Jobs are hard to come by these days and making ends meet is no picnic either. If your current position isn’t bringing those ends any closer together, it might be time for a raise. Here are seven ways to get a raise. 7. Work Hard There’s one way to make sure you don’t get that raise: slack off. If you want to take a break from impressing your buddies in order to take a stab at impressing the boss, then work and work hard. Now you have to decide what this entails and how far you’ll have to go but hard word never hurt anybody and, yes, it does build character. Just don’t forget that it can also build your bank account. 6. Ask, And You Might ReceiveSeems simple but we know it isn’t. However, facts are facts. And if you know your work deserves a little extra come payday and can back up your performance history, then present your case to your boss. Good workers and solid employees are not that easy to come by these days. Your boss will want to keep … [Read more...] about 7 Ways To Get A Raise
Career Advice Blog
Working From Home Has Its Headaches Too
I am the envy of many of my friends. My career as a freelance writer conjures up images in their mind of a life of leisure, and calling my own shots. Some even envision future appearances on Oprah when I pen my long-awaited book.Though I have been truly blessed, and I wouldn’t trade it, it’s not the Utopia that some of the “unenlightened” see it as!Here are a few annoyances that I deal with on a daily basis, or at least more frequently than I’d like to under normal circumstances.1. Constant interruptions. Being at home most days means I’m pretty accessible to family, friends, telemarketers, and collectors. So that means I’m constantly answering calls, or screening calls, or serving as Ann Landers to my friends, or being held hostage by a chatty caller, or looking up on the Internet that must-have anti-wrinkle cream that my mom didn’t write down from yesterday’s Dr. Oz Show. What part of “working” from … [Read more...] about Working From Home Has Its Headaches Too
5 Reasons to Start a Job Journal TODAY!
A decade ago, diaries were for girls. At least that was the assumption. Little ladies would peel back the pink pages and write all about their secret crushes and desires. The digital age has turned us all into little girls, ones who not only keep diaries (we've gender-neutralized it as a "journal"), but share them publicly.This blog post isn't about private vs. public journals, it is designed to encourage you to start a job journal, one where you share your deepest and darkest thoughts. Or maybe just complain about the boss. Whatever you decide to log, we recommend you keep it simple yet descriptive, honest and unfiltered.Keep a job journal to...JOG YOUR MEMORY. We humans tend to forget. We forget how difficult something once was or how good we had it. In the rear-view mirror, bosses become vilified or propped up to heroic proportions, when in reality, they, like most bosses, were likely somewhere in between.A job journal will give you … [Read more...] about 5 Reasons to Start a Job Journal TODAY!
Working Vacations – Isn’t That an Oxymoron?
Almost 23 years ago, my husband and I “ran away” and got married on vacation in Key West. In our shorts. In the courthouse. Just the two of us. I have never regretted choosing to get hitched that way. There was no stress, no family arguments and it was cheap. Another thing we didn’t do was WORK while on our honeymoon/vacation. Daily, our most critical decision was, "Pool or beach?" I remember we were floating in the pool and overheard two guys who obviously didn’t know each other talking about their work. My husband and I looked at each other in amazement. Dudes, you’re in Key West! I was particularly pleased that neither my spouse nor I wanted to talk shop.A recent article in the Wall Street Journal, “Why Relaxing Is Hard Work,” by Melinda Beck discusses the difficulty that many people have in disconnecting from work while on vacation. In fact, Beck quotes a stress expert who says that staying in communication with the office while off … [Read more...] about Working Vacations – Isn’t That an Oxymoron?
Do YOU Believe in the Hidden Job Market?
Despite dozens of books, thousands of blog posts, and 131,000 Google results, I have never believed that there is a "hidden job market."Our buddies at Quintessential Careers, a career tools website, have also doubted the existence of a treasure trove of secret jobs by commissioning a professional study. Taking things a step further, 70 career experts were recently asked if they believed a hidden job market is the real deal. Surprisingly, many believe is is. But they did find several problems with the notion.1. Definitions and interpretations of the “hidden job market” may not reflect reality. “Hidden” may not be the best term for this sector of available jobs since employers don’t deliberately hide vacancies.2. Those who are skeptical about the hidden job market generally admit it exists but dispute commonly bandied-about figures – that the hidden job market comprises 75-95 percent of the job market -- contending that the portion of … [Read more...] about Do YOU Believe in the Hidden Job Market?
The Green Office Building of Tomorrow Is Here Today
I have seen the office of the future, and it makes me believe that cubicle thermostat wars might be coming to an end. The headquarters of the Syracuse Center of Excellence (SCOE), a conglomerate of partners who aim to bring jobs and sustainability to New York State through research and education, have recently unveiled their new building – and it is nothing short of impressive. I don’t care if you carry cloth bags to the supermarket or bury your plastics under the rest of your trash, a single viewing of this structure and you’ll start to believe that you WILL commute on a hoverboard fueled by water – in this lifetime. And I thought my previous office buildings were dumps before this visit! But being eco-friendly is not cheap. It took $41M to build the five story, 55,000 square foot building. So hold your breath if you’re looking for your company to upgrade. Even if they are killing you slowly. The Syracuse building is Platinum LEED Certified, that’s as “green” as a building … [Read more...] about The Green Office Building of Tomorrow Is Here Today
Work Friends Are Not a Reason to Stay at a Job
When people want to complain about their jobs they seek me out. It's a curse, a blessing, and part of the reason I started recent vent sessions with different colleagues and friends revealed a compelling consistancy: people are willing to stay at jobs that make them unhappy when they "like" the people they work with. I think that's crazy.If your work relationships are fulfilling your need for personal relationships, you might want to take a look in the mirror and ask yourself why. I'm not calling you out for not having friends, I understand how difficult it is to meet new friends as an adult - and where better to make a connection than the place where you spend a third of your life. However, the more personal you get with people at work, the greater the odds that emotion - a major workplace enemy - will seep in. Oh, and the boss ain't your friend.If you're staying in a hapless job because you share some laughs with your cubemates, … [Read more...] about Work Friends Are Not a Reason to Stay at a Job
Try to Do the “Zen” Thing at Work
A Different Approach = Different Result Admittedly, I know very little about Buddhism from a scholarly perspective, but understand a bit about it. (To learn about the basics principles of Buddhism, download the Working Podcast #65.) You hear the words “zen” and “mindfulness” thrown around a lot. For me, those words relate strongly to finding my own inner peace and being aware of the moment.A recent, unexpected personal event has negatively impacted many aspects of my life. I try not to let it overwhelm me and some days I do better than others. But mostly I try to assess each moment and cut myself some slack if I’m worrying too much about not living up to my own or someone else’s expectations. My new meditative phrase is, “It is what it is.” Over-thinking and over-analyzing is not mindfulness.A very insightful patient in my private practice recently shared with me some of his thoughts in this area. He works in an über … [Read more...] about Try to Do the “Zen” Thing at Work
New Law – Stricter Guidelines for Unpaid Internships
As someone who benefited from two excellent internship programs, I’m a big proponent of the idea. What better way to get real-life, hands-on experience at a job site. Mine were through a social work Master’s program that carefully supervised interns and screened the workplaces.Despite the professional settings, I do remember being asked to do some questionable things. Being an older, returning student who had worked in professional settings for years, I wasn’t an easy mark. When a psych nurse told me to go to a patient’s home alone and pack a suitcase, I was skeptical (liability!) and declined. She struck me as someone who probably expected interns to fetch her coffee. Post-degree, I had the opportunity to supervise social work student interns. Remembering my experiences, I tried to provide a rich learning environment for my students. I felt that if they weren’t paid for their hard work, at least the training and exposure should be worthwhile.In April … [Read more...] about New Law – Stricter Guidelines for Unpaid Internships
Facing the Real World and Winning
The Real World. These seemingly innocuous words have somehow managed to strike fear into the hearts of college students everywhere for decades - nay, centuries - and it’s high time something was done about it! I propose that facing your fears head on is always the best plan of attack. Although it is never easy to make an important life change (and what could be bigger than embarking upon adulthood?), with the proper tools at your disposal, you can ease the transition considerably and make “the real world” just another place you’ll journey to.To begin, you should talk to your career counselor (well before graduation would be smart). Find out what jobs are available in your chosen field and if you can take advantage of internships to help you get a foot in the door (and possibly a job offer by the time you graduate). Unless you formulate Newton’s Fourth Law of Motion or design a game that’s better than Halo, chances of … [Read more...] about Facing the Real World and Winning