Daily routines can quickly become a daily grind when they continue on without changes or anticipated development. For many of us switching up our daily routine can be an important part of mental and physical health. Thriving on Change The brain is a complex and developed organ designed to address fluctuating circumstances and yes, even times of stress. Whether the stress is good or bad our brain is equipped to handle these changes and it can be argued that our brain is designed to – and will thrive on – changes and challenges. When the brain falls into a routine or a “rut” as we often call it, development stagnates, performance weakens, and a variety of psychosomatic symptoms can begin to emerge. These symptoms can include: Physical weakness Mental fatigue Agitation, jitteriness, or anxiety Restless leg syndrome Physical twitching Pervasive feeling of boredom These symptoms are typically mental unhappiness manifested physically. They are vague and often people … [Read more...] about Are Daily Routines Destoying Your Career?
Career Advice Blog
The Reality of Entering the Workplace With a Disability
In spite of research suggesting that disabled graduates fare equally in the workplace with their non-disabled peers, the reality is that many disabled ex-students are still finding it difficult to secure work. The most recent ‘What Happens Next?’ report from AGCAS concluded that graduates who use wheelchairs, have mental health complications or other mobility issues showcase the greatest levels of unemployment amongst those who graduated that same year. In fact, approximately half of the UK’s disabled, working age population is currently in work. In contrast, more than three quarters of those without disabilities are currently employed. These statistics showcase a stark unfairness and a trend that needs to change. By law, employers are not to discriminate against those with any disability at any point in the recruitment process (or during employment). The problem is that proving discrimination is difficult, and few who feel they have been discriminated against wish to burden … [Read more...] about The Reality of Entering the Workplace With a Disability
Starting Your Own Business vs. Buying a Business
For many, the dream is to start a business. Whatever the business may be, the idea of building something from the ground up is exciting. You get to hire your own staff, make decisions the way you want, and eventually you’ll be bringing in the big bucks. However, starting a business in this economy is not always all it’s cracked up to be—you more or less have to succeed within the first year in order to keep going. This can be tough because of all the things that go into the first year of a business. You have to figure out your finances and loans, which software you want to use for your business, complete background checks on all candidates, and figure out a way to get your name out there all at the same time. In other words, it may be a good idea to have all of these components in place before you put your heart and soul into a business. What’s the easiest way to make that happen? Buy an already established business. Top Three Reasons to Start Your Business By Taking Over Someone … [Read more...] about Starting Your Own Business vs. Buying a Business
4 Ways to Create More Effective Workplace Team Meetings
Team meetings – some love them, some hate them. Regardless of how you view these gatherings, they’re typically a necessary part of enhancing workplace success and employee morale. As such, if you’ve noticed lately that your team meetings are lacking their usual pizazz and effectiveness, the following are four ways to get things back on track. Send Out Agendas in Advance Every workplace team meeting should have an agenda. Agendas provide meeting guidance and structure. However, a common management practice is to pass out agendas at the beginning of each meeting. This isn’t the most effective option because meeting time is wasted while the agendas are being reviewed and this poses the risk that team members will be caught off guard by certain agenda items. To increase meeting effectiveness, email or hand out agendas in advance of the scheduled meeting time. If your meetings are first thing in the morning, send the agendas out at least a few hours before the office closes the day … [Read more...] about 4 Ways to Create More Effective Workplace Team Meetings
The Five Habits of Effective Freelancers
In defining freelancers, one of the first images that comes to mind is someone pursuing a career in their most casual outfits, namely their pajamas. This indeed would be a dream come true. Oh, but alas that describes this author! So, lest we deliberate on the fashion for freelancers and omit the subject of the agenda, let’s jump right in with all fours and discover those amazing five habits. ● Goals Yes, believe it or not even free spirits, freelancers, have goals. One of course is to keep eating; the other is to be able to sleep indoors; another might be to have a voice-activated form of communication; and for some, to have transportation. In this author’s case it is just reassuring to know her brain is functioning at a reasonable level, and that she actually has work when all about her were demanding she “get out and get a job!” ● Discipline Work-related goals, however, respond to things like setting an alarm clock, enjoying a healthy breakfast, using the first hour to … [Read more...] about The Five Habits of Effective Freelancers
If You’re Going to Wear Jeans in the Office, At Least Do It Right
I’m a firm adherent to the adage that the clothes make the man. Usually people see this in the sense that the clothes you wear mark your position in society (which is true, whatever), but MORE IMPORTANTLY I think that putting on a uniform somehow mentally prepares the wearer for the task they are about to perform. As such it pains me that right now, as I sit in my office chair and look around I am the only person to not be wearing jeans. Now don’t get me wrong, I love jeans. I just think that if you’re at work and your job doesn’t involve manual labor, then you have no business in denim. My father was a welder, my grandfather built ships, and family lore has it that my great grandfather immigrated west in a covered wagon—they could wear jeans to work. I spend all day having meetings about leveraging brand equity through social media engagement—I don’t get to wear jeans. If you are reading this at work then you (probably) don’t get to wear jeans; and if you are wearing jeans, my … [Read more...] about If You’re Going to Wear Jeans in the Office, At Least Do It Right
Relocating for Work
If you’re reading this article it’s probably because you’ve either been offered a job with the prospect of relocation, or you’re considering an offer. Relocation is often a complicated and long process – there are many rewards to be had, and many new and exciting opportunities that can arise as a result. The first reaction to relocation for most people is often fear or apprehension. First, you need to understand that this is completely normal – it’s a huge step to move away from an established routine, friends and family – so don’t feel ashamed or concerned if you’re feeling this way. It doesn’t mean the move is a bad idea. The key thing here is to chat about how you’re feeling – if you have a significant other, talk things out with them and concentrate on what you’re excited for rather than the things you’re going to miss. If you have children, encourage them to talk about it too, if they’re resistant to the move then look up some great activities in the new location that will spark … [Read more...] about Relocating for Work
Career Change: Should I Become a Nanny?
Many dream of being a nanny from the first time they see Mary Poppins as a child, while others take this career path much later in life. It does not matter if you are 20 or 50-years-old, a nanny is a very rewarding career, and certainly one you can always get into. Not to mention, nannies are higher in demand now than ever before, especially since more women hold powerful positions in companies and have their own businesses that they can’t stay away from for long. As long as you are qualified, it will rarely be a challenge to find a nice long-term job. Are You a Good Fit? Being a nanny requires a special type of person. Just because you love kids, does not mean that this is the right career change for you. There are many characteristics that make a person a good nanny, a few of these include: Patience – Spending 10 to 12 hours with a child can be pretty wearing on your patience. You have to be able to not let things pile up until you explode. Children will push their boundaries and … [Read more...] about Career Change: Should I Become a Nanny?
The Office Valentine: What to Give and What to Avoid
Oh, Valentine’s Day – that over-commercialized holiday designed to pad the pockets of flower shops and jewelry makers. In the world of romance, Valentine’s Day is a chance to express your innermost passion, to charm your mate. However, in the workplace, it’s a day often resulting in coworker confusion and claims of sexual harassment. While many coworkers will see the lightheartedness and holiday spirit in office valentines, in today’s often oversensitive world, you simply can’t be too careful. The following are a few tips on what to give coworkers this Valentine’s Day and what to avoid. Keep it Platonic If you wouldn’t give it to your child, don’t give it to coworkers. While you may think that giving risqué valentines to coworkers would be a fun prank, the gesture would more than likely be misunderstood. When giving valentines to coworkers, remain platonic by passing out treats or by giving cards imprinted with fun, yet straightforward sayings. Give to One, Give to All Unless … [Read more...] about The Office Valentine: What to Give and What to Avoid
Advance in Your Career – Go Back to School
More Americans are pondering if going back to school could be their ticket out of unemployment, a way to transition to a new career field, or an enhancement to their chances of getting the salary they truly deserve. Fact is that this question does not have a hard and fast answer. According to the 2010 census, 18% of Americans have a Bachelor’s degree and only 6.9% have finished graduate school. Being part of that small percentage of Americans will help to set you apart from the rest of the workforce. Reasons for Going Back to School The idealistic argument for going back to school is that it shouldn't be undertaken solely for the purpose of career advancement. The reason for your return should also include the desire to want to advance in your life by taking the appropriate steps to keep moving forward. Understanding that returning to school can be a stressful time is important, but recognizing that that end is near will help you through this time. A positive attitude that … [Read more...] about Advance in Your Career – Go Back to School