We are all continually affirming when we think, whether we realize it or not. When we say that we hate our job or that we always hate our boss (for example), we are affirming these thoughts into our subconscious mind and unwittingly attracting more of the same into our experience. This explains why the person who changes their job because they hate their boss, often winds up with a similar boss and experience in their next job. The circumstances have changed, but their mindset hasn’t. Likewise, when we think positively, we are attracting more positive experiences into our reality. We can affirm in the positive or negative; either way what we affirm helps to contribute to our experiences. Therefore it makes sense, to practice thinking positively.
Positive Affirmations for Work
Choosing Positive Affirmations
Choosing positive thoughts isn’t always easy. If we are stuck in a job we don’t like or just know that we have the worst boss in the world, it is easy to think thoughts that support that reality; after all, we have the evidence in front of us, don’t we? However, the best thing to do is to replace your current thoughts with positive thoughts, despite what is happening right now. You may have to keep repeating them over and over (like a mantra) at times, however, they will become more natural and if you allow if, life will unfold in new, more positive ways.
Practicing Affirmations
If you start using affirmations but find yourself slipping back into old, negative thoughts, make sure you don’t beat yourself up about it. Gently catch yourself and change the thought around.
Remind yourself of your positive affirmations regularly throughout your workday. You can program your affirmations into reminders on your phone; there are even affirmation apps you can get from your smartphone now. You could also put post-it notes on a handheld mirror or program your screen saver to bring up your favorite positive affirmation!
Here are some suggestions of positive affirmations you can use in the workplace, but remember you can create your own too (and for any area of your life)!
- I always work with people that I love and that love me.
- Every day I feel and display more confidence in myself.
- My unique and creative talents and abilities flow through me.
- There is a huge demand for my particular skills and abilities.
- I can pick and choose what I want to do.
- My creativity is in demand.
- My work is enjoyable and fulfilling, and I am always appreciated.
- I earn good money doing what I enjoy.
- Wonderful new opportunities are opening up for me to use my unique creative skills and abilities.
- I am successful at whatever I choose to do.
- I enjoy the work I do and I get to work with some great people.
Positive affirmations for work
Happy affirming!
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