In a recent news story, an astounding 59% of employees that were laid off or fired last year admitted to stealing data from employers. Among the data taken were employee records (35%), financial information (16%), and customer information (39%). And get this: 79% of them admitted that their former employers didn’t allow that sort of information to be taken off-site. I don’t know about the rest of you, but that sounds pretty crazy. If your employer finds out that you took proprietary information for your own personal gain, then you could have some legal troubles on your hands. In my company, we have fairly tight restrictions on data storage and transfer. While I could probably go in and burn a CD with data on it today, I could not use a flash drive, because the USB ports were all locked down sometime last year. Whose data is it? This is an interesting question. Basically, anything done on a company computer is property of that company. However, with things like … [Read more...] about Are You a Thief? Nearly 60% of Exiting Employees Are
Career Advice
5 Signs That You're About to Get a Pink Slip
It seems no occupation is truly safe these days. With major corporations from almost every financial sector reducing their workforce to survive the recession, it’s best to keep your ear to the ground to avoid getting caught off guard. Official budget cuts, business mergers and sharp drops in stocks are all obvious precursors of corporate downsizing, but there are more subtle indications that your job may be in danger. The following clues can send a variety of signals, but in the current economic climate they constitute warning signs that you’re about to be laid off.There are rumors of impending layoffsManagers typically try to hide the decision to cull their workforce for as long as possible so as not to affect employee morale and risk having their better staff members jump ship prematurely. However, secrets can be hard to keep in an office. That’s why it’s important to heed any talk of company downsizing and consider the rumor one of the signs you’re … [Read more...] about 5 Signs That You're About to Get a Pink Slip
New Hire Orientation – Waste of Time?
If you have been reading my latest blogs, you know that I have recently started a new job. And with a new job at a large institution or corporation comes a new hire orientation.As I was spacing out during the most recent video installment of this particular institution’s history, it dawned on me that orientation is not necessarily the most effective way to integrate a new employee to a company’s culture. It is certainly a nice gesture for the executives and top management to speak to the group about customer service and how great the company/institution is to work at.But c’mon. Can you really capture a company’s work ethic, culture, positives, negatives, and more in a few hours or days (depending on how much time is allocated)? The answer is no. The majority of new hire orientation is spent droning on about benefits, retirement, and why this is the best company you will ever work for.Which begs the question: Why are companies desperately seeking approval from … [Read more...] about New Hire Orientation – Waste of Time?
CAREEREALISM: Because Every Job is Temporary
This week, I had the opportunity to review the CAREEREALISM site, and I have to say that the place is pretty amazing. First off, I want to say that J.T. O'Donnell is a career coach ninja. When I asked her for an email interview, she latched onto my mention of a personal job search, and she was quick to provide me with some tips and advice that I can't wait to use. Her personal feedback and quick response lead me to believe that customer service is going to be a strong point over at CAREEREALISM. There is plenty of advice and help over there, but there were three things that I liked as a job hunter. Getting SHOTs That acronym stands for Short, Helpful, On-Target video posts. And you better believe that CAREEREALISM has some good advice. The YouTube videos from the creator (J.T. O'Donnell) are helpful and interesting, because she puts her whole heart into the presentation. You can tell that she really wants to help others with their careers. It's difficult to find that kind of … [Read more...] about CAREEREALISM: Because Every Job is Temporary
Paranoia on the Way to the Vending Machine
The journey from my desk started innocently enough. I was on the prowl for a bottle of water and something sweet. As I traversed the fluorescent-lit hallways, debating between Twizzlers and a granola bar, I couldn't help but notice all of the closed doors.This was no coincidence. EVERY door was shut--indiscernible voices leaking through the door jams.Something was up.My first inclination is normally to be thankful that I am not behind closed doors. But in this instance, I felt like the kid left off the dodgeball team. What the heck is everybody talking about?Perhaps this is a symbol of the new, weakened economy.Read more of Andrew G.R.'s blog post at US News & World Report. … [Read more...] about Paranoia on the Way to the Vending Machine
Do You Work Like a Flashlight or a Laser?
Today, I'm a flashlight. No, I don't give off light and have batteries stuffed who-knows-where. I am demonstrating the qualities of a flashlight in the way that I work. It's actually a simple concept to grasp. A flashlight emits a wide, dim beam that illuminates a large area but doesn't do much else. A laser is a tightly focused beam that can be used as a signal or a tool for precise work. (By the way, why do we let children have small, handheld devices that can sear their corneas irreparably? Not the best idea for a toy.) I had to ask myself that question after seeing how my day went. I got to work early because I had a lot of things to take care of. However, instead of getting the things done that I had planned, I did a little of this and a little of that, frittering away my time until I ended up spending most of my day planning to get started on something else. Some others at Jobacle know how that goes. I think that a lot of us spend our time as flashlights. We are low-intensity, … [Read more...] about Do You Work Like a Flashlight or a Laser?
Hide Your Computer Screen From Your Boss
This is no time to be slacking off at work, but if you're tired of your coworkers and boss peering over your shoulder to see what's on your monitor, you might need Double Vision. The free download allows you to browse the Web using a 'transparent' screen.Other features include:* Web video viewer* Click through video* Transparent web* Quick Hide* Auto Mute on Quick Hide* Double Vision Mode* Custom transparency levelsProceed at your own risk. Now get back to work! … [Read more...] about Hide Your Computer Screen From Your Boss
Zumeo: Live Resumes, Networking & Assessment Tool
Every day it seems like there is a new job site to check out. With an ever-increasing number of people out of work, networking and job searching are definitely very popular Web searches. One relatively new site that may show up in a search is Zumeo. It has been talked about on sites like Cheezhead and TechCrunch, and it will likely continue to get press due to an increased focus on the social networking aspect of the job search.Zumeo is a combination job search and social networking site, and a great line on the site reads, "Zumeo: Come for the jobs, stay for the networking." To get a better feel for the site, I decided to create an account and see if it was anything like the dozens of other sites I've tried in the past. Well, it certainly was different! After providing the requisite education/work experience (used to create a "Live Resume"), I was invited to discover my strengths through a career assessment test. The test consisted of several questions regarding jobs I enjoy, … [Read more...] about Zumeo: Live Resumes, Networking & Assessment Tool
How I Found My Job During the Recession
After getting laid off, I entered my own personal “Unemploymentality”. And unfortunately, I didn’t immediately find the silver lining. Instead I retreated to the biggest pity party I had ever thrown myself. What finally woke me up from my coma?An impromptu phone interview that resulted in an in-person interview (remember I almost acted desperate on my first interview?). This ultimately transpired into...a JOB!I wish that I could give you some grand story about how I left my last job embracing the pink slip in hand, smiling and skipping into a fierce and determined frenzy that culminated into a newer, shinier, and prettier occupation.Instead, it was the hard work I did in the few weeks prior to the actual layoff. Once I entered the world of unemployment, I pretty much fit the stereotype down to the bath robed drone staring off into the television.So what beautiful words of wisdom do I have to leave my fellow pink-slippers? What magic key is there to unlock the door to … [Read more...] about How I Found My Job During the Recession
Why the Obama Salary Cap Is Lame
Those ever-so-popular executive compensation packages have been in the news quite a bit lately thanks to President Obama's decision to force companies to limit the amount of money they give to bank executives if that bank gets a bailout check. I think it's a bad idea for companies or the government to limit executive pay (although I may be the only one), and here's why.So Long, SuckersThink about this. Imagine that you are one of those highly-paid executives, and your company suddenly adopts a plan that will limit your pay. Now you have a choice. You can either stay at your current job and get less pay, or you can move to a company down the road that would love to get your skills working for them (and they will be paying a premium for your services). What are you going to do? We both know that you're going to move to the new company for more pay. Why would you expect an executive to do anything different?You Get What You Pay ForIf you want a good, top-shelf executive to run your … [Read more...] about Why the Obama Salary Cap Is Lame