, these places provide many of us with the comfort food we crave and often badly need. The Chinese takeout has indeed spread its proverbial wings, and appear as often in Seattle and Savannah as in NYC and San Francisco. The appeal for affordable food, and the service that comes with it, is just about universal. It's become an icon of modern urban life, and deservedly so.More importantly, the Chinese takeout serves as a great business model, and not just for those of us who may one day hope to have our own business. The skills and talents that make even the most mediocre takeout successful can, and indeed should, be applied to where ever we work, or whatever we do. Knife skills are, after all, not required. Here are four characteristics of a Chinese takeout that can be applied to your job, irrespective of the size of your cubicle. … [Read more...] about 4 Career Lessons From the Chinese Takeout
Ways to Make Your Boss Love You
This post is all about ways to get your boss loving you...in a platonic sense. That is to say, if you want your boss to appreciate, respect, value, and simply like you more, this article is for you. If however you’re looking for ways to get your boss to fall in love with you romantically, you’re looking for a completely different post altogether. Ask Questions Often people are afraid to ask their boss questions, especially when they are new to a company or have a low standing in the company hierarchy. Not wanting to come across as ignorant, feeling they are wasting their boss’ time, and fear of humiliation amongst their peers are all common reasons that prevent constructive questioning. However, it is also common for bosses to misinterpret this absence of questioning as lack of interest, lack of confidence, or even arrogance. No good boss expects those below them to know everything and most will encourage, if not request, that employees ask as many questions as … [Read more...] about Ways to Make Your Boss Love You
What to Say When the Interviewer Asks How Much You Make
During the interview process, it’s inevitable that at some point you’ll be asked about your salary requirements. Along with that question, a hiring manager or human resources employee might casually ask, “How much do you make now?”Employers want to know what you earn now or what you’ve earned in the past for one reason: so they can hire you for the lowest possible salary. If you answer truthfully, you could be looking at a minimal increase from your last job. But if you lie, you could cost yourself the opportunity.Here are a few honest ways to tackle the question:1. Tell the truth.Be honest about what you make, but also say how much money you’d require to accept the new position. If your salary request is light years away from your current earnings, explain why you’re underpaid in your current job—maybe your company has financial problems, for example—and why you deserve more in your next position. Gaining experience or education … [Read more...] about What to Say When the Interviewer Asks How Much You Make
5 Jobs for Cry Babies
Not only do you hear them, you see them, and you can almost smell them. They infuse the office atmosphere with the decay of defeat, the stink of sadness and a drony whine, sounding like an army of mosquitoes dive bombing into your ear on a warm summer night. Nothing's ever right for these types, and everything's always wrong. They can play the martyr, as in 'I gave the best years of my life to this place, and all I got for it was a kick in the ass'. Or they can be bitter and sullen, perennially grousing about whatever, with no subject deemed too trivial to complain about. So whether its the color of the wall paint or the ply of the toilet paper, or the type of paper clips the company uses, it's all fair game to them. They are the office cry babies; professional complainers who serve no purpose other than to drain, to sap, the life force out of any and all co-workers that they can. They bleat like sick sheep, yet never seem to rise above their self-imposed torpor to do anything about … [Read more...] about 5 Jobs for Cry Babies
Could You Benefit from the "New" Workstyle?
Gist.com, a new social media network that integrates all your email and social media account, and helps you in your worklife by creating a business profile for everyone in your network, recently espoused the virtues of a "new workstyle." The tenets of this workstyle, essentially, is that we are always connected, always in touch and ... always working. Sounds exactly like life as a business owner (and I'm not complaining about that!) -- but I don't see how this would fly for most employees. Employees who practice this new workstyle, according to the post, are, “always on and always aware,” “location independent,” and “Demonstrate resiliency in their ability to navigate and thrive in an increasingly ambiguous workplace (and world).” In spite of all this, the new workstyle is supposed to provide a better work/life balance. The theory is that employees can better balance work priorities and commitments with personal pursuits during the work day and after … [Read more...] about Could You Benefit from the "New" Workstyle?
Do Pea-Brained Managers Launch Entrepreneurs?
If you’re longing to go out on your own, bag the day job and start your own business, what’re the motivating factors? I suspect they might be:1. Setting your own hours and controlling your schedule.2. Doing something you love.3. Making a boatload of money (really?)4. Working in your sweatsI think there’s a much bigger impetus – the pea-brained boss. They’re probably responsible for thousands of newly-formed entrepreneurs. “Dilbert” creator Scott Adams summed it up nicely in a Wall Street Journal article, "The Perfect Stimulus: Bad Management." When he started out in corporate life, as Adams put it, “Though most of my immediate bosses were entirely reasonable and competent, the organization at large was riddled with hamster-brained sociopaths in leadership roles.” A bit exaggerated, but that’s why he gets the … [Read more...] about Do Pea-Brained Managers Launch Entrepreneurs?
Weird Science: 7 Careers Your Guidance Counselor Never Told You About
A career in science doesn’t necessarily mean being cooped up in a lab all day or sitting behind a computer. The fact that science inquires into literally every part of our world means that you can pursue scientific careers in the oddest of places, from the tops of volcanoes to outer space. Check out these real and bizarre science jobs that may leave you reconsidering your current career. 1. Microbe Hunter: Crazy scientists, they’ll study anything. Even tiny bacteria that live in the most extreme climates, like hot springs or deep-ocean thermal vents. Microbe hunters are a particular type of microbiologist that scour the earth for these tiny, extremophile life forms. Microbe hunters travel for research, get samples of their life form, and head back to the lab to study its growth and characteristics. • Necessary Education: Most need at least a master’s degree in biology, geochemistry, or a related field, although a PhD will … [Read more...] about Weird Science: 7 Careers Your Guidance Counselor Never Told You About