Sketchcast is a new tool that will enhance blogs and give all of you job searchers another way to display your creativity! While I'm not sure how useful of a product this really is, we took it for a quickie test drive below. Key features that appear to be missing are the ability to speed up sketches and to add images. You can also add audio, which I'm going to give a try later. Maybe we'll sketch out the next episode of the Working Podcast - the best free career advice show on the Web! For now, forgive my crappy handwriting! … [Read more...] about Will Sketchcast Leave Its Mark?
Office Birthdays: A Necessary Evil?
No one likes to be ignored. Yet everyone claims to dread the annual ritual of your co-workers acknowledging the fact that you're one year older - which means another year gone by with a measly 3% raise.I was recently interviewed by the fine folks at the Globe and Mail about office birthdays. While fresh in my mind, here are the variations I've experienced. Please share your experiences in the comments section below and you could win our comments contest.IndividualThe folder goes around. Everyone signs your card and chips in $3 - $5.Pros: You get to feel special.Cons: The spotlight is on you, meaning 20 forced minutes of age-related jokes and fielding generic questions.Notes: The problem with this model are months like April, when it appears everyone was born!Once a MonthSimple. Everyone's birthday for the particular month is celebrated at once. Pros: Many birds, one stone. Variety of cakes.Cons: Where's the love? Gives new meaning to … [Read more...] about Office Birthdays: A Necessary Evil?
Forward of the Week: Rejection Rules!
A little inspiration never hurt anyone, right? Follow your heart and don't let "no" get in your way...Sigmund Freud was booed from the podium when he first presented his ideas to the scientific community of Europe. He returned to his office and kept on writing.Winston Churchill failed sixth grade. He was subsequently defeated in every election for public office until he became Prime Minister at the age of 62. He later wrote, "Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never, Never, Never, Never give up." (his capitals, mind you)Charles Darwin gave up a medical career and was told by his father, "You care for nothing but shooting, dogs and rat catching." In his autobiography, Darwin wrote, "I was considered by all my masters and my father, a very ordinary boy, rather below the common standard of intellect." Clearly, he … [Read more...] about Forward of the Week: Rejection Rules!
The Year MTV Banned Christmas
Henry Brown ruined Christmas. I'll never forget the flamboyant MTV Networks Office Manager who insisted I remove Christmas lights I had hung from my work studio. "They're a fire hazard." While I was annoyed at the time, I now realize that good ol' Henry was right. Incandescent Christmas/holiday lights are a common source of home fires during the holiday season, partly, because they cause a lot of heat and use a lot of electricity. The fact is, LED Christmas lights operate at 1 degree above ambient temperature. That means they remain cool to the touch even after hours of use. You'll also save energy! LED holiday lights only draw about .072 watts per bulb so they are not likely to overload a standard home circuit. Replacing your inefficient incandescent holiday lights with LED holiday lights will not only save energy but will improve home/office safety. Here's a summary on LED lights: * 90% less energy * 50,000 hour bulb life * Safer - cool to the touch * Durable 1 piece … [Read more...] about The Year MTV Banned Christmas
The Ever-Expanding Employee Handbook
He got his start laying pipe for the Atlas Water and Sewer company. Eventually, he climbed the ranks, becoming responsible for a staff of 800 and annual revenue exceeding $120 million. His name is Victor Kipling. This is his weekly column. Once small, neat and almost petite, the object he now held had, almost before his very eyes, expanded, swelled and grew to disgustingly bloated proportions. Like a pulsating tumor, the ‘employee handbook’ has grown and, in fact, metastasized. That portable, lightweight and generally benign and somewhat even helpful booklet has now been replaced by a dazzling array of rules and guidelines crafted in deliberately confusing, complex language. And, to add the proverbial insult to injury, today’s model is now often packaged in a loose leaf binder, so that every week or so, new pages of rules and procedures can be issued and added to the ever-growing tome.Really, it’s almost like the biggest non-producers in any … [Read more...] about The Ever-Expanding Employee Handbook
Dear People I Work With…
On a day when I am absolutely slammed at work, I share with you an e-mail that made its way to the Jobacle Inbox.Dear People At The Bar I Work At:Hello, I am your doorman. Sometimes I work at the front door checking your id but usually I am at the back door making sure no one sneaks in their buddy. You might remember me; I'm the guy in all black standing at the back of the club all night. I enjoy hanging out with you, I get to chat with people and get hit on by girls with daddy complexes and get drunk after work for very cheap. Its good times, but there are a few of you that I have an issue with. I'd like to let you know what’s going on, to prevent any unpleasantness later on.Guy Trying To Give Me Twenty Dollars To Skip The Line: I get it. You want to look like the man in front of your date by pretending you have connections, so you shake my hand with four 5's in it and ask how long the wait is. It’s exactly as long as it was before you greased my palm. We are at capacity, … [Read more...] about Dear People I Work With…
Wanna Slay
Since 1994 has been the job boards "leader," and since that time, an endless number of "Quality vs. Quantity" debates have spawned. Love them or hate them, their is no denying that their quick rise (and ability to stay on top) has been impressive. Heck, they were the first dot com to sponsoring Olympics and on any given Sunday, have floating blimps around the nation.Now I've only been doing this career thing since 2005, but one consistent theme has clearly emerged: people hate Monster, yet people still use Monster! Maybe even OJ!I am constantly getting e-mails from listeners and readers blasting and how much is "sucks." Well for all of you haters out there, you enjoyed the Website's recent hacking and now you'll get a kick out of this e-mail that they are sending around to employers:We think you'll agree that it's the best deal around: Purchase a single 14-day Job Posting and get two more free. … [Read more...] about Wanna Slay
OJ Simpson: The Worst Job Candidate Ever
At first glance, the Resume Hunter might like what he sees. Proven champion. Successful franchise owner. Diverse accomplishments in acting and broadcasting. However, most employers wouldn't get past the name: Orenthal James Simpson, aka OJ.And you thought YOU weren't getting callbacks! Here's a few reasons why we think OJ could be the absolute worst employee ever:- No Motivation. We've all dealt with lazy employees, but why should OJ finish up those loose ends? Every penny he makes is owed to the Goldman and Brown families after being found liable for their deaths in a civil court. And OJ will be damned if he forks over a penny of the $33.5 million judgment. With a cushy NFL pension (that the government can't touch), this guy has zero motivation to do a good job.- Cloudy, With a Chance of Murder. Nothing sends up a red flag in HR like a job candidate who has been accused murderer. Most employers steer clear of candidates who appear … [Read more...] about OJ Simpson: The Worst Job Candidate Ever
Make Money With DealDotCom
A spankin' new Web site is launching tomorrow: DealDotCom. Normally, this blog is not a venue to plug non-career-related Web sites. However, from what we're hearing, this site is going to be BIG - with the potential to make both of us some money. And when you're a cube-dwelling slave, even vending machine change is better than nothing!In short, DealDotCom sells a single product a day at a "ridiculously low" price. The products will be related to building online business, increasing traffic, monetizing your Web sites, blogs, Web design, etc.If you're involved in Internet Marketing in any way, shape, or form, these are the products that you're probably already buying... but our members get to snag them for much less than the little people buy them for.Alright friends, what are you waiting for? Sign up now! … [Read more...] about Make Money With DealDotCom
Resume Samples and Advice
The Resume Hunter has quickly become one of the most hated people on the Internet. The funny thing is, he's here to help! Not too many Web sites offer a free snapshot critique of your life on paper and help teach you how to write a resume. The bottom line is, if you're going to make your resume public, then you should have thick enough skin to handle some constructive criticism. This is an exercise we all can benefit from. Without further fanfare, let's check out the resume of one Kenneth S. Criscione. In Context: Right off the bat, Kenneth states that he is an "Automotive Professional." This is a great tactic to use when your resume is floating around the Web. Regardless of where it ends up, the reader knows what he's about and can quickly decide to read on or click out and bail. Find Me: As we've seen on a majority of online resumes so far, there is simply too much personal information up on the top. Aside from the fact that anyone can show up at Ken's doorstep, with so many … [Read more...] about Resume Samples and Advice