When starting up a new enterprise, there are a number of considerations you’re going take into account and make decisions on. Developing effective marketing strategies to attract customers is likely one topic that’s at the forefront of your attention. When it comes to maintaining a new successful business, a huge factor that will affect your success is how your consumers perceive your establishment. This isn’t to say that you should mislead potential customers and market yourself as a reliable and professional business if you’re not, but you should consider your company through the eyes of your customers.
Maintain a Professional Website
First impressions matter. It’s an undeniable fact that consumers often make judgments based on a business’s online presence. If you have a limited budget that doesn’t allow you to hire a web programmer, it would probably be beneficial to pay a professional developer to set up a polished website for your customers to navigate. Maintaining a website allows for more potential customers to find you than you ever thought possible.
Advertise the Bonded Status of Your Enterprise
Proudly displaying the licensed and bonded status of your business ensures customers that they’re doing business with an enterprise that is professionally reliable. Before issuing a new surety bond surety providers conduct a thorough background check of an applicant’s credit score and professional work record to determine his financial stability. Advertising your status as a bonded enterprise helps customers know that they’re working with a business whose work is financially guaranteed by a third party.
Put a Face to the Name
People feel more comfortable doing business with professionals that they know. Unfortunately some companies cannot conduct business with their customers face-to-face. However, consider getting the faces of your employees out into your market one way or another. Using social networks to increase your online presence is a great way to entice potential customers on a more personal level. When pursuing online marketing, be sure to provide a profile of any employees who are featured on your website or other industry blogs.
Join Professional Organizations
Although joining certain organizations may require nothing more than paying an annual membership fee, doing so can certainly give your business a distinguished air. While paying to have your name listed on an official list or receive a humdrum membership plaque may seem to be a waste of money, remember that it’s all about how your customers will perceive your professional image. Organizations like the Better Business Bureau can help boost your reputation, and paying a membership fee is simple enough.
Be Active Within Your Local Community
Even if your enterprise provides services nationwide or operates strictly online, make a name for yourself within the local community. Never underestimate how word of mouth advertising could direct new customers to your business in the future. Not only will you promote yourself as an invested member of the community, but you might also attract some additional stakeholders looking to invest in a promising—and caring—business from the area.
Guest Bio: This article was written by Kristen Bradley at SuretyBonds.com, an agency that issues surety bonds to professionals nationwide. SuretyBonds.com helps new business owners and entrepreneurs start up new enterprises every day. The agency hopes to give small business owners advice on how to succeed with their newest businesses.
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