To clarify, I don’t want a job in the television industry; I want a job like the characters in TV shows portray. Admittedly, I watch way too much TV and because I’m both a career-site blogger and therapist, I’m intrigued by how certain professions are presented. Thanks to TV and movies, many of my patients think that they have to lie down on the couch in my office. Nah, not how it’s done in real life, at least in my practice. But what fascinates me is how little time they actually spend working on TV shows. Soap operas have always been notorious for characters having professions that require almost no time at the worksite. Since most male characters historically have been doctors or lawyers, occasionally they leave the house to go to work. But there is still time to drop in on other key players on the show to chat any time - day or night. Years ago, the women characters used to have one of three jobs - “homemaker,” home-wrecker” or the more … [Read more...] about I Want a “TV” Job
Work Perks Are Only Perks if You Allow Them to Be Perks
It was right as the green bagels were circulating on St. Patrick's Day that I realized I should be more grateful for Human Resources' efforts to put together a fun and festive work event.HR departments around the country spend thousands of hours planning corporate events that are designed to build morale and encourage communication. Some work well, others fail miserably. Regardless of the perceived outcome, here are the minimum requirements for attending HR-thrown events:[See the best careers for 2010.]As an employee, you should:Show your face. I don't care if you're swamped with work, sick to your stomach, or planning on leaving the job in three days, it's imperative that you attend--even if it's only for a few minutes. No-shows are quietly judged by both management and their peers, and no one likes someone who is "too good" or "too busy" to make an appearance.Act responsibly. From the food you take to the topic of conversation you choose, no matter how relaxed the event, you are … [Read more...] about Work Perks Are Only Perks if You Allow Them to Be Perks
My Workspace Through the Years
If I would have known that my first few jobs would house the coolest work spaces I'd ever have, I would have made more of an effort to enjoy them and not take myself so seriosuly.These days, I work in your classic late-60's Herman Miller cubicle farm. The walls are blueish-gray and so is the mood. As a kid out of college, I thought my first few employers were fools for "wasting" money on lively work spaces. Looking back, I see who the real fool was.My first office job for a music trade magazine housed every 90's kids' dream: a room stacked floor-to-ceiling with CDs, all which were ripe for the taking. If you could carry it, you could take it.After I hoarded more CDs than I could ever listen to, I decided it was time to move on. The next stop on the career tour landed me at a local radio station producing the wanna-be "morning zoo" radio program and scheduling radio advertising. The hallways were adorned with gold records and photos of rockstars old … [Read more...] about My Workspace Through the Years
Can We “Laugh in the Face of Layoffs?”
In a five year period, I was laid off twice. The first layoff was from an alcohol and drug treatment program. One thing that has always stayed with me from that experience was the total clueless-ness of my managers. It’s a pain to lose you job AND be surrounded by fellow counselors who expect you to share your feelings. I remember walking down the hall beside my boss. She reached over, took my hand and said, “You must be having such a hard time, do you want to go home for the day?” I responded, “Uh, no, I just want a new job!”My colleague Mark Gorkin, LICSW, “The Stress Doc™", is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, acclaimed keynote and kickoff speaker and "Motivational Humorist" known for his interactive, inspiring and FUN speaking and workshop programs. The "Doc" is a team building and organizational development consultant for a variety of govt. agencies, corporations and non-profits and is AOL's "Online Psychohumorist" ™.Gorkin … [Read more...] about Can We “Laugh in the Face of Layoffs?”
How to Pick a Qualified Career Coach
Look for Good Fit and ExperienceIn Part II of my post, “How to Choose an ‘Emotional Pitstop’”, I discussed when a career coach might be the optimal choice to help you with a major career issue. But like me, you’ve probably seen a gazillion Web sites, books, etc. promoting “life coaches,” “executive coaches” and even “life career coaches” and it gets confusing. How do you know what to look for in a qualified career coach? What about licensing and/or certification?To find out more, I talked to career coach and writer Julie Erickson, who identifies herself as a “career transformation coach.” In addition to coaching, Erickson writes extensively on career issues.1. I’m not exactly sure if I know what a career coach does?“With a career coach, you have an ally in the work world. It can be difficult to work alone - as a business owner, a leader of a company or division … [Read more...] about How to Pick a Qualified Career Coach
Hey St. Patrick…Where's My Good Luck at Work?
Someone once told me that that there are 3 main elements to adult life, and you can never have them all simultaneously, at least not for any sustained period of time:- Good Health- Happy Home Life- Work SatisfactionI'd like to think that we would all be blessed with these three items. After all, it doesn't seem like too much to ask! I'll take health and home happiness over work satisfaction any day of the week. But I have recently been wondering if I'm jinxed. Maybe you are too. I am a great employee. I don't say that to stroke my own ego, it's simply the truth. I work hard, play well with others and have the company's objectives in mind at all times. I balance creativity and business sense better than most. And when it comes to making my bosses look good, I shine.Yet despite being a model employee, I have NEVER been surprised with a raise, bonus or promotion. Everything I have received, I've had to scratch and claw for. It … [Read more...] about Hey St. Patrick…Where's My Good Luck at Work?
So Many Ideas, So Little Credit
“The key to every man is his thought." - Ralph Waldo EmersonTruth be told, many office workers merely want credit for their concepts and hard work, but the reality is, pats on the back are on the verge of extinction.Throughout my career, I've heard work colleagues gripe and vent on just about anything. From the smelly office fridge to the woman in HR who doesn't wash her hands after using the restroom. The grievances vary from job to job but there are some consistencies. None more obvious than workers' desire to be acknowledged for their work ideas.Workers simply want to hear, "It was your idea. Thank you."Not getting credit for concepts and solutions is unfair, but it's also a fact of office life. With most people hiding behind the "forgetful" defense, claiming ownership is a difficult and awkward case to present. That's why you need to let it go. Here's why.YOU GET PAID. It might not be in your official job description, but … [Read more...] about So Many Ideas, So Little Credit
Tapping Into Employees' Hidden Talents
Far too often I have seen employees' talents get underutilized in the workplace. Sometimes it's the fault of a modest worker; other times it's an uninformed boss. Since we are all experts at something, I believe it's important to tap into the skills of workers at all levels. Hidden talent benefits no one. The first step is to understand what each person is capable of. On the audio file below I talk about a possible solution to bring workers skills to the forefront. Direct Download … [Read more...] about Tapping Into Employees' Hidden Talents
Hey Boss, We're Not Illiterate!
There's something I've hated since the third grade, yet I've found it trailing me like a bloodhound over the past two decades. It's when a teacher hands out a syllabus or assignment and then preceeds to read the entire thing around. This is not teaching. This is not lecturing. It is laziness.This problem has seeped into many of the meetings I attend. Workers prepare reports and then read them alond - word for word. If we are having a meeting, isn't it fair to expect that we will verbally discuss and expand upon the information contained on the paper? These verbatim readers never see the attendees' eyes glazing over because they are too busy reading!Reading aloud might be effective for my wife's second grade class, but in the businessworld, you are embarassing your staff and yourself.Sorry for the rant. If you want to vent about work, leave a comment below and be sure to check out the Jobacle Master Lists of Work Vent Websites. … [Read more...] about Hey Boss, We're Not Illiterate!
Forced to Come to the Office in a Snowstorm?
Unless you earn a living as an emergency responder or snow-plow operator, there's no reason to report to work amidst a winter storm. Or, at least that's what logic and humanity seem to dictate. But who said cooler heads prevail at work?! Unfortunately for middle-of-the-ladder employees, we rarely get to see our bosses' "softer side." In the northeast, we have experienced some the worst snow conditions in 114 years--and even that didn't make employers change their rigid tune.Missing work when it snows is serious business. Read more from Andrew G.R. on "snowjobs" at U.S. News & World Report. … [Read more...] about Forced to Come to the Office in a Snowstorm?