There are many reasons as to why you may be enduring stress in your career. It is important to keep in mind that not all stress is a bad thing. In fact, when you learn how to positively handle stress, you can maximize your job productivity to levels that you never thought were reachable. The number one thing to remember when it comes to dealing with job stress is that it is fixable, but you are the one who must take the steps to fix it. The first step to coping with career stress is to recognize that it exists. Below are a few of the symptoms and signs of job stress: - Low morale - Frustration - Apathy - Alienation - Boredom - Absenteeism - Anxiety - Irritability - Fatigue - and more While organizations should take the time to implement practices that assist their employees in dealing with work related stress, there are several things that you can do yourself to get through the rough times. Continue reading below for some helpful tips: 1) Change your job situation: This … [Read more...] about Ways You Can Deal with Career Stress
Career Advice Blog
Your Greatest Weakness: 9 Ways to Answer that Question
Everyone who has been on a job interview could relate with answering that dreaded “weakness” question. It is the most asked question in an interview, hands down. It can potentially determine if your application is doomed or not. The way you answer this question differentiates you from the rest of the applicants that have been interviewed. With that being said, if you’re having a hard time answering this question, here are some tips you may want to keep in mind. Poke up some fun, humor Start the interview with light humor to ease the tension. It will place you in a comfort zone where you can show how well you carry yourself. A playful yet professional way to inject some fun could give the interviewer that you are serious but is open to have fun when warranted. Make your weakness as your strength For example, try to tell them that you work so hard that you tend to miss out on a work-life balance. This will tell the interviewer an area you want some improvement in a positive … [Read more...] about Your Greatest Weakness: 9 Ways to Answer that Question
Best Jobs for 2013: Learn These Skills Now
The job market has been particularly volatile in recent years as the economic changes around us have taken effect. So in light of this, what are the best jobs for 2013? Which skills should we use learn to put us in a good position for these jobs? Information Technology Specialists The information technology business is booming and only set to continue – it really is a revolution. This survey from Computer World shows what areas of IT were in demand for 2012 and 2013 will be about building on these skill sets. Healthcare Professionals As we are now living longer, healthcare continues to be a good, reliable field to enter. Occupational therapists, dentists, doctors; these jobs are always needed and can open up many opportunities including the opportunity to travel and move around as well as many transferrable skills . There is also the booming area of alternative health care (massage therapist, acupuncturist, reflexologist etc.) which is now becoming more and more … [Read more...] about Best Jobs for 2013: Learn These Skills Now
Dos and Don’ts of Gifts for Coworkers
Finding the perfect gift for a coworker is a great way to earn brownie points in the office. Unfortunately, a landmine field of potential mistakes stands between you and giving that ideal gift. Do Organize Events This year, organize a gift exchange at the office. An organized gift exchange allows coworkers to opt in or out of giving and receiving holiday gifts at the office. The organized event also prevents you from creating awkwardness by giving gifts to coworkers who don’t observe the holiday season. Do Participate Unless your budget or religious affiliation prevents you from participating in holiday gift exchanges at the office, join in on the fun. Taking part in the festivities ensures you are viewed as a team player and is sure to lift your holiday spirits. Of course, avoid placing judgment on those coworkers who decide not to participate because the decision could have been made for a number of reasons such as for religious ones. Do Personalize Don’t buy generic, crappy … [Read more...] about Dos and Don’ts of Gifts for Coworkers
Freelancing: How to Turn Work Negatives into Life Positives
Downsizing. Outsourcing. Reshaping. These words sound bad coming out of the mouth of an employer and they could have even worse effects on your income. However, they might represent the opening in life you’ve been waiting for. Does it mean your dreams can come true when you hear you’re losing your job? If you handle this shift in your career the right way, it could mean just that. Prepping for the Inevitable Changes One reason you’ll feel caught off-guard when you are laid off is you haven’t been reading the proverbial writing on the wall. Have you seen managers get replaced? Has your office space been reduced by a floor or more? Are coworkers having hours cut or have employees begun working from home? When you start to see these telltale signs in your company, consider what might be ahead. Unfortunately, no one is irreplaceable and no one is invulnerable when a company faces a drastic drop-off in revenue. If you’ve dreamt about a freelance career or changing the work you do … [Read more...] about Freelancing: How to Turn Work Negatives into Life Positives
Cooking Up Your Own Business? How to Make Your Dream Business a Reality
Starting up your own business requires dedication and patience. Do you watch "Top Chef" or "Hell's Kitchen" and dream of opening up your own restaurant? Do you have a particular product you just know the public will want to buy? Setting up a storefront small business is the way to go, and it's easier than you may think. With the right tips and credit, you can be on your way to owning your own store in no time. Figure Out Your Audience First things first: Who is your audience? Are you targeting preteen adolescents? What about stay-at-home moms? Are you trying to draw middle-income families? Wealthy people? The elderly? Let's say, for instance, you're wanting to open up your restaurant. You have to remember that you'll never truly capture 100 percent of the market you're going for, but if you have an idea of the five main market categories, according to Entrepreneur, you'll have a great start off the bat: Generation Y or "Millennial Generation"— This generation was born between 1980 … [Read more...] about Cooking Up Your Own Business? How to Make Your Dream Business a Reality
Rate of Employment Growth for MBA Alumni
The MBA degree is no stranger to challenges or if you like controversies. Over the years many have wondered if this master’s degree is really worth it especially in terms of how much you have to pay to enroll and earn it. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that bodies/organizations such as Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) and Quacquarelli Symonds Limited (QS) of have both been involved in investigating or researching the MBA program to determine its growth among other things over the years. Some of the areas they have looked into include: increase in salaries and of course the employment growth rate for Leadership MBA degree holders. Now although the research findings of these organizations often present a good case for the MBA program, some people are still wondering if this degree truly pays off. Nevertheless, demand for MBAs is increasing in the emerging markets according to the report from (QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2012/13), … [Read more...] about Rate of Employment Growth for MBA Alumni
7 Ways to (Professionally) Show Your Personality in the Workplace
Many of us have been in a situation where one person with a very difficult personality can create a very unpleasant work environment. Sometimes a person may just have a strong, overbearing personality, while others might be introverted and unwilling to help carry a conversation. Your personality, though, is extremely important in the workplace because it is the foundation on which you build relationships. … [Read more...] about 7 Ways to (Professionally) Show Your Personality in the Workplace
Workplace Etiquette 101 – Refresher Course!
After working in the same office for several years, it’s easy to settle in and begin viewing the workplace as an extension of your home. Unfortunately, regardless of how long you’ve worked for a company, the workplace isn’t your home and, therefore, should not be treated as such. If office etiquette has been lacking in your workplace as of late, here is a refresher course. Respect the Breakroom The breakroom is a sacred location in any office. Breakrooms are where employees go to escape a stressful day at work and are also where most bonds with coworkers begin. As such, have respect for this sacred space by following these tips: Pick up after yourself - Reserve your slob-like tendencies for home. If your sandwich leaves crumbs on the breakroom table, be courteous to others by wiping them up. Also, if you notice a mess left by someone else who hasn’t yet taken a workplace etiquette course, clean the mess rather … [Read more...] about Workplace Etiquette 101 – Refresher Course!
How to Avoid Workplace Burnout
Workplace burnout is becoming a more and more common phenomenon and can be a very stressful experience to go through. So, how do we avoid getting burnout at work? How to do we create a healthy relationship to our work? Set boundaries A lack of boundaries is often at the heart of work place burnout. When we consistently try and do too much or find it hard to say no to requests, the pressure and stress can build up to an experience of burnout. Often a lack of clear boundaries is evident in employees and the company they work for. If that's the case, start with yourself and get clear about what you can and can't do; the clearer you are, the easier it will be to make changes for yourself and for the company. Get support Don't try and go it alone. If you are feeling unsupported, see who or where you can get support from. Most companies have a HR dept or something similar and that is often a good place to start. Asking for help is a sign of strength. Listen to your feelings and reach … [Read more...] about How to Avoid Workplace Burnout