The Jobacle inbox has recently been hit with several emails from employees complaining that their jobs do not let them listen to music at work. Not cool. I am one of those people who is driven by music; it is my lifeblood. It helps me concentrate, keeps me motivated, and puts a rhythm to my day like nothing else. Boss’s who let me listen to music, get more out of me. But hey, it’s their world, I’m just living in it. So let me put on my corporate cap and give you some insight as to why your company won’t let you rock out at your desk.
– You’re getting paid to give your full attention to your job. Even if you are an “expert” multi-tasker, your compensation is for 100% — not 99%.
– Headphones can keep you from hearing your phone ring, your email chime, or drown out any other audible communication cue.
– What if everyone was in headphones? Teamwork and synergy would be flushed down the drain.
– You put the person who comes to your desk, including your boss, in the awkward position of standing there patiently or gesturing wildly to get your attention.
– In an emergency, a rapid reaction could be the difference between life and death. If there is a fire drill or true emergency, you risk not hearing the alarm.
– Your I.T. department is scared that you are streaming music and pushing the company’s bandwidth limits to the brink.
Your choices are to…
– Comply with your employer’s headphone rules and live in a world where the music is created by the hum of fluorescent lights.
– Grow your hair long and hide the earbuds; opt for black headphones as they are less noticeable than white.
– Listen in one ear, the side that your boss doesn’t see. Wireless, yo!
Does your boss/company allow you to listen to music at work? If so, do you listen via headphones or speakers?
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