With almost 9 percent of the American workforce out of work, one thing's for sure: there's no shortage of outdated business cards hanging around.Aside from keeping a few for nostalgia, there's really not much you can do with hundreds of paper squares that contain irrelevant information.Until now.The good folks at Cardsofchange have come up with a way to capitalize on biz cards from your former employer.What you do is take your old business card and cross out your former contact info. Then write in your new email address along with 1 positive change that happened in your life as a result of losing you rjob. You then upload the photo to their Website.From their mouth:There's more talent out on the streets than ever before. Brilliant people looking to reshape their country, build their career and perhaps even grow your business.Cardsofchange is a place where the glass is always half-full. A destination where all the bad news of the day takes a back seat to stories of individual success. … [Read more...] about Laid Off? "Recycle" Those Old Business Cards
Career Advice
Jobacle Hosts the Career Blog Carnival
Welcome to the Career blog carnival! Jobacle is proud to host this inaugural event, and we have quite a few great career blog posts to showcase. Without any further ado, let's get started! Our first poster is a wonderful young lady who has helped so many people with entry level job advice. Hmmm, maybe that's why she's the Entry Level Careers Examiner? Heather Huhman throws out a great post called Creating Your Dream Internship From Scratch. This nearly 700-word article brings up some great points on how to get a company to see the benefits (and ease) of setting up an internship program. The CAREEREALISM crew is at it again. The founder, JT O'Donnell, has delivered a buzz-creating article about recruiting. 10 Things Recruiters Won't Tell You But I Will shows us how the recruiter really sees the job seeker. And not only does it detail the flaws of the candidate, but it also shows how to get past the flaws and get the job. Next up, our buddy GL Hoffman of the blog What Would Dad Say … [Read more...] about Jobacle Hosts the Career Blog Carnival
Civilian Jobs That Make a Difference
As Americans struggle with high unemployment, many are searching for new opportunities while others continue to seek meaningful jobs that "make a difference" to their careers, families and country.In response to these challenging times, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) is launching a new initiative focused on civilian career opportunities available worldwide with DoD. The public awareness campaign, dubbed "Making a Difference", spotlights civilian employees in several career positions available now: Medical Professionals, Language Specialists, and Engineering & Science. These are 21st century careers that provide meaningful work supporting our military and the country.The DoD initiative highlights job opportunities at all levels of the labor market, from entry level to top executives. The campaign is designed to provide a hopeful, realistic avenue to career success for any American willing to work hard, learn new skills and become part of the DoD civilian career team.To see … [Read more...] about Civilian Jobs That Make a Difference
The High Achiever’s Secret Codebook
There are so many amazing books out there about careers. If I sat down and read all day, every day, I’d still never catch up on all of the ones out there. When you happen onto a book by chance, you never know what you’re going to end up with. Chance is exactly how I describe ending up with a copy of The High Achiever’s Secret Codebook: The Unwritten Rules for Success at Work by Sandra Naiman. A good friend and career coach, Miriam Salpeter, had a contest on her multiple blogs sometime earlier this year. I entered and was quite delighted a few weeks later when I received my prize in the mail. In the first section of the book, Ms. Naiman writes a section describing the book’s target audience. This book is not just for people who have stumbled in their careers and don’t know why—those passed over for promotions, left out of the loop, or maybe even fired. This book is for successful, talented, young professionals who appear to be rising … [Read more...] about The High Achiever’s Secret Codebook
The Wizard of Oz and Your Career Do Not Mix
If you’re like me, you can still fondly recall the first time you saw The Wizard of Oz. It was a masterpiece in its own time, and it is still seen by pretty much every child ever since. When someone mentions a scarecrow, a witch, or red slippers, your mind may drift back to the comforts of that old classic. However, you probably don’t want to follow the pattern of the Wizard of Oz in your career. Traveling Companions In the movie, Dorothy had a slew of traveling companions to “help” her on her way. They included a brainless dunce, a heartless brute, and a spineless wimp. In fact, the one with the least faults was Toto! If you surround yourself with brainless, heartless, and spineless people, then you’re going to have trouble succeeding. Find someone with courage, compassion, and competence to mentor you, and you won’t be attacked by flying monkeys. I promise. Yellow Brick Road The Munchkins pointed Dorothy along the Yellow Brick Road early on as a … [Read more...] about The Wizard of Oz and Your Career Do Not Mix
Managing With Courage
As a teacher, my wife has to complete a yearly “structured interview” for her job. This structured interview requires her to describe objectives and goals for the long and short term. Another requirement is to assess the students’ strengths and weaknesses and determine how to best provide instruction for those students that need it. I have been thinking that the structured interview process is a fantastic one to force managers to prove their mettle. Many managers are lazy. Yep, I said it. We all know that there are some amazing ones out there, but there are still plenty of lazy managers to give the rest a bad name. It’s so easy to take a performance review template and mark “meets expectations” on every blank. To do a real evaluation takes courage and leadership, because you’re bound to make someone upset or angry with a truthful performance review. Think about how your performance review would be different if these sorts of questions … [Read more...] about Managing With Courage
Common Work Error: Thinking For Other People
The internal dialogue: Whether we're talking to other people in our heads or talking to ourselves, all of us conduct our own personal conversations--that no one else ever hears. (Some of us do it more than others.)Thinking conversations through before they happen can be a useful tool in your workplace arsenal, but it is important to use the tactic sparingly. If not, you open yourself up to a whole world of hurt.Next time you find yourself carrying on dialogue in your own head where you are speaking for your fellow office workers, here's what you can do to validate or reject the thoughts... Read more of Andrew G.R.'s post at US News & World Report. … [Read more...] about Common Work Error: Thinking For Other People
The Day I Cleaned the Refrigerator at Work
The stench was horrendous. As everyone walked through the office door, they couldn't help but comment."Ewwwwww, what is that?"After searching for dead animals and rummaging through garbage cans, we finally found the culprit: the refrigerator. Specifically, someone's two-week-old Chinese leftovers.In typical corporate fashion, a call was placed to the janitorial department to take care of the problem. One day and several sprays of Windex later, the cleaners deemed the problem solved.Guess what happened the following week...The smell returned.Now I'm a fairly patient person but I do reach a point where I don't look back and take matters into my own hands.The next day I arrived at work 30 minutes early with a bucket and heavy-duty cleaning supplies in tow. I rolled up my shirt sleeves and made the fridge look - and smell - as good as new.As my officemates began to trickle in they all took notice of the fridge.Word began to spread that I had taken care of the problem. Most people were … [Read more...] about The Day I Cleaned the Refrigerator at Work
The Adversity Paradox
When I was fresh out of college I used to joke with family and friends that I was "too normal" to be successful. It seems everywhere we look, people who have achieved a high-level of success, have a story about overcoming odds to get there. The Adversity Paradox is a new book that helps you tap into different situations and use them to build a road towards business success.The Adversity Paradox: The phenomenon of building outstanding success upon the lessons learned in overcoming serious difficulty or misfortune.The basis of the book is built around Individual Human Capital. Basically these are skills that you possess, that with investment, can produce future positive outputs. The AP suggests you take an inventory of yourself and ask which of the following you are strong or weak in:IntrospectionValues BehaviorWork CharacterPurpose & PassionThirst for KnowledgeYou have control over how you feel and deal with adversity.A piece of unique advice in the book I had never thought off is … [Read more...] about The Adversity Paradox
What is Your Dream Benefits Package?
Hello, Jobacle fans! It’s been a crazy week on the homefront for me. I just found out that I’m going to be taking a new job within the upcoming week or so, and I’m very excited. It looks like Jobacle is a sweet company to have on your resume, because Lauren recently landed her own new job. With this change, I have been thinking of an interesting question for everyone in the audience. We need your help, though! Jobacle wants to know what your dream benefits package would look like. Sure, we’ve all had the same old benefits brochure with medical, dental, vision, and boredom insurance (wouldn’t that be awesome?), but I’m talking about a benefits package that would make your jaw hit the floor. What would your dream benefits look like? Would it be a free new car? A great perk like free meals for breakfast or lunch? A week of paid vacation in Tahiti every summer with all expenses covered? Let us know. We’ve already heard some of Andrew’s list … [Read more...] about What is Your Dream Benefits Package?