Every career site seems to yammer on and on about "What to Avoid on Your Resume." Jesus. If you don't get it by now, odds are you never will. While trolling Scribd.com I came across Kevin Cantrell's resume. I have no idea who he is. But a quick glance revealed several crucial resume mistakes. The information below is not to pick on Kevin. Rather it's to help him (and you) see the error of his ways. Besides, if you're going to post your resume for the world to see, you should make sure it's polished. Please Scam Me. Just like you never put your Social Security number on a paper resume, you should never put all of your contact information on the Web. I would use an e-mail address specific to that resume so you know where your inquiries are coming from. Also, I would use a service like GrandCentral and avoid using your true, everyday phone number. Do not include your home address. No Errors, Period. I won't bore you with this one but the resume below is missing hyphens and … [Read more...] about The Resume Hunter: 3-Minute Review #1
Why We Should All Be Like Richard Simmons (I'm NOT Kidding!)
I fell asleep with the TV on last night and woke up this morning to a frightening image: Richard Simmons on the Today Show. While not really the first thing I want to see in the AM, I had a mini-epiphany. Richard Simmons, born Milton Teagle Simmons, is THE MAN! In a world where the media builds people up, only to tear them down, Richard has stood the test of time, all while performing an amazing feat - helping Americans lose close to 3,000,000 pounds.Aside from trying to make work a better place, I believe that readers of this blog are hungry to achieve a certain level of success. Let's see what Mr. Simmons can teach us.Humble Beginnings. Born in New Orleans, RS's first job was selling pralines, fattening confections made from nuts and sugar syrup. Needless to say he might have been the best customer. He turned things around and eventually lost 123lb. Boys and girls, that's motivation. Height Is Irrelevant. The average height of a Fortune … [Read more...] about Why We Should All Be Like Richard Simmons (I'm NOT Kidding!)
You Must Talk to Colleagues You Don't Know
In the parking lot, break room, and bathroom you regularly ignore co-workers whose names you don't know. Heck, you don't even know what department they work for.Aside from the occasional head nod, you pass these folks by every day without acknowledging them. Why? Probably, like most people, you are scared to talk to strangers. Except these aren't strangers. These are people you share a common bond with. Your checks are signed by the same blowhard. Here are seven reasons to talk to your nameless colleagues.- People are generally nice. An engaging conversation where you learn something could be right around the corner. You might even make a new friend.- It passes time. Didn't you learn anything from our inefficiency expert? Flapping your lips will help the clock march on.- Eliminates awkwardness. There's a good chance you'll eventually have to deal with this person down the road. Today's … [Read more...] about You Must Talk to Colleagues You Don't Know
Podcast: How to Run With Your Idea
Jobacle is proud to release episode number 67 of the Working Podcast. Listen below or download it. Here's what you'll hear: - Audio version of 14 Ways the Sun Can Help Your Career - An interview with Bryan Daigle, founder of IdeaTango.com, a Web site that connects inventors with businesses. - The Career Filter features: PartnerUp.com, a Web site that helps you seek out business collaborators. Wurkpal.com, a place where you and your colleagues can anonymously chat. Alumwire.com, a job seeking site for recent grads. - Song: "I'm a Number" by the Hungry Chef, Erio G. Cavalieri. If you're interested in sponsoring a future epsiode, or just want to share your feedback and/or ideas, please contact me here. … [Read more...] about Podcast: How to Run With Your Idea
Do You Suffer From Desk Rage?
I won't lie. Sometimes I dream of ramming my fist through my computer monitor. Other times, I'm hurling my Swingline against the wall. First we took our aggressions out on the way to work (road rage) and now it appears many of us let out our frustration at work. This phenomenon is known as Desk Rage. And it doesn't need to be capitalized, but I think it looks more severe when title cased.While your colleagues might not throwing around their office equipment, odds are they are partaking in some negative behavior.Warning signs:loud and frequent pen clickingserial gum snappingsniffing, snorting, grunting soundsloud keyboard tappingspells of silenceAnd in my case, I tend to drum with my thumbs, obnoxiously loud on the bottom of my keyboard. I'm not proud. It's a hard habit to break.How do you know when things are getting really bad? If any of the symptoms below sound familiar, you better learn some new ways to relax.Severe Symptoms:Face flushes … [Read more...] about Do You Suffer From Desk Rage?
14 Ways the Sun Can Save Your Career
The Jobacle blog always encourages you to take your full lunch hour. Now we're taking it a step further. As summer winds down, we encourage you to take your lunch hour outside!Here are some of the benefits of chowing down in the sun:- Avoid cancer. Get Your Vitamin D fix. Sunshine kicks off a chain reaction which produces the essential vitamin in our bodies. Low levels have been proven to lead to multiple sclerosis, several types of cancer and cause unexplained muscle and bone pain. Isn't work already painful enough?- Reverse SAD. Studies have shown that the simple act of natural light hitting your skin can help reverse seasonal affective disorder, an illness that saps your energy and causes depression as the days get shorter. And guess what, tomorrow will be shorter then today,- Sleep better. Sunlight helps keep our bodily processes in check by regulating hormones and improving thyroid function. This can increase your sense of well-being and … [Read more...] about 14 Ways the Sun Can Save Your Career
Is Your Job Prestigious?
Polls and surveys seem to be such a big part of the online career community. On occasion I'll reference one on the blog, but for the most part, I tend to steer clear. The main reason being that I don't think most of them are worth squat.For instance, a recent Harris Poll named the Most and Least Prestigious Occupations. Without boring you with too many numbers and facts, here's a snapshot of the findings.High PrestigeFirefightersScientistsTeachersDoctorsMilitary officersNurses Low PrestigeReal Estate BrokersActorsBankersAccountantsEntertainersStockbrokersThe word PRESTIGIOUS is defined as having a high reputation; honored. While I'm not surprised seeing firefighters and doctors on the list, I am a bit surprised that teachers and nurses make the cut. Don't get me wrong, those occupations are under appreciated and essential, but I don't see how anyone can view them as "esteemed."The same way I don't buy that people don't hold actors, bankers and … [Read more...] about Is Your Job Prestigious?
Silly Office Birthday Antics
Nothing's more forced and painful then gathering around the conference room table to sing a depressive version of Happy Birthday. The folks at this office decided to bring the birthday TO the employee. … [Read more...] about Silly Office Birthday Antics
Workhack: The One-Line Job Description
Podiatrists have it easy. Why? Because when asked what they do for a living at any social gathering, they can deliver a one-word answer that explains it all. My entire career has been spent in media. Since I've always worn many hats - and have never been a "specialist" in one area - I have always had trouble when asked the question, "What do you do?" A key tool to have in your arsenal is a polished elevator pitch. Inevitably, I deliver a generalized answer that barely 50% accurate. It's solely designed to end the small talk as quickly as possible. It's hard to explain to a layperson what a content editor is. There are certain stigmas I avoid. For example, any mention that I work on a Web site immediately has people believe that I'm a Babylon 5-watching, iPhone toting techhead that can surely explain why their PC is crawling along like a rat in quicksand. I can't. And if I say I'm a writer, you immediately picture me alone in the basement, unshowered, working on … [Read more...] about Workhack: The One-Line Job Description
Company Softball: Taking One for the Team
Yes, I play softball for my company team. Let me rephrase that. I USED TO play softball for my company team. A few days ago I experienced the ultimate guy nightmare: the ball hit me where no man ever deserves to get hit. And hard. REALLY hard. I went down like a pile of skin and bones as the sky turned every color but blue. After gathering myself (as best I could) I sped home, a bottle of cold Gatorade glued to my groin, ready to show the damage to any state trooper who even considered pulling me over. Fear not friends, I'm on the mend - almost as good as new. Things were close to being really ugly, and I consider myself lucky, as crazy as it sounds. Let's get to the reason at hand - company softball teams - and why they serve the company so much more then they serve YOU - the player. HOW IT BENEFITS YOU Fun. Any "athlete" enjoys playing the game. It's not always easy to rustle up eight of your closest friends, secure a field, and a play a game. A corporate team leaves … [Read more...] about Company Softball: Taking One for the Team