I've never heard of anyone suffering from heat stroke or hypothermia at the office, but that doesn't mean the masses are comfortable. Thermoregulation might make it tolerable, but temperature swings can still affect moods and productivity. Most offices are comprised of a diverse workforce; 250lb. men and 95lb. women, all from different backgrounds and cultures, each with different proclivities to the elements. What if there was a way to give each person their own personal climate control? Cold and hot at extremes are both uncomfortable, but, in my opinion, if the office is cold, you have more options. You can always slip on a sweater; you can't however, take off your top (assuming, of course, you're not working an "adult" club. And it should be noted that at least two strippers read Jobacle). You also have the option to flip on a portable space heater to warm up, drink a hot beverage or by taking a brisk stroll (assuming you're not anchored to your desk). Cooler … [Read more...] about Stop Touching the Thermostat!
10 Tips on How to Make Work Go By Faster
Wondering how to make work go by faster? Join the club! Here are some tactics we employ. Let’s face it: Some days are better than others. This is true, whether you’re at home or on the job. Everyone has days that seem to last forever when they’re at work. Sometimes you have other things on your mind, or you just can’t seem to get started on the latest project. What follows is a list of some things you can do each day to pace yourself and help the day go by faster. 1. Leave your problems at the door. It’s not always easy to do this, but focusing on work when you’re at work, and home when you’re at home, will help you significantly. It makes no sense to dwell on things you can’t take care of in the now. 2. Set small, achievable goals. If you are trudging through a project and not making any headway, set some milestones for yourself to make sure you are getting things done at an acceptable pace. You’ll feel more accomplished as you reach each goal. 3. Reward … [Read more...] about 10 Tips on How to Make Work Go By Faster
Mood Rings at Work
The mystique of mood is a phenomenon that has haunted us from, I suppose, the very beginning of time. Why do we feel one way at a certain point in time, and then almost exactly the opposite, a short time later, even when nothing has substantially changed to account for such a difference in how we feel, how we see the world, and how we treat others? True, it's one thing to have to deal with mood swings, etc. in the nuclear and extended family, as well as with just about everyone else we interact with, but it rises - or falls - to a whole other level of importance once we take mood into the workplace. Mood is as much a part of us as anything else that's an integral part of who we are, like a personality, an ego and even a conscience. And we take it with us, wherever we go.While moods are a natural part of the human condition, it's still important to think about them, and how they can impact on us, and not just today, but possibly even where our future is … [Read more...] about Mood Rings at Work
Mass Introductions: For or Against?
It's a rite of passage. You start a new job and your supervisor takes you on the world tour. After pointing out the restrooms and showing you the vending machines, you are introduced to droves of people, none of whom you will remember tomorrow. You're way too nervous worrying about making a good impression to employ all of those nifty mnemonic devices you once read about in the self-help aisle at the bookstore.Many work rituals are irksome, but after seeing the mass introduction NOT in effect, I must say, it has won me over. Let's take a closer look.WHY IT'S GOOD* Ever notice the new hire being trotted around the office by their boss? Once you see the parade of two under way, you start to mentally prepare. Perhaps you will deliver a funny one liner - or ask them where they worked before. Then it happens.You get s-k-i-p-p-e-d over.It's probably nothing personal, but you can't help but feel a tiny sting. Will you channel your annoyance at the new hire? Will this make your relationship … [Read more...] about Mass Introductions: For or Against?
Help! My Project Is in Quicksand
What happens when a project drags on and on and on? I'm not talking days, weeks, or even months. I mean years.That's what has unfolded at my current gig, where a major project that I am ultimately responsible for is constantly put up on the shelf. Oh, there's plenty of talk about it. Just no action.Stalled. Stagnated. Stopped. These 'S' words suddenly sound uglier than the 'F' bomb.Sometimes I feel like I'm on a reality show. They must be laughing their butts off on the other side of the glass. It's like a never-ending filibuster that retards all progress. I can hear one of the producers now: "What's wrong with this guy? When is he just gonna get up and leave!?" Read more at U.S. News & World Report. … [Read more...] about Help! My Project Is in Quicksand
Expanding Company Benefits Lead to Shrinking Waistlines
It is a bit ironic to hear about companies that promote exercise and display it as a “company benefit” to their employees. The truth is that it is a benefit for both employees looking to lose weight or improve their health as well as for the company; encouragement for employee can significantly reduce employer’s health care costs. As an employee that works inside a gym (and literally gets to watch people work out all day long), my motivation to get exercising comes a little easier than most. And the free gym membership doesn’t hurt. But from talking to my friends and doing some research on leading companies, they certainly are getting creative! Here are some of the coolest exercise benefits I came across...1. Each employee gets 3 hours per work week to take for exercise. To break it down, a 40 hour work week turns into 37 hours with built-in time for exercise! Not bad.2. Contracted discount gym memberships through Bally’s, Gold’s Gym, or other local gyms in your area. 3. A … [Read more...] about Expanding Company Benefits Lead to Shrinking Waistlines
Happy National Payroll Week
There's a 'holiday' for everything. And September is filled with them: Dairy Week, Chimney Safety Week, Balance Awareness Week, and my favorite, National Clean Hands Week.But there's one event that holds a special place in my heart. Perhaps it's because my mother is a payroll secretary. Or maybe it's the fact that these folks make sure 156 million wage earners in the U.S. get paid. Whatever the case, pop a cold one and help Jobacle celebrate National Payroll Week!If you love your paycheck, and we know you do, send someone the PayDay Shuffle card. If you're an HR professional, take the payroll quiz.But make sure you don't celebrate too hard; National Love Your Files Week is right around the corner (September 21). Who comes up with this stuff? … [Read more...] about Happy National Payroll Week
The Irony of Labor Day
Anyone else find it ironic that Labor Day, which is "a day off for the working citizens," signifies the official end of summer? It's like all of America's supervisors saying:Here's a day off. Get that lax summer attitude out of your system. Then get back to work!Despite my efforts with Jobacle, and the economic/civil significance of the holiday, I can't recall ever reflecting on the state of my career on Labor Day. In fact, my only real memory is betting my little sister that she couldn't stay awake for the entire MDA Telethon hosted by Jerry Lewis. (Man, I was a cruel big brother! But for the record, the challenge is still open, since she's never been able to do it.)How hard can I really celebrate the creation of the eight-hour workday in the United States? It doesn't matter anyway, because, like you, I'm too busy packing away all of those white shoes to care. The number of holidays off continues to shrink, with Election Day and veteran's Day … [Read more...] about The Irony of Labor Day
The Power of Reciprocity at Work
From Christianity to Buddhism, almost all of the major world religions believe that the more you give, the more you get in return.Making the place you work the best place possible falls on your shoulders. Help make the office a better space by giving until you drop.It's not just giving; it's the intention behind giving. You have to want to make it really count without motive or selfishness. Mutual action, or the power of reciprocity, starts with YOU.What can you give?Read more at U.S. News & World Report. … [Read more...] about The Power of Reciprocity at Work
How to Handle Political Talk at the Office
Do you proudly sport your “I voted today!” sticker at work after voting day? Is your car adorned with bumper sticker after bumper sticker proclaiming your love for the candidate of your choice? Do you willingly engage in political debates at work?With the conventions beginning for both parties (Democratic has started, Republican is Sep 1-4) and veeps chosen or on the way to being picked, it seems inevitable for politics to be on our radar. With the Olympics finally out of the picture, the media has picked up the pieces and filled the void by dominating the news with political story after political story. But this does pose a question that many of you have probably already faced: how appropriate is it to talk politics at work? Does anything good come from discussing politics?Political talk is often referred to one of the “fearsome foursome”-sex, money, religion, and politics- that should be avoided at work. Perhaps politics is the scariest of the four … [Read more...] about How to Handle Political Talk at the Office