We live in a society where impressions count, and the impression you make with your appearance at work can make a big difference. We, as humans, judge others on their appearance and how we dress at work will affect greatly how we are perceived as an employer, employee or as a co-worker. The more appropriate our appearance to the type of work we are employed in, the better we will be associated with being better and more appropriately suited to it. It goes without saying that turning up to work wearing a suit if you work on a building site is not going to do you any favors but there are always ways to make the most of your appearance that will benefit your work. Dressing well, and appearing well groomed can inspire self-confidence. With self-confidence comes better performance and a greater belief in one's abilities as well as more self respect. It's easier to respect someone who demonstrates self respect through caring about their appearance, especially if you recognise these … [Read more...] about Dress for Success!
Career Advice Blog
7 Handy Productivity Hacks
To place the word incredible in front of any objective is in itself a productivity hack, as it helps you visualise the outstanding performance you are expecting from that particular piece of advice. Productivity hack tips are basically built around finance because we actually live to create more money so that our lives can be easier and more enjoyable. The trade off is a certain amount of work for a certain amount of return. The secret is in getting the balance right, therefore to give you seven incredible productivity hacks they will each have to have some degree of special importance that will assist you with reaching your financial goals that much easier and faster. The following tips can help you do just that: Remain Passionate. This is placed at number one because if you are not passionate about what you are doing you won't get far with your aims of increasing your productivity. Passion drives you like nothing else. It will be your driving force and when you are passionate … [Read more...] about 7 Handy Productivity Hacks
5 Highest Paid High School Principals in America
Many people work in the field of education and a good percentage of those aspire to become high school principals. High school principals sometimes have a complicated job in which they are the head of large school districts, while others are in charge of small rural districts. What do high school principals do? High school principals have many duties no matter what kind of school district they work for. These duties include administering to the needs of students and the issues brought up by their parents, helping to ensure the school district has the proper resources and funding, dealing with the local government officials, making sure teachers keep up with current training in their fields, supervise staff, and many other responsibilities. Because of this, the average pay for principals in America is more than $86,000, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, with the ones in the top ten percent making more than $100,000 a year. Here are five of the top paid high school … [Read more...] about 5 Highest Paid High School Principals in America
How to Stay Motivated When You Work From Home
Working from home can sometimes be tricky to stay motivated. So how do you stay focused and stop the procrastinating? Here are some handy tips. When Dolly Parton was singing about her 9 til 5, that was the only routine available to most workers. But careers in business no longer revolve around water coolers and office politics. Because more and more companies are tapping into the benefits of working from home. But without the same old office routine, how do you stay focused and stop the procrastinating? The Dreaded Distractions We live in a world where work distractions seem constant. If it's not phones ringing or texts arriving, there's a constant flow of emails popping up or Facebook and Twitter status updates. One wrong click can lead you into an online black hole where hours of your life will go by and no work gets completed. If this sounds familiar then it's worth applying a few tools to help curb those dreaded distractions. First of all, turn off those off-putting pop-up … [Read more...] about How to Stay Motivated When You Work From Home
Ways To Ruin Your Phone Interview
In the grand scheme of your job search, a phone interview might not feel like something worth preparing for -- but this just isn’t the case. While it’s certainly true a phone interview is a cursory step in early candidate screening, this doesn’t make it any less important than an in-person interview. Job seekers should consider this phase to be an important opportunity to leave a lasting impression on their potential employer. If you’re not careful, you could easily ruin your chances of moving forward in the hiring process. Here are six ways to blow your next phone interview: 1. Don’t Bother Getting Out Of Bed Taking an overly casual approach to your phone interview can certainly ensure failure. While your potential employer may not be able to see how you’re dressed or what you’re doing, it will certainly come across in your tone of voice. A phone interview isn’t a time to casually lounge in bed while wearing your sweats. Dressing nicely and sitting up straight at your desk will … [Read more...] about Ways To Ruin Your Phone Interview
Changing Careers – Is It As Hard As You Think?
Everyone has that honeymoon period in their line of work, where they feel like what they're doing with their life is all well and good. For the lucky ones, it's something that will continue throughout their careers, but others aren't so lucky; as such, many people not only find themselves disgruntled by their current role, but their choice of profession. However, if you find yourself in this situation, it's not worth getting angry or consigning yourself to a future of disappointment. There are plenty of other ways for you to shape a more positive working life, and sometimes it's pretty simple. Hard work and dedication are obviously required to move in a different direction, but it can still be fun. Using one career example for consistency - that of a journalist - follow the rules below to establish a new course to follow in your life, if you need one! Is your job all that bad, or does it just need tweaking? Journalists, for example, may just find that the company they work for is … [Read more...] about Changing Careers – Is It As Hard As You Think?
Importance of Keeping Your Employees Happy
The most important parts of a company are the people that help run it: the employees. Keeping them happy, though, can prove difficult if you are only concerned with the bottom line. Keeping morale high is the work of a good manager and can be attained if you address the other aspects of your employees’ lives other than the tasks you have hired them to do. Appealing to their competitive side through company goals, streamlining benefits and human resources through a workforce management system, and taking time out to celebrate can be ways to remind your employees that you care about them. Invite Friendly Competition The day-to-day in an office can be a bit humdrum. Everybody has a job to do, but let’s face it: it can get monotonous. Sometimes setting short-term goals with a little friendly competition can be enough of an incentive in order to light a fire under your employees. Set team goals for the week or the month; then, offer a prize for the person who reaches that goal … [Read more...] about Importance of Keeping Your Employees Happy
Increasing Confidence in the Workplace
Lack of confidence manifests itself for many reasons. Starting a new job, having colleagues with more skills or qualifications than yourself, poor relationships with other staff, an unsupportive employer, or just being too hard on yourself are just a few of the reasons for having a lack confidence at work. Whatever the reason, building your confidence at work is possible. Not only will being more confident eliminate the negative consequences of self-doubt, it will also lead to a more progressive and enjoyable development in your career. Confidence is an attractive quality to employers and also portrays a positive outward image of the company, which makes you a more valuable employee. Confidence shows you can be trusted to deliver and your employer will be more likely to give you more responsibility and further promotion. Colleagues will be more comfortable associating and working with someone successful and not likely to negatively affect their own work. So how do you Become … [Read more...] about Increasing Confidence in the Workplace
How to Deal With Office Politics
Office politics can be good or bad. Good office politics is all about fostering good working relationships, advancing your career and enhancing the productivity and performance of the company. Unfortunately, mostly when office politics is being referred to, it's about the negative aspects. Bad office politics is one of the devils of the working world, with some places suffering from and by it more than others. When it gets particularly bad it can have a detrimental and damaging effect on productivity and performance of the company and the health, attitude and well-being of the staff. If the politics at your workplace is getting you down or causing problems there are ways you can be to keep its effects to a minimum. Be Respectful Stay respectful to your colleagues. Treat them in such a way that you would like them to treat you. Be polite and professional, never getting personal. This sets an example but also puts in place a benchmark for others to how they treat you in return. … [Read more...] about How to Deal With Office Politics
So You Want to Work for NASA?
NASA is the administration for national Aeronautics and Space. It is based in the United States and is in charge of research and discoveries in aerospace and aeronautics. There are many opportunities available at NASA for those who have a passion for atmospheric and celestial studies. Individuals who want to pursue a career at NASA must have degrees in engineering, aeronautics and astronautics, or anything else related to science or mathematics. Aerospace Engineering is an area of study which concerns the development of air and spacecraft, missiles, and other structures that function in aerospace. Aeronautical Engineering and Astronomical Engineering are the two subcategories that fall under Aerospace Engineering. Aeronautical Engineering is targeted for students who are interested in aviation. Astronomical Engineering is an option that would attract students who are interested in celestial objects and phenomena that happens beyond the Earth's atmosphere. Other areas of engineering … [Read more...] about So You Want to Work for NASA?