So often we stay in a job, not because we like it or find it rewarding but because we are too scared to give up the sense of security it provides. Many of us anaesthetise our unhappiness by over drinking, exercising or eating and rewarding ourselves with short term pleasures for getting over another week at the grindstone. This can lead to depression, rifts in relationships and even a despairing of life wasted. So how do you cope when you are scared to leave your job but know it’s the right thing to do?
1. Focus
Why are you scared? Identifying exactly what is holding you back will help you to feel empowered and more able to deal with the situation.
2. Get the Support of Friends and Family
Don’t try and go it alone; reach out to friends and family and ask for support. There are often many different ways to approach a situation and a supportive network can help you to get through this difficult time and explore the options available to you.
3. Get Impartial Advice
If you are really feeling stuck, getting impartial advice from a professional like a life coach can help you to remove obstacles and find ways forward in ways that feel good for you.
4. Create a Safety Net
Try to save a safety net of money, ideally enough to pay the bills etc. for three to six months. This can help to take away some of the money concerns if there is a period of unemployment between jobs or a change in salary whilst you pursue something you enjoy more. Cutting down on expenditures where possible will also ease the burden of financial worry.
5. Create a Bridge to a New Job
Can you take tentative steps into a new career before taking the leap? Maybe you could reduce the hours you work with your current employer and give yourself time to train for a new job or career. Maybe you could do volunteer work to gain experience and test the waters before making the leap. Look for careers with skills shortages. This will ensure a better chance of gaining employment quickly and a better likely hood of also retaining it.
6. Look for New Opportunities
Have you considered other positions or opportunities with your existing employer? Could you get training to further your career or take it in a change of direction within the same company? Seeing what positive changes you can make in your current situation can help you to move forward.
Bio: Jen Smith is a Life Coach, Mentor & Writer. She has tried many career paths herself and now helps people achieve their goals and dreams.
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