Warren Buffet is the the second richest man alive. He has donated $31 billion to charity. Here are some interesting aspects of his life:1. He bought his first share at age 11 and he now regrets that he started too late!2. He bought a small farm at age 14 with savings from delivering newspapers.3. He still lives in the same small 3-bedroom house in mid-town Omaha, that he bought after he got married 50 years ago. He says that he has everything he needs in that house. His house does not have a wall or a fence.4. He drives his own car everywhere and does not have a driver or security people around him.5. He never travels by private jet, although he owns the world’s largest private jet company.6. His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns 63 companies. He writes only one letter each year to the CEOs of these companies, giving them goals for the year. He never holds meetings or calls them on a regular basis.He has given his CEO’s only two … [Read more...] about Forward of the Week: Lessons From Warren Buffet
Ode to an Office Boy
He got his start laying pipe for the Atlas Water and Sewer company. Eventually, he climbed the ranks, becoming responsible for a staff of 800 and annual revenue exceeding $120 million. His name is Victor Kipling. This is his weekly column.The red light bulb blinked-blinked-blinked its silent warning; and the office boy hustled over and pulled the large black lever, opening the pneumatic slot. A series of glass and metal tubes eagerly began to cascade out; each encasing a yellow telegram message. As he opened each one, he worked rhythmically to time stamp, then sort and finally place each in a separate envelope for routing. Messages for honchos from all the corners of the world; some even hand stamped with a red 'urgent' or even 'eyes only'. There was, he had to admit, a certain satisfaction in answering the call of the unyielding red light.But no sooner was he absorbed in this mindless work then he was awoken from his reverie by shouts of "you there, boy!" It … [Read more...] about Ode to an Office Boy
Podcast: Workplace Nutrition and Fitness Tips
The summer is over and now is the time to start eating healthy at the office. Kevin Larrabee of TheFitCast shares tips on how to avoid "pilot ass" and keep your energy level up. You'll also find out how office "friendships" can hurt your career. Plus, the three hottest free career resources on the Web. There are three ways to listen: - Stream on our homepage (shows plays instantly) - Stream from the player below (about a 60 second load time) - Download direct Also, a special thanks to the Globe and Mail up in Canada for writing about the Jobacle career blog and podcast! … [Read more...] about Podcast: Workplace Nutrition and Fitness Tips
7 Holiday Weekend Gas Saving Tips
This post is for my fellow commuters who have the luxury of driving to work everyday. I know, we're destroying the environment, but it's just so much better then waiting for buses and trains (something I've spent too many of my years relying on!).Even though gas prices have dropped a whopping 10 cents from this time last year, it's still super expensive. Hopefully these tips will help you this Labor Day weekend and beyond.1) Roll up the windows. When air flows into the car, it causes resistance - in turn - producing a drag that will reduce gas mileage by 10%.2) AM/PM. When filling your tank, try to do so early in the morning or late at night. Your goal is to do it at the coolest time of the day. Cooler temperatures mean denser gas, and that means you're getting more mileage for your money.3) Humpday. Buy on a Wednesday. I don't care what anyone says, these gas guys jack up the prices late in the week to bang us into the weekend. … [Read more...] about 7 Holiday Weekend Gas Saving Tips
I'm NOT Getting Out Early Today…R U?
Please allow me a 30 second rant. While most people who hold down standard office jobs will be hitting the road a few hours early today, I'll be anchored to my desk to the very last minute, just as I would on any other day. You see, my company feels the need to hold everyone to the same standard. So, if a low-level administrative person needs to hang around to pick up phones - so do you.It sucks. And it's stupid. And it's unfair. (if you think otherwise - speak up!)Please tell me I'm not alone...or feel free to rub it in! I'd love to hear what your company's policy is regarding days before a holiday. I should note that this policy applies for every single holiday. Bastards! … [Read more...] about I'm NOT Getting Out Early Today…R U?
7 Dangers of Joining a Work Clique
As sure as sun on a summer day, relationships will form under the glow of fluorescent lights. How else are you supposed to pass 40 hours a week of nothingness? And while I'm the first to admit that amazing relationships can happen at work (what up E. Smith!) these bonds often have an us vs. them foundation - which in reality - is not a true basis for a friendship.In my humble experience, many office relationships are rooted in negativity, which is a problem for everyone involved: you, your clique, the company, the industry, the universe! However, there's another risk associated with a work "buddy," and that's a loss of your identity. Before you rush off to lunch with the same co-worker(s) everyday, please consider the following.They Feel Left Out. There might only be two or three of you, but it's clear that you are a unified team. And when there's a team, there needs to be an opponent. In this case, that's everyone except your … [Read more...] about 7 Dangers of Joining a Work Clique
The Resume Hunter: 3-Minute Review #2
It's time for our weekly assault - I mean analysis - of a random online resume. In short, I give it a quick 180-second scan and talk about the good, the bad, and the downright stupid. As always, the information below is not to make fun of anyone. Rather, it's an exercise where we can all learn from common resume blunders. Hopefully Ms. Ilvana Do Socorro Azevedo Siqueira will consider our comments below. Remember: If you're going to post your resume for the world to see, make sure it's good! - Proper English. I understand that English is not everyone's first language. However, if you do not have an excellent command of the written word, I highly recommend you hunt down one of the gazillion services that will gladly take your money. It's a small investment if it leads to the job of your dreams. Due to the language issue, I won't bother to pick apart all of the awkward phrases, but there is one that really bothered me: "I was supposed to train all users." Huh? That makes it … [Read more...] about The Resume Hunter: 3-Minute Review #2
The Verge of Fax Extinction
He got his start laying pipe for the Atlas Water and Sewer company. Eventually, he climbed the ranks, becoming responsible for a staff of 800 and annual revenue exceeding $120 million. His name is Victor Kipling. This is his weekly column.The photo in the magazine showed a harried executive standing over his pert, proper and suitably concerned secretary. Tie askew and with a frenzied look in his eyes, the text tells us that this man has just learned, once again, that his field office managers had failed to follow instructions, and caused him to miss another deadline. How was he to explain to his boss this all too frequent lapse? Sure, he knew that once again his subordinates would claim that they never received the assignment, or that their response was lost in the mail, or employed a plethora of other excuses; ones that would even make a lazy high school student green with envy. ‘Ah, what to do?’ the ad asked…and then of course answered its own … [Read more...] about The Verge of Fax Extinction
Make Work Like the First Day of School
What do butterflies and tears have in common? Nothing, except you probably experienced both on your first day of school.Sure, you're all grown up now. But I'm willing to bet that you can bring yourself back to the emotional rollercoaster that was the first day of school!Going back to academic prison after a sun-soaked summer of kickball, sleepovers and block parties was always an anxiety-ridden time. However, aside from the natural stress, the first day was always kind of exciting. It was a clean slate. Hot new girls. Fresh beginnings. Hot new girls. New start. Fresh new clothes. Hot new girls.Anything was possible, and this year, you would keep that spiral notebook neat (at least until tomorrow.) Why not make your next day at work like the first day of school? Here's how:- Get enough sleep. Not only are Zzzzzs important for physical and mental restoration, but the right amount will help you create a more positive attitude, give you more … [Read more...] about Make Work Like the First Day of School
6 Reasons to Turn Down a Promotion
To quote a wise man, "Mo Money, Mo Problems." Ok, so maybe I wouldn't classify the Notorious B.I.G. as "wise," but when it comes to careers, he's spot on. On episode #69 of the Working Podcast we explore the reasons why a promotion isn't necessarily a good thing. Also, you'll hear a podcast exclusive, an interview with Graham Langdon, the 21-year-old founder of the Million Dollar Wiki. The entrepreneur gives you insight to his overnight Internet sensation and explains how you can make money too! There are three ways to listen: - Stream on our homepage (shows plays instantly) - Stream from the player below (about a 60 second load time) - Download direct … [Read more...] about 6 Reasons to Turn Down a Promotion