There's another $24 billion in economic stimulus money coming to the unemployed folks who need it most.The new bill provides 14 additional weeks of benefits for people who have exhausted their unemployment bennies or are on schedule to. The length of unemployment pay varies from state to state, averaging around 33 weeks. If your state is in really bad shape, with an unemployment rate of 8.5 percent or above, you will be entitled to an additional six weeks.Approximately 2 million people are expected to be aided via the new monies. It will now be possible to collect unemployment for up to 99 weeks if you (and your state) meet all of the criteria.The Labor Department's Unemployment Report for October is due later today and should be quite telling. Learn more about the bill via the Wall Street Journal video below. … [Read more...] about More Unemployment Relief on the Way
Career Advice Blog
6 Annoying Things Millennials Do @ the Office
I have always preached that too much is made about Gen X vs. Gen Y in the world of work. Generalizing an entire generation, regardless of when they were born, is totally unfair. One can easily sit back and accuse Gen X of being a bunch of anxiety-ridden control freaks who spend too much time sulking and complaining about work at Happy Hour. Or that Baby Boomers are technologically irrelevant and should be forced into early retirement (or at least coerced to take some social media classes!). It might not be right, but that doesn't mean it isn't fun to write about. Here are several annoying things that Millenials seem to have in common. - "Did you get my e-mail?" - As a member of society who has grown up with computers and the Internet, you know damn well that there's a 99.9% that I received your e-mail. The question is, have I had time to read it yet? The answer is no. So cool your jets and go back to your desk and read TechCrunch until I'm ready for … [Read more...] about 6 Annoying Things Millennials Do @ the Office
Unemployment Rate Could Dictate Changes in Congress
If you are like me, you are asking yourself daily “Is the economy EVER going to get better?”. I'm beginning to feel there isn't a person in this world that has the answer. (IF you do, contact me. That valuable information could make us millions!!). I wake up every morning wondering if this will be the day that I get called into “the room” where you are given your pink slip and then tossed out the door with nothing more than your small box of belongings, a false apology, and the strong urge to run into oncoming traffic. According to, The White House is bracing for unemployment to stay high through the first half of next year. Many news sources believe the key number in next year's U.S. congressional election may be the unemployment rate, which last month hit a 26-year high of 9.8 percent. President Obama said the U.S. economy has pulled “back from the brink” and the government must now “get serious” about reducing debt and … [Read more...] about Unemployment Rate Could Dictate Changes in Congress
Tapping Into Creativity at Work
Embrace Your Right-BrainI don’t often think of “creativity” and “business” in the same sentence. Of course there are businesses in the creative sector, but I’m talking about jobs in which most people toil day to day. These folks are rewarded for analytical thinking, decisive actions and level-headedness. Too much creativity might get you marginalized.But as an artist, business owner and corporate-world survivor, I think there’s a place for being creative in business. My feeling is that thinking creatively can unblock those stuck points. You know what I’m talking about - you have a presentation to give, a report to write and you’re drawing a blank. Here’s where you summon up that “right brain” stuff.There has been much research on use of our left and right sides of the brain. The left is said to control logic and rational thinking; the right side, the intuitive, creative thinking. A physics professor might be said … [Read more...] about Tapping Into Creativity at Work
4 Reasons to Re-Read Resumes of Current Employees
The companies we work for are often so blinded by what we can do for them today, that they forget what we have done before. With the understanding that each of us is hired to help a company achieve their goals (not our own), I still believe that forgetting the past and only looking towards the future is a mistake.The solution is simple. Re-read employees resumes every six months.This exercise helps managers paint a more complete picture of the employees working for them. If organizations ignore the past, I propose that it creates several problems which can be detrimental to the employee-employer relationship.Here's why...Valuble skills go unused. Years ago I interviewed for a job running the Intranet for a major public relations firm. With thousands of employees based around the world, they set up a database that profiled all of their workers skill sets. If Bob in London was looking for a Tagalog-speaking graphic designer to help him with a problem … [Read more...] about 4 Reasons to Re-Read Resumes of Current Employees
Fake Job Post of the Week
Thanks for the submission, Sally L.! A Dear friendThis is the greeting from Beijing Ming Yuan Electronic Products Co.,Ltd ,one of the big Electrical wholesaler and Retailer in China. We mainly sell electrical product such as digital cameras, mobile, LCD TV, xbox, Laptops, DV, Mp4, GPS, please visit our website:, to find something you may interested and please contact us freely if you have any question, we will offer more competitive price and best service for business cooperation with you/your company.Mail : e_joining@188.comThank you and best regards.Sincerely yours … [Read more...] about Fake Job Post of the Week
Work Lyrics: this just ain't where I'm 'sposed to be
Job Song Lyrics to Job Song :[Consequence:]Excuse me I beg your pardon?Nah, wha-wait hold up hold up hold up hold upBitch you don'tI don't get paid enough for you to be talkin to me like thatStraight up and downI don't feel like standin the by fuckin front door aight?You know what? Matter fact, a year from nowWhen you at home on your only day off and you watchin UPNYou see me come up there and get my motherfuckin awardTell yo' kids I saidHow to get stuck in a dead-end job when I can rapWhen I call my bill collectors they ain't tryin to hear thatMatter fact they askin Dexter when I plan the paybackOn that long line of credit that they lent me way backWay back, way back, at the turn of the centuryThe notice they sent to me is sayin essentiallyIf I don't pay that balance off along with a extra feePenitentiary or criminal chargesProbably soon to follow if you dare disregard thisAnd that got me nauseous, and feelin precautiousCause the fruits of my labor, ain't barin no harvestAt least as … [Read more...] about Work Lyrics: this just ain't where I'm 'sposed to be
Internship Candidates…Listen Up!
Don’t Forget to Put Your Name on the ResumeI recently visited a friend in Chicago who is at the point in growing her one-woman business that she needs help. Her biz is in a creative field and she’s fortunate to be in a city with multiple art/creative schools. Hiring an intern from one of these places seemed like an ideal solution; she gets a creative, enthusiastic “employee” and the student gets to learn the biz. Win, win, right? Well…until she placed the ad.The ad stated very clear parameters - the experience preferred, general duties, hours/days, send a resume, etc. In a very short time, she had sixty responses. While she was able to cull some very favorable prospects from the group, there were some surprising clunkers. One person even forgot to put their name on the resume. Duh-oh.Now many of these folks are students at some of the most prestigious, well-respected art schools in the country and I’m sure the raw talent is mind-blowing. But do … [Read more...] about Internship Candidates…Listen Up!
3 Candidates Submit the Same Cover Letter!
I'm on the prowl for a part-time editorial assistant in the New York area at a major non-profit organization. The job was posted two weeks ago and has yielded over 450 resumes. What started out as an exciting task of expanding my skeleton staff has turned into a harsh reminder of how bleak things are out there in the (un)employment world - especially for people with a writing/communications/journalism background.Dozens of applicants have Ivy League educations. Hundreds have advanced degrees. And almost every single person is over-qualified for the $16-an-hour gig. The biggest challenge, from a hiring perspective, is finding someone who will stick around for at least six months. Wading through a sea of applicants is tough work. But three candidates made my life easy. They gave me the opportunity to reject them instantly. Why?They each used the EXACT SAME COVER LETTER!B-U-S-T-E-DWhat tipped me off was that each started with a relatively … [Read more...] about 3 Candidates Submit the Same Cover Letter!
Working Podcast #93: Too Many Cooks In the Kitchen
Join the Jobacle campaign to help restore linear communication at work! Who is hiring for the holiday season in 2009? Find out how much umpires make a year and hear a solution to Major League Baseball's major problem. Job Song. Direct Download … [Read more...] about Working Podcast #93: Too Many Cooks In the Kitchen