Shouting fire in a crowded theater could land you in jail; yelling 'fire drill' at work is a big, fat, colossal fail. While an exciting and welcome change of pace in fourth grade, workplace fire drills are a time-wasting distraction in the corporate culture. Before my inbox gets jammed from fire survivors, let me preface this post by stating I am not anti-fire drill, nor am I pro-fire. I just think the methods employed by most organizations are laughable.THE TRUTH ABOUT WORK FIRE DRILLS1) Don't give me a mandatory meeting place in the event of a fire. I understand that employers want a headcount so that they can make sure everyone is out of the building (and cover their asses). But should disaster strike, you will find me acting in my best interest. If that means jogging three miles away from the burning building, so be it. I'm not suggesting I'll trample helpless children, a la George Costanza, but I will look out for myself and my family … [Read more...] about Reality Check: Work Fire Drills FAIL
Career Advice Blog
Business Cards That Transform Into a Desktop Catapult
Finally, a businesscard that actually serves a purpose! (Well, except for acting as a makeshift toothpick. Not that I'd know anything about that!)Bryce Bell, a mechanical engineer from Oklahoma has invented Catapult Cards, businesscards that transform into mini-paper launchers.We've reached out to Bryce and have not heard back from him. Perhaps it's because he's overwhelmed! These cool business cards have just sold out! … [Read more...] about Business Cards That Transform Into a Desktop Catapult
Forward of the Week: 36 Things To Say When You're Stressed at Work
36 Things To Say When You're Stressed at Work1. Okay, okay! I take it back. Unf*ck you!!!2. You say I'm a bitch like it's a bad thing?!3. How many times do I have to flush before you go away?4. Well this day was a total waste of make-up.5. Well aren't we a bloody ray of sunshine?6. Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after.7. Do I look like a f*cking people person!8. This isn't an office. It's HELL with fluorescent lighting.9. I started out with nothing still have most of it left.10. I pretend to work, they pretend to pay me.11. YOU!!... off my planet!!!12. Therapy is expensive. Popping bubble plastic is cheap. Youchoose.13. Practice random acts of intelligence and senseless acts ofself-control.14. Errors have been made. Others will be blamed.15. And your cry-baby, whiny-assed opinion would be.....?16. I'm not crazy. I've been in a very bad mood for 30 years.17. Sarcasm is just one more service I offer.18. Whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed.19. Do they ever shut … [Read more...] about Forward of the Week: 36 Things To Say When You're Stressed at Work
Boring Job? 4 Unique Ways to Cope
You'll often read that if you are bored with your job it is time to find a new one. Solid advice, but easier said than done. If financial/stability or some other concern is keeping you at a boring gig, here are several ways to break out of the funk. You might also want to consider researching online colleges.- RUN IN CIRCLES. OK, you don't really have to run in circles, but if you find work unbearably lame, you need to make an effort to exhaust yourself before you get to the office. This might be a trip to the gym or running errands. This is a tactic that my shiba inu puppy employs (not the errand part!) before we put him into his crate for the night. He knows that he must exhaust himself in order to avoid a restless night behind bars. - KILL THE INTERNET. Most workers who are killing time while 'on the clock,' rely on the endless supply of content provided by the Internet. This poses two major problems. 1) … [Read more...] about Boring Job? 4 Unique Ways to Cope
Apple iPad Trumps Obama
The world is more focused on the iPad, the latest gadget from Apple, then they are intent on watching President Barack Obama's State of the Union address tonight.Perhaps that's part of the reason our economy is where it is. Our heads are up our asses. We need new jobs. Better benefits. Is there an app for that?The president is expected to talk about his push for tax credits for new hiring, an incentive that will hopefully grab the attention of American employers. Also on the agenda is a requirement that companies allow workers save automatically for retirement. Watch the speech live at and get your drink on! P.S. - iPad is such a crummy name. Sounds like a digital tampon. … [Read more...] about Apple iPad Trumps Obama
Ben Affleck Loses His Job
OK, so it's for a movie, but he still gets the boot! Playing the typical Hollywood-incarnation of the "successful" businessman, Ben Affleck stars in the new movie "The Company Men," which is being played at Sundance.Learn more about the movie on the Working Podcast and watch the trailer below. … [Read more...] about Ben Affleck Loses His Job
Workdays on Holiday Weeks are 2.5 Hours Longer
It’s a Scientific FactI made that up, but doesn’t it feel that way? With a holiday, you get a nice day off at the beginning or end of the week. But you know you’ll be punished on the remaining workdays. Not only has your workload multiplied while you were away, but the days seem interminably long. It takes 6 hours just to get to lunch!There must also be a universal equation: holiday + boss’s bad mood = new projects he makes up out of thin air. It makes no sense that in a 4-day week you would actually have the time to complete tasks that it normally takes you 5+ days to accomplish. So throw in a new project and you’re doomed. Cancel happy hour or dinner out. You’re there for the duration. It’s a trade off - you get a day off, but the work awaits. My hubby runs into a different scenario. He works 4-10 hour days. But on holiday weeks he works 4 regular 8-hour days. Since he usually starts his 10 hours early, he looks forward to going in late … [Read more...] about Workdays on Holiday Weeks are 2.5 Hours Longer
VIDEO: Pains in the Office
From empty paper trays to smelly lunches, The Today Show took to their series 'Pains in the Office' to find out what's driving NBC staffers nuts at work.They are also asking 'What would you do if Brian Williams stole your lunch?' Simple. I'd say nothing and poison tomorrow's sandwich. We've taken to Twitter to hear your Coworker Pet Peeves. If you have something to add, let us know! Also check out 6 Annoying Things Millennials Do @ the Office. … [Read more...] about VIDEO: Pains in the Office
The Famous Question: HOW’S WORK?
It's a question asked by every parent, friend and acquaintance: "How's work?" Most of us have a stock answer we go to. But few of us have ever put much thought into the importance in the way we answer the seemingly innocent question. Let's look at a few different scenarios. IF YOU SAY WORK IS BAD: This is likely the answer most people are looking for. People like to commiserate and 'bond' by trash-talking low pay, a boring routine, and made-for-reality TV co-workers. IF YOU SAY WORK IS GOOD: They won't believe you. They'll try to steer you towards negative territory to see if you're human. Stay strong. IF YOU ARE VAGUE ABOUT WORK: Short answers make it appear as if you are hiding a larger issue - or are a boring conversationalist. This leaves too much to the questioners' imagination, allowing them to come to their own (inaccurate) conclusions about your job. IF YOU OFFER WORK DETAILS: Many people ask questions without any interest in the answers. But it's worth … [Read more...] about The Famous Question: HOW’S WORK?
AUDIO: Boring Meeting? Download These Apps
With the help of your iPhone or Android-based device, you can breathe fresh life into boring meetings. Learn about Meeting Madness and Bad Meeting on the latest episode of the Working Podcast. Direct Download … [Read more...] about AUDIO: Boring Meeting? Download These Apps