Dealing with negative people can be a challenge, especially if they are also your co-worker! We can usually choose to spend less time or walk away from negative people but at work, it isn’t always that easy.
Don’t Get Dragged Down
If you have a negative co-worker or co-workers, it can take some will power to resist being pulled into their negativity but it is important to try to stay positive. The people we spend time with each day can have a big impact on our mood and outlook so being aware of this influence can help to choose who we associate with and spend time with wisely. You may not be able to eliminate all contact with a negative co-worker but keeping your contact professional and to a minimum can help you to stay positive and on top of your work.
Ditch Complaining
You could create your own rule to ditch complaining. Most people enjoy complaining to some degree, but if we allow it to, negativity can become a bad habit that is draining for you and those around you. Ditching complaining means that you have to take responsibility for making changes. This can be very empowering and make a big difference to how you approach things. Ditching complaining will have a good effect on those around you and you never know, they may ditch complaining too!
Walk Your Talk
We all feel negative at times, that is part of being human. However walking your talk and trying to be a positive co-worker to others is one of the best things you can do for yourself and others at work and will help you to deal with negative co-workers more effectively. If you are dealing with a negative co-worker, it can be an easy pitfall, to get drawn into gossiping about them, especially if others feel the same way, but that in turn feeds more negativity. Walk your talk and stay positive.
Don’t Take It Personally
Nothing is personal, even if it feels like it. Don’t take negative co-workers words or actions personally; it is about them and not about you. If you can stay healthily detached from their negativity it will help you to stay on top of your own job. If a co-worker is aiming negativity at you, if you don’t take it personally you will be in a better position to navigate what is going on. Is their negativity founded or just part of how they approach things? When you answer that question, you can see best which way to respond appropriately.
Stay Professional
Staying professional is a great rule of thumb for many difficult situations at work! If you can keep cool and do your job despite external pressures such as negative co-workers you will feel much better about yourself and will find it easier to remain professional.
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