Downsizing. Outsourcing. Reshaping. These words sound bad coming out of the mouth of an employer and they could have even worse effects on your income. However, they might represent the opening in life you’ve been waiting for. Does it mean your dreams can come true when you hear you’re losing your job? If you handle this shift in your career the right way, it could mean just that. Prepping for the Inevitable Changes One reason you’ll feel caught off-guard when you are laid off is you haven’t been reading the proverbial writing on the wall. Have you seen managers get replaced? Has your office space been reduced by a floor or more? Are coworkers having hours cut or have employees begun working from home? When you start to see these telltale signs in your company, consider what might be ahead. Unfortunately, no one is irreplaceable and no one is invulnerable when a company faces a drastic drop-off in revenue. If you’ve dreamt about a freelance career or changing the work you do … [Read more...] about Freelancing: How to Turn Work Negatives into Life Positives
Career Advice Blog
8 Tips For Effectively Managing Email
Emails are now a vital part of everyone's day-to-day communication. For those people who are very active online or who run their own business, a solid email management system can make a world of a difference to the overall success of their enterprise. Anyone can stay on top of their email inbox just by following a few guidelines and making use of the tools and software readily available. A healthy email routine is a way forward for those who cannot afford to miss even a single message. Read and reply The most common way emails get overlooked is when their intended recipient reads them without relying on the spot. Correspondence that has been marked as read will easily blend in with the other emails you have already replied to, and when receiving numerous messages a day it's very likely that you will not remember which emails you have yet to address until it's too late. Don't ignore mail Another useful habit to get into is to compose a standard reply for those emails you … [Read more...] about 8 Tips For Effectively Managing Email
MBAs: Welcome to the Real World
Intro to Entre A recent meeting of techies and entrepreneurs in early November rekindled an increasingly heated debate just in time for the holidays. The big question asked seemed simple enough: "Do tech start-ups need an MBA?" Most of the start-up participants at Harvard Business School's Cyberposium 18 had a decidedly tepid response to the query. The heated aspect comes from the seemingly defensive MBA attendees and current business school students, professors and graduates who read of the meeting soon afterward. After years of validation in the form of significant salary increases to reward their advance from a bachelor's degree in business, they seem stunned that their own presumed indispensable and crucial contributions to any business venture seemed, well, superfluous. As Barb Darrow, a reporter for, wrote, she was "struck by the concern [MBA] attendees seemed to feel about what their advanced degree will mean in a tough economy and in a tech business that elevates … [Read more...] about MBAs: Welcome to the Real World
What Not to Include in Your Resume
When you are looking for a job, your resume is the tool that gets you in the door. A resume is the first thing that an employer sees, and in a worst case scenario, it is the only thing that the employer will ever see. When you want to make sure that you’re going to get that call for an interview, you need to make sure that your resume looks great. You likely know what needs to be on your resume, but what about what should absolutely not be on it? 1. Lies If you take nothing else away from this list take this: lies are never appropriate for a resume. Sometimes the person that is looking over the resume can detect a lie right away, and you will simply never get a call back. Sometimes, your deception can go on for quite a while, but when it is found it can and will result in a fast termination. Lying on your resume is something that only ever hurts you; if you are lying on your resume, you will almost certainly be found out, and the results are often worse than if you were honest in the … [Read more...] about What Not to Include in Your Resume
Distractions at Work and How to Manage Them
Think how often you get distracted when working. Pretty often, right? Your colleague from the other office will send you some funny link on Skype, or walk into your office for ‘just a quick chat’, and then there are those emergency emails and phone calls that demand your immediate attention, making breaks to browse on the Internet or just check what’s new on Facebook. Where you work, or what your job is, isn’t important at all. Such distractions happen all the time and to all of us. There was a study done by Basex in 2007 that showed that the U.S. businesses are losing $588 billion per year because of these time killers that decrease their workers’ productivity. It is expected that this is happening in other organizations around the whole world. And after you’ve been distracted, getting back to work takes additional few minutes for you to concentrate and start working effectively. Just multiply this lost time by how many times you get distracted per day, and you’ll easily understand … [Read more...] about Distractions at Work and How to Manage Them
6 Things to Do if You Are Scared to Leave Your Job
So often we stay in a job, not because we like it or find it rewarding but because we are too scared to give up the sense of security it provides. Many of us anaesthetise our unhappiness by over drinking, exercising or eating and rewarding ourselves with short term pleasures for getting over another week at the grindstone. This can lead to depression, rifts in relationships and even a despairing of life wasted. So how do you cope when you are scared to leave your job but know it’s the right thing to do? 1. Focus Why are you scared? Identifying exactly what is holding you back will help you to feel empowered and more able to deal with the situation. 2. Get the Support of Friends and Family Don’t try and go it alone; reach out to friends and family and ask for support. There are often many different ways to approach a situation and a supportive network can help you to get through this difficult time and explore the options available to you. 3. … [Read more...] about 6 Things to Do if You Are Scared to Leave Your Job
Growing Career Fields for 2013
The recession has left many people jobless, hopeless, and camped out on their parents’ couch. It is having a major impact on people’s priorities, especially for potential university students who are starting to look at job security when choosing a career path. The number of people having to move back in with their parents as they struggle in a tough job market is on the rise. No one wants to do this, and we all need our independence, but the cost of living with food and rent prices increasing is shooting up. If you don’t want to end up back home, take a look at this list of growing job fields crying out for people – and you know what, they pay well too. Environmental Engineering By engineering I don’t only mean the oil and gas industry, although they are incredibly lucrative, I mean environmental engineers as well. Environmental engineers work to prevent pollution and minimize its effects. They use their engineering education to better the environment, provide people with clean … [Read more...] about Growing Career Fields for 2013
5 Qualities Your First Employer Should Possess
You have no doubt fretted about the judgments employers will place on you in upcoming job interviews. In the haze of that worry, you’ve also likely overlooked the fact that you too can place judgment on potential employers. Don’t feel as if you must accept the first measly job offer you are given. Instead, hold out for the best offer by reviewing these five qualities your first employer should possess. Patience While you may have the best of intentions, as a career newbie, you are sure to make a few mistakes during your first few months on the job. Employers hiring entry level applicants should have the patience to handle those mistakes and the guidance to help you navigate through them. While a potential employer’s patience level can be difficult to measure in a job interview, look for insights into the interviewer’s personality through the interview. Also, search for information online regarding the interviewer that may help you judge the type of person they … [Read more...] about 5 Qualities Your First Employer Should Possess
8 Bad Reasons for Not Quitting Your Job
You've realised that you want to change your job but are worried about doing so. However, are the excuses not to leave that you are coming up with valid in reality? Here are eight of the most common bad reasons for not quitting your job: 1. It might get better if I hang on long enough That's true; it might get better but there's just as much chance that it could get worse, (if not, there's no reason why it won't stay the same). You could wait forever for things to change. Giving yourself a deadline will prevent you from hiding behind this excuse long term. 2. Things are bad out there, I won't get another job Times are tough for many in the work place but there are jobs out there. If you want to leave your current job enough you'll do what it takes to find another. That may mean re-locating or re-training but there are always opportunities out there if you are determined to find the job you want. 3. I get a good salary which I don't want to lose So, you are selling your … [Read more...] about 8 Bad Reasons for Not Quitting Your Job
How to Draft the Perfect Online Cover Letter
The days of packing a manila envelope with your printed cover letter and resume are largely extinct. With the rise of online technology, snail mail job applications have given way to the speeder option of sending email applications. While the same application materials are typically required for online applications, a few of the standards have changed. Check out these tips for drafting the perfect online cover letter and nab that in-demand job opening. Be Concise Most online users have the attention span of monkeys on crack and this holds true for employers who are tasked with reviewing countless online applications. If you hope to effectively grab the attention of a potential employer with your online cover letter, be concise. Check out these best cover letter examples. Create a concise cover email by providing only the most pertinent of your qualifications in as few words as possible. Bullet points, brief paragraphs and links are great options for crafting a concise cover … [Read more...] about How to Draft the Perfect Online Cover Letter