We've all been there. The afternoon meeting where your eyelids suddenly start to feel heavy. Maybe lunch was a little too good, maybe the speakers' voices are a little dreary, but before you know it, all you can think about is closing them. Just for a second... Perhaps things don't get quite that bad. Perhaps you simply find yourself losing concentration and failing to keep up with what is being said. If that's the case, you're not making the most out of this vital workplace environment. Modern businesses move swiftly, and a loss of focus for even a couple of minutes could mean loss of crucial information. So how best to stay focused, relaxed and attentive? Here's five useful tips: A Clear Agenda Nothing is less mentally appealing than a long, poorly focussed meeting. Your brain simply gives up listening. Keep control of the direction and pace with a clearly written agenda. Make sure it is distributed before the day and that it succinctly introduces all the topics for discussion. A … [Read more...] about Stay Sharp – Make the Most of Work Meetings
Career Advice Blog
Setting Up the Perfect Informational Interview
Whether you have freshly graduated, or if you are re-entering the job market, you don’t have to wait until you see an employee listing to introduce yourself. Many people aren’t aware that you can request an informational interview, or where you even start the process. Interestingly though, a large percentage of individuals who go out of their way to market themselves and make contacts are hired quite quickly. Sometimes the company doesn’t even have an opening, they are just so impressed by the person that they don’t want to lose them to the competition either. Develop Your List You don’t want to set up informational interviews with just random companies. They should be hand-selected after you have gone through the company’s entire profile. If you get offered a position with a company you are not crazy over, you may lose your chance at a career you will love or that you are better suited for. Choose your contacts wisely. Also, keep in mind that sometimes, competing companies are often … [Read more...] about Setting Up the Perfect Informational Interview
Paternity Leave Around the World
In a perfect world, every country would provide significant employment benefits to new parents who want to bond with their child. Unfortunately, although some countries really step up and embrace how important it is to the child, parent and workplace to allow this time, other countries simply miss the mark. It is important to note that the below figures are paternity leave only, not maternity leave. Some countries are generous with maternity leave benefits but drop the ball completely when it comes paternity leave. Austria – A certain percentage of pay provided from one to three years. The percentage is based on their income from the previous year. Bulgaria – Interestingly, a father or even a grandparent is permitted to take maternity leave, rather than the mother and receive 100 percent salary for a full year. Italy – Up to 13 weeks are permitted with 80 percent pay, but the total for both parents has to remain under 26 weeks. Malta … [Read more...] about Paternity Leave Around the World
How To Get (& Stay) Motivated
Motivation sometimes comes easily and other times it is elusive and hard to find! A new year is often seen as a good time to start afresh in and out or work. Here are a few ideas to help you get and stay motivated: Choose Work You Love The easiest way to feel naturally motivated is to do work you enjoy, as much as possible. That might mean asking for a transfer within your current job or quitting the job you are in and finding something more suitable. What Are Your Values? Knowing what your values are helps you to know what naturally drives you. For one person, it might be security and for someone else it might be making a difference (for example). If you are unsure what motivates you, spend some time thinking about and using the link above to get clear what is important to you. Remind Yourself What difference does your job make? What does it make possible for other people? Reminding yourself of the larger purpose of your job is a great way to tap into that well spring of … [Read more...] about How To Get (& Stay) Motivated
I’m Scared to Fly: How to Tell the Boss You Won’t Travel
Whether you literally are afraid to board that giant bird, or if you simply have no desire to leave your family, telling your boss you won’t travel is never easy. Some people jump at the opportunity to pack their bags and get away, even if it is only for a morning meeting and a free night on the town. If you are not this type of person, and find yourself anxious at work, you are better to tell your boss sooner than later. Keep in mind that once you do it the first time, it will likely be expected of you in the future. Pre-hire Ideally, the best time to bring up the fact that you won’t travel is during the interview. If the employer hires you being fully aware of your intentions, they can’t expect you to change them, and you certainly shouldn’t have to feel bad about reminding them. Be firm when setting your boundaries. Don’t tell them maybe you will travel or that you won’t mind doing it once in a while. An occasional business trip to you may … [Read more...] about I’m Scared to Fly: How to Tell the Boss You Won’t Travel
Handling the Office Complainer
Wouldn’t it be nice if it was acceptable to simply slap a piece of duct tape over the mouth of the office complainer? Of course, then you would have to fasten their hands together so the tape couldn’t be removed, which means you would likely end up having to do their job too! Clearly, duct tape is not the best solution. Still, no one wants to listen to whining or complaining. Not to mention, negativity is contagious, and even if you don’t catch it, others in the office might! Does Ignoring Work? Although it can be tempting to ignore them and hope they lose interest and go away, they are not a bee, and they typically will not lose interest. In fact, studies show that constant complainers are often motivated to complain more when they feel as though their concerns are being dismissed. While you may think you are doing the right thing, you are simply adding fuel to the fire. You don’t want to be responsible for the explosion, do you? Listen Sometimes, a complainer … [Read more...] about Handling the Office Complainer
Companies You Would Want to Work At
Every one has a dream job -- one that they never think that for a million years they could ever get. There are so many amazing companies in the United States that people are just dying to work for. Many of them are looking for young college graduates who have a fresh look and a new perspective to join their company. Many of you will have the opportunity to apply to companies like these. You may not think that you have a shot because of your lack of experience when in fact, they are looking for new eyes to give them new insights. Here are some amazing companies that many people would die to work for. Google Everyone loves Google. Also, everyone knows Google. If you do get the opportunity to work here, take it! Google treats their employees amazingly because they want to keep them happy. Someone who wrote a review about it online said that although Google is such a large company, they still try to function like a small business. They want to be a large and successful corporation without … [Read more...] about Companies You Would Want to Work At
How to Handle Job Rejection
If you are a model going to cattle calls all day or an actor reciting lines at one audition after the other, rejection is a stepping stone that balances out the odds. However, if you are in the real world, getting drilled with questions at lengthy interviews, it is hard not to take rejection personally. How is it that one person can look at rejection as a huge set back, while another looks at it as a boost to reach their next big break? It’s Not Personal Why are you taking it personal? They didn’t reject you as a person, you were simply not a good match. It could be your qualifications, it could be your answer to some of the questions or it may have even been your personality. Quite often, employees are looking for someone who will mesh well with the team they already have. You may have ample experience, fantastic references and a strong presence, but maybe they already have someone with a bold personality and they fear you may have your differences. Sometimes there … [Read more...] about How to Handle Job Rejection
Consider Athletic Training as a Career
Do you enjoy sitting in an office? How about dealing with the elderly? Or changing colostomy bags? If none of those sound fun then you have come to the right place. What about a career that allows you to work with elite level athletes ranging from college, professional and Olympic? How about working on the side cheering on your favorite team? What if you could be an instrumental part of a winning organization for your quick thinking and skills? If that sounds like your dream job, then Athletic Training might be for you. What is Athletic Training? It is a profession designed to take care of athletes. Certified Athletic Trainers are directly responsible for the health care of the athletic team(s) you work with. This can include injury assessment, rehabilitation, dental, physiological impairment sports psychology issues and concussion prevention and education. Not only will you be the person directly responsible for these needs, but you might also be the person in charge of … [Read more...] about Consider Athletic Training as a Career
Gap Years for a Great Career – 5 Great Tips For Volunteering Abroad
Do you need to get more out of life? Feeling a little unfulfilled? Well why not take time out to do something a bit different? And what if that time out meant you’d be doing something that not only benefits you, but complete strangers as well? I’m talking about learning new skills, meeting new people and visiting new places – I’m talking about doing some voluntary work abroad. Working abroad on community projects isn’t just about helping people in need or assisting countries in poverty, although that is an obvious benefit to signing up. These trips can help you grow as an individual and teach you a range of life skills you probably never even knew you needed. If you’ve toyed with the idea of heading off to impoverished Swaziland to flex your muscles building wells, or had a hankering for providing education in a remote village in South America, then what’s stopping you from signing up? Travelling to a foreign country can sometimes be a daunting prospect, particularly if you’re an … [Read more...] about Gap Years for a Great Career – 5 Great Tips For Volunteering Abroad