David Letterman’s recent escapades and his subsequent blackmailer’s attempt have put a spotlight on the office romance. By no means am I passing judgment on the work hook-up, but it just seems to me an overall really bad idea that most likely doesn’t end well.(As a therapist and wellness advocate, there are some “absolutely not” connections. Those involve abuse of power in a boss/subordinate relationship, sexual harassment and any behavior that makes co-workers feel very uncomfortable or even unsafe in the work environment. I won’t go into those here because most of you hopefully agree those are beyond uncool.)Can’t you hear all those HR personnel scurrying around to get an official “Office Fraternization Policy & Guidelines” in place? While working in Corporate World, I don’t remember anyone formally addressing the issue. I do, however, remember what it was like when co-workers were more than pals. In one company I worked … [Read more...] about Office Romance? Why Not Try a Different Dating Pool?
Career Advice Blog
Today Is Slap Your Co-Worker Day!
October 23rd is the official Slap Your Irritating Co- workers Holiday: Do you have a co- worker who talks nonstop about nothing, working your last nerve with tedious and boring details that you don't care about? Do you have a co-worker who ALWAYS screws up stuff creating MORE work for you? Do you have a co-worker who kisses so much booty; you can look in their mouth and see what your boss had for lunch? Do you have a co-worker who is SOOO obnoxious, when he/she enters a room, everyone else clears it? Well, on behalf of Ike Turner, I am so very very glad to officially announce SLAP YOUR IRRITATING CO-WORKER DAY! Here are the rules you must follow: * You can only slap one person per hour - no more. * You can slap the same person again if they irritate you again in the same day. * You are allowed to hold someone down as other co- workers take their turns slapping the irritant. * No weapons are allowed...other than going upside somebody's head with a … [Read more...] about Today Is Slap Your Co-Worker Day!
Haiku Contest Winners
With so many great entries, I decided to pull the winners of our Jobacle Haikus About Work contest at random. Thanks to the hundreds who entered and thousands who read! $100 Visa Gift CardWINNER: Katie Smith - Superhero Action Figure: Your choice of one real-life superhero action firgure: BossMan, SuperMom, MoneyMan, or GeekMan. (provided by HappyWorker.com)WINNER: Tanja Cilia- Cube Guard "Door" for Your Cubicle: Add a "door" to your cube in seconds and they'll never invade your personal space again. (provided by CubeGuard.com)WINNER: Cinnamon StuckeyA bunch of other people will be contacted for their addresses as we give away tons of great career books. Stay tuned for a new contest coming next week... … [Read more...] about Haiku Contest Winners
How to Be a Hero at Work
I'm finally getting around to tying up some loose ends, one of them being my long overdue take on the book "Be the Hero: Three Powerful Ways to Overcome Challenges in Work and Life" by Noah Blumenthal.I've often used the Jobacle soapbox to preach that you have the power to improve your work situation, despite the seemingly uncontrollable obstacles in your way. Every day at work you have a choice to make it a 'good' day or a 'bad' day. The same goes for being a victim or hero. Which would you rather be? The hero of course! (sans the tight spandex and silly cape).Written as a parable (succinct prose that illustrates a moral lesson, for those of you who forgot English 101), the breezy book tells the tale of EveryWorker Jeff, an office dweller who learns how to transition himself from zero to hero, gaining new perspective thanks to 'Hero Coach' Martin.What I like best about the book is that it outlines actionable ideas that anyone can implement instantly, resulting … [Read more...] about How to Be a Hero at Work
“Co”-working With Your Co-habitant
Work with me, Babee!In an earlier post, Conference Call Do’s and Don’ts, I mentioned my spouse works from home one day a week. This is different from my work, which I do at home every day. Working at home has unique challenges and contrary to popular belief, isn’t all about wearing your jammies and quitting every day by 4 p.m. to watch Oprah. So what happens when you mix two different personality and work styles in a small home office?In our case, it wasn’t pretty at first. I heard things like, “you can’t type while I’m on a call.” “Uh, well I have to type - I’m a WRITER,” was my dumbfounded response. Having a touch of adult ADD (hey, don’t we all?), my spouse was very easily distracted, so most anything I did would break his concentration. I admit his presence in what I considered to be my office kind of cramped my style, too. Hey, sometimes a girl has to take a break to shop on Nordstrom.com.I’m happy to … [Read more...] about “Co”-working With Your Co-habitant
Playing a Game of Telephone at Work
The invention of the middle manager created a buffer that effectively keeps a company's 'elite' segregated from the 'clerical riff raff.' It also falsely empowers those who strive for success by placating them with a promotion. It's the illusion of more control. And I am that middle manager.I'm not sure about your world at work, but in my experience, simple job tasks have become games of connect the dots. There are 17 people involved when there should be two. This leads to too many opinions, a lot of static noise and a hyper-connectivity, which in this blogger's humble opinion, leads to work of a lesser quality.Many middle management positions are redundant and should be eliminated. (Not mine of course! I am uber important).With the way we communicate becoming easier, more instantaneous and cheaper than ever before, the middle man can truly be cut from the equation. But our jobs are safe for now, because the fat cat, golf playing upper crust folks … [Read more...] about Playing a Game of Telephone at Work
Do Your Best Steve Jobs Impression While Presenting
Turtleneck OptionalSadly, I don’t own a single Apple product. (I’m still saving my freelance writing pennies to buy my first laptop. I know!) But I’d have to be living under a rock to not know about Steve Job’s presentations, especially his much-lauded product intros and Macworld Expo triumphs.Carmine Gallo, a communication-skills coach and columnist for Businessweek.com has written, The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience. It’s a clear, concise book for folks who want to do more than keep audiences awake during their presentations. And even if you aren’t announcing the App store’s 1-billionth download, you can make your content engaging.The book is divided into three sections: “Act 1 Create the Story, “Act 2 Deliver the Experience” and “Act 3 Refine and Rehearse” with “scenes” describing specific areas to incorporate into your speech. Act 1, scene 2 … [Read more...] about Do Your Best Steve Jobs Impression While Presenting
The Season’s Changing: What If Your Job Status Isn’t?
Yesterday, it was 49˚ with high winds and on top of that, it was overcast. Fortunately, I have an elderly cat whose second favorite word (after “ham”) is “nap.” He and I could have easily made that nap last all day. I’m not a fan of fall or winter and admittedly have a touch of SAD - seasonal affective disorder. As a therapist, I also begin to see it in my patients this time of year.S.A.D., often called the “winter blues,” can be diagnosed, according to the DSM-IV-TR, after 3 consecutive winters (with complete remission in the spring and summer months) of the following symptoms:* Depression* Anxiety* Mood changes: extremes of mood and in some, periods of mania in spring and summer* Sleep problems: desire to oversleep and difficulty staying awake or disturbed sleep and early morning awakening* Lethargy* Overeating: craving for starchy and sweet foods resulting in weight gain* Social problems: irritability and desire to avoid social contact(Most … [Read more...] about The Season’s Changing: What If Your Job Status Isn’t?
How Can Gen Y Quit Annoying Gen “Old” at Work?
There was a bit of a backlash to my post, How Not to Act Old, Especially in the Workplace; I heard quite a bit of grumbling. The book I reviewed took older folks to task for not trying harder to be young and fit in. Maybe my boomer peers are tired of hearing about these supposedly over-indulged younger people?I remember supervising Gen X social work graduate students on a work site. While I enjoyed their enthusiasm and curiosity, their lack of real-world experience made me grumpy. But I was still able to communicate with and direct them as we weren’t that far apart in age or ideology.Much has been written about how to interact and communicate with Gen Y. One book, Bruce Tulgan’s Not Everyone Gets a Trophy: How to Manage Generation Y, has some valid points, especially the fourteen myths about Gen Y in the workplace (Myth 12: Gen Y Won’t Do the Grunt Work). But the overall media message is that WE must adapt to THEM, not the other way around.Here are a few tips for Gen … [Read more...] about How Can Gen Y Quit Annoying Gen “Old” at Work?
The Exit Guide – How to Leave a Job the Right Way
Need a resignation letter sample? Want to learn how to write a reference letter? Looking for the perfect letter of recommendation template?This is how to resign!The way you leave a job is just as important as how you get a job. This oft-overlooked piece of career advice is finally getting the attention it deserves.It is with great excitement I announce the release of the first book from Jobacle.com - THE EXIT GUIDE: How to Leave a Job the Right Way.How many people do you know who have worked a single job in their lifetime? It simply doesn't happen. After spending the past five years talking with the world's top career coaches, authors and HR leaders, a void became apparent. Everyone is so hung up on getting a job, that they overlook leaving one.Going through the motions is not enough. It is key to protect yourself and carry out several important tasks before you say goodbye. The Exit Guide will show you how. Jam-packed with tips, tricks and … [Read more...] about The Exit Guide – How to Leave a Job the Right Way