I was a bit surprised when a friend told me that companies routinely check your credit history when you apply for a job and are a promising candidate. That’s a new a wrinkle to me, but I’ve been self-employed for years. Why would a low credit rating be relevant to a potential employer? I’m a bit baffled by it, especially in this economy with unemployment so high. Many people have lost their homes to foreclosure or had to file bankruptcy do to job loss, high medical bills, etc. To me, it has a very strong “blame the victim” feel to it – to get that bad credit history; you must have done something shady or used incredibly poor judgment in managing your finances. In many cases, that’s unfair thinking.How is it Applicable?I suppose if you were job hunting in the financial sector, in a position of high responsibility, your credit score or bad history could be a red flag. It might suggest that you aren’t very good at handling money or maybe … [Read more...] about Should a Low Credit Rating Jinx a Job Offer?
Career Advice
Life is Short, Love Your Job
How do you feel about your job? Do you wake up in the morning, looking forward to see what the day brings, or do you press the snooze button four times because your stomach is turning at the thought of even one more minute there? Believe it or not, a job is not just a job. This is a place you spend a considerable amount of time at, and therefore plays a role in your overall health, whether you realize it or not. Fulfillment There is nothing worse than feeling as though you aren’t accomplishing what you had hoped in your life. When roles and responsibilities come together in the right way while doing something you love, you feel complete and satisfied. This amounts to less stress and better sleep quality, which both play roles in your overall health. If you have ever requested life insurance quotes online, then you know how important overall health is in rates and approval. Make a Difference If you don’t believe in the job you are doing, it is pretty difficult to believe in … [Read more...] about Life is Short, Love Your Job
Soon-to-be College Graduates: What to do When You’ve Chosen the Wrong Major
You've spent the past four (or five) years attending classes and studying, all in preparation for receiving a diploma and entering the workforce. While graduation day is an exciting time for most college students, it may be a day you’re dreading if you’ve suddenly realized you chose the wrong major. Often, the realization of a failed major selection comes at the most inopportune time. Perhaps you realized it while studying for final exams. Maybe the realization came while being handed your diploma. Regardless, rather than freaking out, take a moment to breath and assess your options. Calm Your Nerves Often, soon-to-be graduates who are stressing about having chosen the wrong major haven’t properly pinpointed the cause of their stress. Perhaps your stress is due to worries about adapting to the workforce more so than about the field of work you’ve chosen. The working world is drastically different than college in many ways and dealing with those changes can be frightening. Rather … [Read more...] about Soon-to-be College Graduates: What to do When You’ve Chosen the Wrong Major
Don’t Ignore Your Emotions at Work!
Growing up, you were likely told not to let little things get to you. If you are like most others, you missed that day in school when they actually taught you step-by-step, how to be successful at this. You can’t and shouldn’t turn your emotions off at work. After all, you are human! This is as ridiculous as expecting your dog to not wag his tail over a treat. It’s all natural instinct! What is Logic? You will often hear a lot about doing what is logical. Don’t make decisions when you are upset because it is not logical. Don’t react without thinking things through because it’s not local. Really, what exactly is logic, and what’s so great about it? Well, logic studies the principles of correct reasoning and valid interference. Doesn’t sound like much fun, does it? Where’s the passion? Where is the instinct? Most great moments in one’s career are made by reacting in a split second in a specific circumstance. Are you really supposed to step back, evaluate the situation and conjure up … [Read more...] about Don’t Ignore Your Emotions at Work!
How to Be the Center of Attention at Work (without freaking out!)
At work, it’s great to get a little recognition now and then. However, being the center of attention is tough if your work team is comprised of over achievers or if you’re surrounded by employees who regularly claim the spotlight by pouting or freaking out about work projects. Since being recognized by management often paves the road for future raises and promotions, you must cleverly find a way to outshine other employees and claim the spotlight. Here are four effective ways to be the center of attention at work without having to freak out to get noticed. Claim Project Leads If the same team member always snatches project leads and claims the workplace spotlight, it’s time to end their reign. The next time a collaborative work project is announced, immediately consult with management regarding why you should take the lead. This is no time to play the waiting game because, while you’re working out a strategy, other employees will be pleading their cases. Send an email, pick up the … [Read more...] about How to Be the Center of Attention at Work (without freaking out!)
7 Ways Your Desk Job is Killing You
Ever get the feeling your J.O.B. is going to be the death of you? Well guess what- you might be on to something! By combining mounting evidence and common sense we finally have PROOF that holding down a steady 9-5 is the biggest risk you could ever take! Work kills. 1. Lack of Control- It’s Worse Than You Think! Did you know feeling like you’re in control of your life is actually good for your health? It’s true! When you feel in control of your life your hormone balance changes, flooding your system with feel-good chemicals and a biological cocktail that encourages ambition and toughens up your immune system. Well, guess what? When you feel out of control the opposite happens! Your body cuts off those feel good hormones and downshifts your immune system! So- how often do you feel in control at work? 2. Bad Jobs = Bad Health Habits Does your job stock its pantries and vending machines with health food or junk food? Do you get to exercise during the day, or are you … [Read more...] about 7 Ways Your Desk Job is Killing You
7 Ways To Make Your Cubicle a Positive Workspace Without Using a Single Motivational Poster!
Many full-time professionals who work in the typical office environment spend more than 2000 hours a year in a cubicle. If you code or work for one of those tech firms the rest of us have been sending resumes to for the last 12 years, it's probably about twice that figure. If we can turn our thoroughly modern cubicles into positive workspaces, there's a good chance those 2000 hours will be far more productive. After some in-depth research, we've identified 7 solid ways to make your cubicle into a positive workspace. Some of these involve changing your cubicle furniture, some involve changing your attitude. 1. Feng Shui Your Cubicle The practice of feng shui dates back to 4000 BC. Its application to office cubicles and office cubicle furniture is a much later development. People spend their lives devoted to feng shui. We can't go into that kind of depth here, so let's just hit a couple of important ideas you can apply to your office cubicle. First, arrange your space so you can … [Read more...] about 7 Ways To Make Your Cubicle a Positive Workspace Without Using a Single Motivational Poster!
Cautions to Take While Freelancing and Working Full-time
With many things in this world, you must walk before you can run. When aspiring to become a full-time freelancer, you typically must slowly begin building your freelance venture while still working full time for an employer. This may not be the ideal situation but it provides steady income until your freelance business is successful enough to go full time. However, while freelancing and working full time, use caution on how you fit both demands into your schedule and how the topic of freelancing is approached with your boss. By taking caution with these topics, you’ll avoid burning bridges with the employer and ruining both ventures. Don’t Double Dip Your employer likely won’t have kind words to say after catching you using company time and resources to work on freelance projects. Resist the temptation to double dip your time by completing freelance tasks while on the employer’s time clock. Sure, this may lead to late nights and long weekends finishing freelance tasks. … [Read more...] about Cautions to Take While Freelancing and Working Full-time
How To Negotiate At Work
Negotiating can be a tricky business. Many of us don’t want to ask for what we want for the fear of being seen as pushy or ungrateful (or whatever label you might use). However, as the old saying goes “If you don’t ask, you don’t get”. Learning to negotiate can help you to achieve more satisfaction and boost your self esteem. Women have also been found to be much less likely to ask for a raise in the workplace. For example, men expect to earn 13% more than women during their first year of full-time work. It is clear that both men and women could benefit from being able to negotiate and ask for what they want and deserve. Here are some suggestions to help hone your negotiation skills... Do Your Job Well To negotiate well at work, make sure you are doing your job well. You will have more leverage in asking for what you want with a boss or colleague if you are on top of your job as much as possible. If the other person(s) can see you are trying your best, it is human nature that they … [Read more...] about How To Negotiate At Work
How To Deal With Bullying Behavior At Work
Bullying isn’t something that just happens to children; many adults are the victims of bullying and the workplace is often a place where it happens. Trust Yourself It can be hard to decide whether someone is bullying you, but if something doesn’t feel right about how someone is talking to you, about you or treating you, listen to those feelings. Many bully’s work by undermining the other person to make them doubt their own judgement. Be Direct Bully’s often get away with their treatment of others because no-one calls them on it. It is worth trying to deal with the issue directly in the first instance. If the other person isn’t aware of how their behavior is affecting you it gives them an opportunity to realize and stop it. If after being direct, it continues then it is worth looking at escalating the issue to your boss or HR department. Approaching the other person in a calm and assertive manner will help you maintain your professionalism and … [Read more...] about How To Deal With Bullying Behavior At Work