A good job is made up of a combination of different elements that compliment each other and when combined, create an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Looking for a job that includes these elements can be a good approach to finding work that you will appreciate and find fulfilling. … [Read more...] about The 7 Elements of a Good Job
Career Advice Blog
How to Perform Your Best at Work
Being your best at work is not just about your skills and talents and the amount of experience you have. How well you perform greatly depends on how well your body and brain can function. If they are not up to their best, your ability to be carry out your roles at work will be reduced. So what ways can we make sure we optimise our abilities? Get a good night's sleep. Sufficient amounts of quality sleep help us feel rested and restored for the day ahead. Try to keep a regular keeping pattern, with enough hours of sleep. Close down all stimulus such as laptops several hours before going to sleep. Ensure the bedroom is a place of calm and relaxation and not full of electrical gadgetry. Eat breakfast. Eating a good breakfast, such as porridge oats or protein foods such as eggs that release energy slowly and satisfy hunger for longer, make it less likely to crave sugary snacks that temporarily rise and then drop energy levels. Exercise. Exercise releases feel … [Read more...] about How to Perform Your Best at Work
Significance of Judging the Genuineness of Tuition Centres
Going and studying in tuition centres has become a trend now days rather than a necessity. We know that the mind of any child is just like a blank slate, which needs to be provided with meaningful and proper education. For providing proper education to the students, schools and parental care plays a crucial role. But with working parents, is this possible? Certainly not! With more and more working parents found in each house, it becomes difficult for them to sit with their children and guide them in their studies. It is here when tuition centres come into action removing all hindrances and obstacles for the children who have working parents. Nowadays competition is soaring and school education is not sufficient for any kind of education excellence. There are two kinds of tuition facilities which are provided now days – home tuition and tuition centres. Though home tuition might seem bit comfortable yet the popularity of tuition centres is rising high. Not all children are the same. … [Read more...] about Significance of Judging the Genuineness of Tuition Centres
I Need Better Managers
When it comes time to hire a manager for your small business, you may be faced with a dilemma. Do you hire someone from within your company, or hire someone from outside the company? What are the pros and cons of each? How do you cultivate a great manager to oversee your business? These are typical questions that you'll want to answer prior to taking applications. Do You Promote From Within the Company, or From the Outside? There is good and bad in either choice, but ultimately it will be up to you to decide which one is more beneficial to your company: From within - The applicants are already workers in your company, therefore they know the business and have proven themselves to be assets. Anytime you promote from within it looks good to the other workers, and may inspire them. It also is cheaper to hire from within, as there is no relocation or advertising fees. From outside - Perhaps you don't have the right worker employed for the job, and need to go to outside candidates for the … [Read more...] about I Need Better Managers
Stand Out From the Crowd: Why Your LinkedIn Headline Is Important
Are Classified Ads & Resumés Antique? At one time, you may have considered the business networking site LinkedIn to be a less entertaining version of Facebook. In the beginning, it did seem to be a kind of digital yearbook for the people who carried pocket protectors and scientific calculators as kids in high school. A person's page appeared to list almost every conceivable skill an individual could have, including those shared by all members of mammalian life forms. Most professionals or those with specialized technical or mechanical skills eventually began a LinkedIn page, although whether or not they finished it or even ever logged on again is debatable. That was then. Now, undergraduate business management degree students are advised to begin their LinkedIn page as sophomores with completion of a satisfactory one as a frequent business class assignment. The Growing Use of LinkedIn by Recruiters More and more recruiters—in-house and headhunting firms—use LinkedIn to find … [Read more...] about Stand Out From the Crowd: Why Your LinkedIn Headline Is Important
A Proper Introduction – What I Hated and Loved to See on a Resume
Your resume, or as known in other parts as a CV (curriculum vitae) is an overview of your experiences and qualifications to perform a specific job. It is your first introduction to a prospective employer and determines if that introduction will ever progress to a meeting or formal interview. I have read literally thousands of them in my life. In that time I learned very quickly to decide if I had any interest in looking further. I will share some thoughts on what things I loved and hated about reviewing CVs. My number one decider in looking at a resume was if after a very brief glance at education and experience was if I could tell what position they were applying for. I often had multiple positions open at once and if the resume did not make it very clear what position they might be suited for I did not have time to try to figure it out for them. Since cover letters were very often simply fill in the position blanks at the top followed by a few clichés and generic reasons why they … [Read more...] about A Proper Introduction – What I Hated and Loved to See on a Resume
What are Good Incentives for Employees?
Any company will benefit from an efficient, hardworking and motivated workforce. These attributes can be attained and enhanced by ensuring the staff enjoy their work, are valued and treated well. Employee incentives are an effective method to motivating, encouraging and setting goals to get the best from staff. Incentives can prevent the drudgery of work repetition or the feeling of being stuck in a job or career rut. One-off incentives for employees are good for when a specific target requires reaching, or to maintain good morale, regular incentives will help keep the staff happy. So what makes a good incentive? It has to be something that is of value to the workers. It is of no use to offer incentives that are of little use or hold no value to the receiver. For example, tickets to a ball game may be a praised reward to some, but of no value to someone with no interest in sport. Also be aware not to patronize. Rewarding additional hours, worked in order to achieve a goal within a … [Read more...] about What are Good Incentives for Employees?
How to Ask for a Raise
There are few more difficult topics to approach your boss with than a request for a pay raise. While the intent is to get compensated for your value if done wrong it can lower your worth in the eyes of your employer and cause lasting stress and discomfort in the workplace. Before considering the request for a raise it is important for you to honestly reflect if you deserve it. Key questions to consider are- Has your pay been stagnant for more than 18 months? Have other people gotten raises in that time period? Has your work actually warranted a raise? If it is the same quality and value for years and a declining economy is it reasonable to ask for a raise? Is your work worth more someplace else? If you are being paid market value for your position what are you basing your request on? Can you document your value to the company in hard numbers? The most difficult of these is truly assessing your own value to the company. If the sole justification is because you have worked … [Read more...] about How to Ask for a Raise
How to Write a Perfect Prospective Letter
If you have taken the time to write and polish your resume to perfection when looking for a job, doesn't your prospective letter deserve the same level of attention? Many job seekers overlook this necessary step and end up receiving fewer requests for interviews than if they had taken the time to writing adding more detail than simply stating that they are interested in applying for a particular position. The following tips will help you make your prospective letter stand out from the rest and distinguish you from the pack as a stellar candidate. 1. Keep your letter relatively short. Four or five paragraphs should be enough to get your message across. You will need to plan for an introductory paragraph, three paragraphs in the body of the letter, and a concluding one. 2. Do include the name of a mutual contact if you have one. If you know someone in the company or told about the position by someone the hiring manager knows, mention this in the opening paragraph. Seeing the name will … [Read more...] about How to Write a Perfect Prospective Letter
Hiring Fresh Graduates: What Makes a Professional
Many of us go to college with the assumption all our hard work will eventually lead to a high paying job. For some graduates, that is the case. They land their dream job – sometimes even before graduation – and seem to live the ideal life. On the other hand, there are plenty of individuals with college degrees who flounder, unemployed, for months and months. Why do some graduates find success and others don’t? Employers See Recent Graduates as a Risky Investment You are a freshly minted college graduate. You have boundless energy and endless enthusiasm. Why can’t you get a job? There are a myriad of things an employer must consider when interviewing a potential candidate. Sometimes, assumptions are made before you even sit down in the hot seat. Other times, your non-verbal communication is shouting so loudly you can’t get a word in edgewise. Here are the things an employer is assuming or interpreting during your interview. You have an unprofessional attitude – and you don’t … [Read more...] about Hiring Fresh Graduates: What Makes a Professional