The signs you should quit your job are everywhere, yet for some bizarre reason, you keep ignoring all of them. Wake up!
Looking back, my only childhood regret was staying with girlfriends for too long. I’m not sure the reasons why. I’m sure I can peel away the psychological layers and find a kid who undervalued his worth. But what fun would that be?!
My point is that work is a relationship too. And oftentimes, the ride is over well before we are willing to see the signs or accept reality.
If you are experiencing more than three of these signs to leave your job, it is probably best to check yourself before you wreck yourself, because it sounds like this work wave is about to crash.
Rather than dwell on my only regret, I have learned from it. I now read the writing on the wall and move on when the universe tells me it is time.
The passion is gone. Finding yourself cleaning up folders in Outlook? Rearranging your desktop? When you don’t have the urge to roll up your sleeves and do what you can to help the organization or team reach a goal, the passion might have left the building.
You don’t wake up excited. Snooze alert. If you are languishing in bed or are feeling worn down from your routines, it might be time to shake up your personal little snow globe. Simply going through the routines in any major relationship is not healthy.

Avoidance. Cat got your tongue? If you find yourself avoiding your boss, colleagues or projects, there’s a good chance you’re done, son. Likewise, if you’d rather watch the game in the other room or stop off for some needless shopping so you can stall your return home, you might be avoiding your partner. This is one of those serious signs you should quit your job.
You have to change who you really are. From hiding side hustles that actually benefit your full-time employer to dressing in a way that doesn’t feel comfortable, living in the shadows sucks. It’s okay to make some small adaptations for your position at work, but you don’t want to feel repressed in areas that are important to you. In any relationship, there is give and take. But you can’t change her and she can’t change you and no one should want to change anyone.
The “just enough” trap. The running joke with my buddy who works for a Fortune 500 company is that his employer always knows when to give him just enough. Whether it’s a slightly higher raise or a new benefit, it’s just enough to allow him to accept complacency. This is a formula that many employers have perfected and that employees need to be on the lookout for. Because just enough should not be good enough.
You’re in high demand. If you are being courted by several employers, it might be time to get yourself a better deal. And I’m sure I sound like an assh*le, but the same was true when you were dating, no? Love yourself and go for the gold.
The future is foggy. We already know that “clear minds full hearts can’t lose.” If your personal development finish line is shrouded in a haze of complacency, it’s time to crystallize your goals — likely starting with a new job. Relationships like to know where they are heading. Not knowing where you are going and what you are working towards, is another one of those major signs you should quit your job.
Zero feedback. Ever toil in a relationship with limited communication? It sucks. Every kiss doesn’t require feedback, but you also don’t want to waste your relationship away wondering what the other person is thinking or feeling. If no one is giving you feedback at work, good or bad, it’s time to move on.
Never-ending restructuring. Sure, change is constant. But stability, at some level, is an intrinsic human need. If your company is experiencing reorg after reorg, you should consider looking for a new job. Like any relationship, you don’t want to give into an infinite number of reboots.
Your ideas are ignored or hijacked. On the “scale of suck” at work, there’s probably nothing worse than not being heard or having your ideas stolen or adopted — with zero recognition. If you feel your voice is tiny and your influence is nil, walk on.
Differing dreams.We tend to be closest to people and entities that share our visions and aspirations. If your organization is not giving you the means to achieve your dreams or has goals that are a complete departure from yours, that’s a telltale sign that you should leave your job. Or a relationship.
You feel abused or criticized. Hell no. Close this article and send out five resumes right now.
Other signs you should quit your job:
Whatever you do, never get back together. There was a reason you decided to split to begin with. Very rarely does the second time around, with an employer or partner, do enough to keep people hanging on for the long haul. All of these signs to leave your job should not be ignored, especially if you are experiencing more than three of them!
Are there any signs you should quit your job that we have not covered?
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