Every day it seems like there is a new job site to check out. With an ever-increasing number of people out of work, networking and job searching are definitely very popular Web searches. One relatively new site that may show up in a search is Zumeo. It has been talked about on sites like Cheezhead and TechCrunch, and it will likely continue to get press due to an increased focus on the social networking aspect of the job search.
Zumeo is a combination job search and social networking site, and a great line on the site reads, “Zumeo: Come for the jobs, stay for the networking.” To get a better feel for the site, I decided to create an account and see if it was anything like the dozens of other sites I’ve tried in the past.
Well, it certainly was different! After providing the requisite education/work experience (used to create a “Live Resume”), I was invited to discover my strengths through a career assessment test. The test consisted of several questions regarding jobs I enjoy, activities I like, abilities I have, and other personal characteristics. After answering these questions, out popped a little phrase and explanation describing my work style. Here’s what it had to say about me:
Ben likes to lead and persuade people, and to sell things and ideas. Ben generally avoids activities that require careful observation and scientific, analytic thinking. Ben values success in politics, leadership, or business, and sees himself as energetic, ambitious, and sociable.
Well, I think that about covers it! Along with that assessment comes a list of jobs tailored to my personality profile and location. You can see my live resume at this link. (Be sure to check out the note I left for Jobacle readers under my name!)
There is also a section for recruiters to post jobs, and a nice perk is that Zumeo doesn’t charge a recruiter unless he or she likes the provided job matches.
To find out a little more background on the company, I conducted an email interview with Zumeo CEO Jared Booye. Here’s what he had to say.
Jobacle: Who is in charge over at Zumeo?
Jared: That would be me. We also have a board of about 5 investors, advisors, and business professionals.
Jobacle: What would you say to someone that assumes that Zumeo is “just another job site?”
Jared: Zumeo takes the job site concept to the next level by matching candidates to jobs that fit their strengths and connecting them with people who can help them succeed. Many job boards brag about their number of postings (10M-20M), but our generation is looking for relevance. Through a very simple process we help individuals discover their strengths, and then match them with jobs that fit them. You can then use Zumeo like a professional Facebook or a LinkedIn to connect with people who can help you in your career.
Jobacle: Approximately how many people have created a profile on Zumeo so far?
Jared: The number is in the thousands, but I can’t discuss specifics.
Jobacle: Is there anything about Zumeo that you wish the public knew, but they don’t currently?
Jared: We have partnered with Career Key to develop a trusted and proven model to help individuals discover their strengths.
So, if you’re interested in checking it out, head over to the Zumeo site and see what jobs you match up with!
(And on an unrelated note, congrats to Lauren on the new job!)
This is a guest post by Ben Eubanks.
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