What are the characteristics of a successful manager? It does not matter what type of business is being managed, there are certain attributes that are essential to the success of the business. A manager that is competent and can oversee operations and employees will govern the quality of the business. Becoming a leader requires certain skills that are not inherent; they must be learned. One of the most important characteristics of a successful manager is the enthusiasm they have for their job. A company or corporation's success is going to hinge on this enthusiasm. How many times have you been to a business and gotten the impression the employees would rather be anywhere else than at work? When a manager expresses enthusiasm, this motivates the employees to show enthusiasm as well. One of the basic characteristics of a successful manager is the ability to listen. This is one of the ways a manager earns the respect of employees. In addition, when a manager listens to the needs, concerns … [Read more...] about Characteristics of a Successful Manager
Career Advice Blog
How to Find Out What Your Coworkers' Earn a Year
Knowing what the worker in the cubicle next to you earns on an annual basis is a blessing and a curse. It can be great to help you put your own career plan and negotiating strategy into persepctive; but it can also leave you feeling powerless and bitter, not a recipe for work happiness. SalaryShare, a new website inspired by HackerNews, allows you to pool coworker salaries anonymously by setting up a secret link that is only available to people you choose. You'll need at least four participants to get the list revealed. Well, it's not truly anonymous - your coworkers will know who set up the salary pool because you must circulate the link in order to get people to partake! But when the salaries are revealed, you will not know who is attached to each dollar amount. Each person who participates receives a private link to view the results. For example if you are a freelance blogger, let us know how much you earn a year (only from blogging) by joing our salary pool. … [Read more...] about How to Find Out What Your Coworkers' Earn a Year
Why You Should Never Turn Down an Interview
Whether you are fresh out of college or a seasoned professional, you should always embrace the opportunity to interview for a job. It doesn’t matter if the timing is bad or if you started a new job yesterday—accepting an invitation to interview is always a wise move.Here are five reasons why you should never turn down an interview:It’s good practice. There’s a reason so many people are scared to fly on airplanes: We have no way to practice and most of us do it infrequently. The more we do something, the better we get at it, and interviewing is no exception. Sure you can hold mock interviews with family and friends, but nothing will prepare you like real-world experience. Since the opportunity to interview doesn’t arise frequently, embrace it when you get the chance.Think about the future. Even if the position you are interviewing for is not a perfect fit, another opening, one that you might be unaware of, could be floating out there. Meeting face to face … [Read more...] about Why You Should Never Turn Down an Interview
5 Easy Ways to Make the Perfect Work Break Room a Reality
A well-provisioned break room can serve not only as a welcome retreat and a center for activity and discussion among employees, but also as an impromptu conference room for guests and visitors to the company. Below are some easy ways to make the perfect break room a reality. #1: Keep things tidy. Keeping a well-organized and attractive break room is beneficial to the company’s overall image as well as the morale of staff. Choosing the right office coffee solutions to stock the corporate break room can make a significant difference in the impression made on employees and guests. #2: Provide well-stocked shelves. While coffee, tea, and other hot beverages are mainstays of the corporate break room, other types of office refreshments should also be provided for staff and visitors to the company. Items like snacks, powdered drink mix packets, canisters, napkins, cups and plates are also important elements of a well-stocked staff break room. These supplies will ensure that everyone in the … [Read more...] about 5 Easy Ways to Make the Perfect Work Break Room a Reality
Living Fit In Today's Business World
Today’s business environment is both energy and time intensive. If you’re part of a small company, you likely wear many hats. If you’re part of a large company, odds are you’re involved in global business development. Whatever business you’re in, time is at a premium. Throw in the responsibilities of family and caring for a home, and that leaves precious little time to think about things like fitness. Fortunately, a few simple tweaks to your day can go a long way toward fitting fitness into our busy lives. Fitness Lunches Studies have shown time and again that eating lunch at your desk contributes to weight gain. Even worse is the ubiquitous business lunch, which generally consists of an over-abundance of wasteful calories. Break the mold. Pack your lunch and fit in a quick workout instead. Sure you’ll miss out on the latest gossip, but its a small price to pay. If your employer has a locker room/shower, a 30-minute walk, run, or bike ride is very manageable on a one-hour … [Read more...] about Living Fit In Today's Business World
8 Best Employee Incentive Programs
Best perks to offer aside from salary, raises, and health benefits. Employee retention is especially important when the economy is down because sourcing, interviewing, hiring and training replacements drain valuable time and money resources. In order to promote employee job satisfaction, you as a manager or HR professional need to focus on making some of the top preferred perks available to your workers, in addition to base pay and insurance. Employee morale surveys from Infosurv can help you determine what incentives are best for your employees. To find out more about some of the best employee incentives, read on. 1. Flex hours and/or telecommuting Flexible hours and telecommuting are two different perks, but they both offer the same thing: flexibility and freedom for the employee to choose when and where he or she works. This is one of the most sought after employee incentive programs. There are a number of ways to offer flex hours to employees who earn it. One option may be … [Read more...] about 8 Best Employee Incentive Programs
7 Careers for Green-Hearted Creative Types
If you have a creative streak and a passion for the environment, then you are in luck career-wise. Sustainability centers are popping up around the world, and eco-tourism is really taking off. This give syou the chance to use your powers of creativity to educate others on the importance of saving the planet. Musicians Use the power of music to promote a green message. Think Michael Jackson's "Earth Song" and Cake's "Too Much Carbon Monoxide." Not only can you put the importance of saving the planet in your lyrics, but you can also model a green lifestyle as you travel. Singer and songwriter Jack Johnson is a perfect example of a creative environmental activist. When he does his concert tours, he travels in bio-fuel buses. He also sells eco-friendly merchandise. Graphic Artists If you have a talent for design and want to support environmental preservation, then you have several options at your fingertips. You can specialize in art that promote environmental messages. You can design … [Read more...] about 7 Careers for Green-Hearted Creative Types
How to Work When Your Personal Life is Falling Apart
We often have to show up at the office even when there's a serious issue unfolding at home. Death, divorce, fights, and a myriad of other unfortunate life situations might stop your life in its tracks, but the harsh reality is that work must go on. To maintain your work-life balance and keep your job, here are several tactics employees can use to make a tough time a bit easier:1. If you trust your supervisor, tell them what’s going on. Be aware of your company's Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) policy before you do this, as unpaid leave may not be a viable option for you. Bosses may be more understanding than they’re given credit for, and proper work-life balance is an asset to both you and the organization.But revealing a personal problem to your boss can have unintended consequences. Though against the law, your issue could hold you back from future advancement. On the flip side, telling your boss could build your trust quotient, raising your stock as an employee. The … [Read more...] about How to Work When Your Personal Life is Falling Apart
State of Jobs
Source: eBay Classifieds … [Read more...] about State of Jobs
5 Careers That Allow You To Drive Very Fast
If you’ve always had a hankering in your heart to drive down the road like a speed devil, you don’t necessarily have to dismiss this desire. There are several ways to fulfill this desire while still staying within the boundaries of the law. For example, there are many careers that allow you to drive very fast. It may not be 100 percent safe, but at least it’s legal and you’re doing something worthwhile while getting your speed kicks. Here are five careers where your need for speed will come in handy and some tips on how to enter said careers. 1. Race Car Driver Watching a car race is a very exciting event. The only thing more exciting is to the one on the racetrack. By the very nature of their jobs, race car drivers need to drive as fast as possible. If you’re interested in this career path, you first need to decide what kind of car racing you want to do. Some types of car racing include NASCAR racing, drag racing or open wheel racing. Once you’re learned the basics of racing, it’s a … [Read more...] about 5 Careers That Allow You To Drive Very Fast