It's a sticky subject. Common, yet rarely addressed in orientations or procedural manuals. Still, it happens to the best of us—male or female, Black or White, Blue collar or White collar. Somewhere on the path to professional success you're bound to encounter a cutie who has the potential to make your senses detour and compromise your concentration and composure.Whether it's love at first site, or a slow brew that becomes steamy without intention.Heck, it happens in real life and even in T.V. land. Remember Dianne and Sam in Cheers? Or how about Angela and Tony in Who's the Boss? And let's not forget the storyline with Fran Drescher in The Nanny.Let's be clear here. I'm not talking about workplace dating or affairs. This is strictly about simple chemistry. Nothing more, nothing less.Depending upon how you handle this workplace dynamic, it can be a distraction or a great incentive for perfect attendance! It's your call.Here are a few helpful tips to working with … [Read more...] about 5 Tips to Keep Your Cool When Your Boss is HOT
Career Advice Blog
4 Career Lessons They Don’t Teach in Business School
Years ago when I graduated with a business degree, I fancied myself as fierce and ready for the world! I had been "briefed" on business structures, marketing strategies, resume styles, balance sheets, and the whole kit and caboodle. I was too hot to trot. … [Read more...] about 4 Career Lessons They Don’t Teach in Business School
Text Message Sick…Acceptable Work Practice?
A new survey by free texting app textPlus shows certain workplace interactions - those typically reserved for a face-to-face or phone conversation - are taking place more and more over text message.In early 2008 Jobacle wondered if texting in sick was career suicide. According to these stats, it might be safer than we thought (though we definitely do not recommend it).When it comes to college kids and recent grads (18-24 years old):· 11% think it’s appropriate to ask for a raise via text· 32% say it’s OK to “call in sick” to work via text (22% have actually done it)· 11% think it’s alright to quit a job via textAnd as for the generation after that - the one raised on text messages (13-17 years old):· 18% of 13-17 year olds think it’s appropriate to ask for a raise via text· 51% think it’s OK to “call in sick” to work via text· 20% think it’s alright to quit a job via … [Read more...] about Text Message Sick…Acceptable Work Practice?
Bored at Work? 8 Websites to Hone Your Time-Wasting Skills
It’s so hot here...fill in the blank. It’s so hot here I’m actually working to avoid mowing. But in true writer’s procrastination mode, I’m also finding many ways to avoid writing. Has the heat drained your brain and energy, too? Well, I’m on my usual shopping sites and IM-ing other folks who are in work-avoidant mode. But I realize I need to expand my time-waster repertoire, so I turned to an expert. Countess Blow-Off-Work (who also happens to be a writer) hooked me up with some Web sites. Some of the following I’ve (and you may have) seen, but several were new to me. (Disclaimer: I did pick those sites or sub-site that were rated PG. I'm NOT responsible if you venture beyond and get sent to the Principal's office.) If you are eying the donuts at work and murmuring, “Nom, nom…,” you are probably a frequent flier on (or lolcats). It’s been around awhile, but if you’re unfamiliar, it’s a site with pictures of cats with funny captions. You can submit your own pix … [Read more...] about Bored at Work? 8 Websites to Hone Your Time-Wasting Skills
Months Into Unemployment, and The Interview Cometh – 3 Steps to Success
It's been a while, and you're used to hanging out in your bathrobe and fuzzy bunny slippers, catching up on all the back episodes of Psych and Leverage and tossing out a few dozen résumés every week. Now, after months of surviving on unemployment checks and home-cooked meals, someone wants to interview you, tomorrow. Panic time! Are your skills up-to-date enough? Do you remember how to handle office politics with grace? Does your alarm clock still work? Are your business clothes pressed? What about Psych?Step one was given to us decades ago by the great philosopher Douglas Adams: DON'T PANIC!OK, actually, that's Step Zero. But it's good advice. Step one is DECIDE WHETHER TO WORK. The first thing you need to do is figure out if this job is actually worth going back to work for. It might seem a little strange, but if it's a step down from your last position, it might be better to hold out. Calculate how much money … [Read more...] about Months Into Unemployment, and The Interview Cometh – 3 Steps to Success
How to Find Internships: A Chat With YouTern CEO
Simply put, finding an internship used to be a pain in the butt. Cold calling and/or waiting around for a college advisor was never fun. Luckily, the future workforce doesn't have to endure those pains, thanks in part to connects emerging talent with entrepreneurial-driven companies via internships. Think of it as a (free!) for ambitious students gearing up to transition into "real" work. YouTern compares the skill set and aspirations of the intern with the specific needs of each company in their database and makes a match.I recently had a chance to talk with YouTern CEO Mark Babbitt. To say he is passionate about what he is doing would be an understatement. What is YouTern and how does it help internship seekers and employers? Mark Babbitt, YouTern CEO: YouTern is an online community that connects entrepreneurial-minded companies and emerging talent through internships. With YouTern, start-ups and small-to-medium … [Read more...] about How to Find Internships: A Chat With YouTern CEO
16 Unemployed Folks Make Their Dreams a Reality
What happens when life gives you lemons? That's the question that the unmployed are forced to answer when they get word that they are being fired."Lemonade" is an inspirational film that focuses on 16 advertising professionals. Learn how they went from having their creaticty serve someone else to serving themselves.Once the haze and fear clears, getting the axe is a clean slate, and if you're willing to embrace it, anything is possible. Watch more free documentaries … [Read more...] about 16 Unemployed Folks Make Their Dreams a Reality
Tattoos and Taboos: Why you should think before you ink
Body art has been a form of adornment and branding for bikers, athletes and entertainers for ions. Due to increased social acceptance, greater exposure, and changing norms, body art is gaining popularity with “common folk”, and is now viewed as much of a “fashion statement” as a hairstyle or designer label. In fact, today it’s not unusual to see body art adorned by everybody from white-collar professionals, to middle aged moms. Among them are those that perceive tattoos as merely an extension of their first amendment right to freedom of expression.I conducted an informal survey of about 100 friends and acquaintances, and found that about 40% of them had tattoos ranging in number from 1 to 7. Most bearers said that they felt that tattoos were “sexy” and allowed them to uniquely distinguish themselves. Some confessed to having gotten them in an act of rebellion back in their adolescent years, and later adding on more.But be … [Read more...] about Tattoos and Taboos: Why you should think before you ink
The Office "Super-Fast Responder"
Hey, Boss, Pick Me, Pick MeRemember those classmates who practically knocked you off your chair in their eagerness to raise their hand and answer the teacher’s question? We thought of them as show-offs or know-it-alls. Now, in the office, we refer to them as suck-ups and as-ki-----. The office “Super-Fast Responder” has similar annoying qualities, but plays a different role.This is the guy who, when given an assignment or even just doing his routine work, always gets it done first and makes sure the boss knows it. It can also be the gal who responds to your emails, voice mails, etc. IMMEDIATELY, even when you don’t require a quick response. It almost takes the form of an obsession. Now, this could be a form or adult Attention Deficit Disorder or poor organizational skills. But the problem for the rest of us, who get our work done, too, is that the Super-Fast Responder (SFR) often makes us look bad.I experienced this when I worked for the graphic design … [Read more...] about The Office "Super-Fast Responder"
10 Reasons Adults Should Go Back to School
Whether you’re a young adult who entered the job market early or a parent who is sending their own children off to college, it’s never too late to start thinking about your continuing education. And while college may seem intimidating (especially if you’ve been out for awhile) there are many reasons why you owe it to yourself to return to school and get the degree you’ve always wanted (but never thought you could have). 1. Invest in yourself. You are worth it! Nothing in your life is more important than you (no matter what your boss, spouse, children, or the blood bank would have you believe). So whether you’re going back to fulfill a personal goal or in order to better provide for your family, make sure you use your return to learning as a way to focus on yourself for a change. 2. Increase your earning potential. There is no better way to break the proverbial glass ceiling and boost your salary than to earn a degree. There are even online MBA programs you can enroll in … [Read more...] about 10 Reasons Adults Should Go Back to School