At work, it’s great to get a little recognition now and then. However, being the center of attention is tough if your work team is comprised of over achievers or if you’re surrounded by employees who regularly claim the spotlight by pouting or freaking out about work projects.
Since being recognized by management often paves the road for future raises and promotions, you must cleverly find a way to outshine other employees and claim the spotlight. Here are four effective ways to be the center of attention at work without having to freak out to get noticed.
Claim Project Leads
If the same team member always snatches project leads and claims the workplace spotlight, it’s time to end their reign. The next time a collaborative work project is announced, immediately consult with management regarding why you should take the lead.
This is no time to play the waiting game because, while you’re working out a strategy, other employees will be pleading their cases. Send an email, pick up the phone or march directly into your manager’s office to show your desire of taking on more workplace responsibility.
Organize a Workplace Event
Most employees are too shy or lazy to organize a workplace event. As such, this may be the ideal realm for you to outshine coworkers. Whether organizing a workplace weight loss challenge, beginning a new office potluck tradition or arranging another fun event, you’ll likely be remembered for the effort. Since the event must first be approved by management, the discussion regarding your idea can be the ideal opportunity to showcase your workplace commitment.
Be Outgoing
You’ll never be the center of attention if you’re cowering inside a cubicle all day, too shy to speak with coworkers. If you want to earn the respect of coworkers, you must be willing to put yourself out there. Be friendly and outgoing with others from team meetings to break room lunches. With each conversation you start and joke you tell, the workplace buzz surrounding your name will increase.
Change Your Appearance
Let’s face it, falling into a wardrobe slump at work is easy. Whether you fix your hair the same every day or dress in the same drab colors, a downtrodden appearance won’t get you anywhere near the office’s spotlight.
During an upcoming weekend, get a new hairdo, update your wardrobe with color-rich clothes and plan for a grand entrance on Monday morning. Along with turning some heads, you’ll gain more confidence to take additional chances in many aspects of your work.
You needn’t pull crazy stunts or freak out about project details to be the center of attention at work. Rather, by being outgoing and friendly with coworkers and by becoming more involved in the workplace culture, you’ll claim the spotlight in a more effective manner. The more chances you’re willing to take at work, the increased chance you’ll have of being noticed by management and selected for future advancements.
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