Every one has a dream job — one that they never think that for a million years they could ever get. There are so many amazing companies in the United States that people are just dying to work for. Many of them are looking for young college graduates who have a fresh look and a new perspective to join their company. Many of you will have the opportunity to apply to companies like these. You may not think that you have a shot because of your lack of experience when in fact, they are looking for new eyes to give them new insights. Here are some amazing companies that many people would die to work for.
Everyone loves Google. Also, everyone knows Google. If you do get the opportunity to work here, take it! Google treats their employees amazingly because they want to keep them happy. Someone who wrote a review about it online said that although Google is such a large company, they still try to function like a small business. They want to be a large and successful corporation without having a bad reputation. The employees get free food in the cafeteria; they get free laundry and a free climbing wall. They also receive free massages whenever they want. (Sign me up!) The environment is very fast paced and so Google needs their employees to stay happy. The employees at Google last year got a pay raise of ten percent and they can receive 175 dollar bonuses if any of their coworkers believe that they deserve it. Who wouldn’t want to work here?
Microsoft is another huge and successful company. Bill Gates, who is one of the richest men in the world, founded it. Microsoft is similar to Google and they give their employees tons of awesome benefits. Some of these benefits include free dry cleaning, valet parking, and the best health insurance in the industry. The people who work there have said that Microsoft had a laid back environment. The employees also say that it is a very family-oriented. This company would be a great place to work or get an internship right out of college.
We have all seen DreamWorks movies such as Shrek, Madagascar, and Puss in Boots. These kid’s movies are ones that we have all come to know and love. What if you had the opportunity to work at the place where these were invented? The benefits that these employees receive are amazing free breakfasts and lunches, and free art classes. They also have parties every month. In a place like this, you might think that it would be hard to get to know the boss. At DreamWorks though, the head honcho personally calls the new employees to hire them. Also, at any time, any employee can pitch a story idea to the executives of the company. So if you have always been dying to pitch a story idea, this is the place to work!
Goldman Sachs
If you are not so much creative as you are good at business and finance, you may want to try and work at Goldman Sachs, one of the leaders in investment management. The new building has a huge gym and a reading room and sky room. The headquarters of this company is in the middle of the Big Apple. These companies sure do know how to make their employees happy. People jump at the chance to work these places and you should too!
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