NBC v. Leno v. O’BrienI won’t equivocate about who should get what time slot from NBC and the fate of “The Tonight Show” - I’m with Conan on this one. The network courted the guy five years ago with the promise of hosting "The Tonight Show" and gave it to him. Now they want to take it away. Instead of admitting that they made some poor choices, i.e., to put Jay on at 10 instead of the usual programming, they are blaming the hosts. Besides probably being contractually uncool, it’s just bad management.David Carr points out in The New York Time’s Media Decoder article, "NBC Broadcasts Itself As a Punchline," that the network who incessantly promotes itself is taking some hits, "…management can come in for a lot of wear and tear when your talent gets pushed around and gets into feelings. Talk-show hosts usually push back, because, after all, they’re the ones with the microphone and they have a new chance to maim you ever single … [Read more...] about FAIL for NBC as an Employer, Ask Conan
Career Advice Blog
Donate 1% of Your Salary to Help Haiti?
These days employers can pretty much deduct anything from your pre-tax check. But despite working for some monster companies, I've never been offered the chance to donate part of my check to an "actionable" charitable cause. (meaning one that is timely)The 7.0 magnitude earthquake (with over 100 aftershocks!) has left catastrophic damage throughout the presidential republic of Haiti.The death toll looks like it will reach the thousands - and the economic impact will be in the billions.President Obama and the United States are scrambling to prepare an aid plan. My question for you: Would you donate 1% of your salary to help Haiti recover from this tragedy?Be honest. We're not looking to find out who is a Superman and who is a greedy bastard. I'm just curious if Americans would be quicker to reach into their pockets for a charitable cause if the money came directly out of their checks. … [Read more...] about Donate 1% of Your Salary to Help Haiti?
Long Meeting Survival 101
There’s More Than Office BingoMost folks have played or at least heard of Office Bingo - here’s Jobacle’s fun version from a couple years ago, "Bored at Work? Play Office BINGO!" It’s a great way to entertain your self in long, boring meetings. Recently reading about a company that uses water pistols in their meetings made me think of other ways we can make it through those interminable time-wasters.When I worked in a drug and alcohol treatment program, most of the staff were either in recovery from addiction or had experienced it in their families. So we used to play “How Many of Your Parents are Alcoholic?” This was a snarky upgrade of “I wonder if he has an alcoholic parent?” The game would be kick-started in response to someone trying way too hard to control the meeting (a typical issue for children of alcoholics is the need to control) or just really irritating behavior in general. Keep in mind no one ever said the words aloud, … [Read more...] about Long Meeting Survival 101
4 Reasons Why Retirement Scares the Living S#it Out of Me (and I could retire tomorrow!)
Until a few years ago, retirement was generally seen as a well-deserved reward for so many years of honorable service, and that a decent pension was the tangible goody you got, a veritable pot of gold attainable at the end of the career rainbow. The attitude being that they will now pay you not to lead, organize, or troubleshoot, but simply wake up each morning. Your new responsibility is to only in- and exhale. And so, in this paradigm, the old-timer could then walk, or crawl away into a sunset of complete, but comfortable, inertia. And irrelevance; or worse... Now more than ever, some-especially professionals and higher echelon corporate types- are increasingly reluctant to cash out when they reach retirement age. The reasons for this change in thinking have less to do with economic wants, and more to do with psychological needs. I should know because the haunting ambivalence of whether to stay or to go plagues me on a daily basis. Maybe, just maybe, I can stay lucky enough to, at … [Read more...] about 4 Reasons Why Retirement Scares the Living S#it Out of Me (and I could retire tomorrow!)
The Lost Art of Reading People and Situations
What Happened to Social Skills at Work?As Andrew eloquently put it in his post, “Violated at Work, The Death of Personal Space,”our personal space at work is shrinking and often encroached upon by co-workers. I’m lucky - I share an office with a cat (if he’s in the mood) and my spouse only works from home one day a week. I have a luxurious amount of space. But a related issue has come to my attention lately - lax or non-existent social skills in the workplace. Just as some people who aren’t very adept at respecting your personal space at work, they also are not be picking up on your facial expressions of “Can’t you see I’m busy?” annoyance, etc.Since I work as a therapist, I should mention categories of folks who have a legitimate diagnosis that inhibits or prevents healthy social interaction. People who have a social anxiety disorder, for instance, can have such a high level of anxiety when they are around co-workers, that … [Read more...] about The Lost Art of Reading People and Situations
How to Burn Additional Calories at Work
Our friends at Wellspring Camps, a weight loss organization for young adults and families across the U.S, reminds us of several ways to incorporate calorie-burning exercises into our daily work routine. * Record steps per day on a calendar posted at your desk * Seek parking spots and further away from destinations * Walk to lunch destinations whenever possible * Make a game out of guessing the number of steps it takes to go from one place to anotherIf you're lucky enough to work for a company that has an office gym, be sure to follow the proper gym etiquette.The Mayo Clinic has some additional ideas on how to burn calories at work.Related links:Overweight Discrimination @ WorkExercising With Scissors … [Read more...] about How to Burn Additional Calories at Work
BREAKING NEWS: Possible Work Rage Shooting at St. Louis Factory
A transformer manufacturing facility in St. Louis, MO is currently on lockdown after a gunman opened fired this morning, shooting three people.According to an ABB Inc. company spokesperson on CNN.com, there is no information to indicate the shooter was an employee.Um, yeah. I wouldn't take that bet. The shooter is still at large, suspected of being somewhere within the factory.Unseasonably cold weather, including snow and freezing rain, have recently hit the area. No matter how blue you feel, please keep the guns at home, people. Related Links:What weather do you like to work in? … [Read more...] about BREAKING NEWS: Possible Work Rage Shooting at St. Louis Factory
Music at Work. Why It's Important and Where to Get It
Office jobs are filled with stretches of monotony, I don't care how exciting you try to tell me your job is. One thing that helps me pass the time and stay motivated is music. I listen all day long. Every second that I'm at my desk is another second colored in by music. And my employer should thank me.Research from the University of Illinois found that when (256) office workers listened to music of their choosing, they were more relaxed, in a better overall mood, enhanced their job performance and even had a reduced interest in switching jobs.Whoa. And I thought I was just drowning out all that annoying thermostat chatter!So let's crank those speakers (to a reasonable volume) and take a look at the best services to listen to music with at work. RHAPSODYFor several years, I have scraped up $14 a month to subscribe to Rhapsody. The service allows me to stream as much music as I want and has an impressively large catalog - 8 million and counting. … [Read more...] about Music at Work. Why It's Important and Where to Get It
Violated at Work, The Death of Personal Space
More people, less space. It's a problem that the world is plagued with. Once you get to the office, a place where much of our individuality is stripped away to begin with with, we are left with precious little to call our own. Perhaps that is why I've been guarding my personal space a little more carefully of late.There's nothing we can do about the sounds and scents that permeate our workspace, but we CAN protect the invisible bubble that most normal functioning members of society call their own. First let's talk about anthropologist Edward Hall Jr. The one-time Harvard Business School teacher who passed away last year at the age of 95, defined "personal reaction bubbles" in 1966 as follows:- Public space is greater than 12 feet from where I am.- Social space occurs within 4 to 12 feet.- Personal space occurs within 4 to 1.5 feet.- Intimate space is within 1.5 feetFor the most part at work, I find that people respect personal space. In the elevator … [Read more...] about Violated at Work, The Death of Personal Space
55% of Americans Are Unsatisfied With Work; Bowling Is Expensive
People love surveys - especially ones they can relate to. Luckily for you, research conducted by the Conference Board, has uncovered the lowest job satisfaction rate since they've been surveying (22 years). Surprised? I didn't think so. Here's the Jobacle take on the new data. Additional notes of interest: * 56% say they like their co-workers, slightly less than the 57% who said so last year but down from 68% in 1987.* 56% say they are satisfied with their commute to work even as commute times have grown longer over the years. That compares with 54% in 2008 and 63% in 1987.* 51% say their are satisfied with their boss. That's down from 55% in 2008 and around 60% two decades ago. … [Read more...] about 55% of Americans Are Unsatisfied With Work; Bowling Is Expensive