Everyone has a different style when it comes to their management skills. Every boss has their good and bad points and unfortunately, not every employee responds to their management in the same regard. Because of this, the job of a manager is very difficult and some people find themselves either trying to please everyone or going in the other direction of not caring how the employees respond to them. When it comes to the qualities that a boss possesses, not every manager can be great in all area. Some managers will excel in certain things and be poor in others. Because of this, it is interesting to think if they were to interview for their position or another one in the company. Which leads us to today’s question: Would you hire your boss? There are several attributes that every manager should possess, regardless of their skill set or their background. The manager needs to firm and follow through with their plans and have firm convictions. When a boss is not confident, this sends a … [Read more...] about Would You Hire Your Boss?
All About Bosses
Are You Smarter Than Your Boss? Prove It!
I used to spend my days in the corporate world and one thing that always seemed to happen was people “above” me, making mega bucks more than me, often made less-than-intelligent decisions. At least it seemed that way. When I’d question – in an effort to understand – or offer an alternative, they would often chide me or make me feel small. Now that I am a business owner, I know that many were very good decisions. I also know that I was right quite often to question their decisions. So how do you get the respect you know you deserve – how do you get the top dogs to listen to you? Confidence when speaking is a must and a key skill that many bosses note as a requirement for promotion. There are a plethora of audio, video and ebook downloads that can help you with speaking techniques. This comes in handy whether you are in front of hundreds of people in an auditorium or presenting an idea to your boss. If you decide it’s time to move on, these … [Read more...] about Are You Smarter Than Your Boss? Prove It!
Thinking Like Your Boss to Get a Promotion
There are quite a few articles out there on ‘interviewing technique’ that suggest you should put yourself in the employer’s shoes and think about what they want from a candidate, thus allowing you to provide much more attractive question responses. This article takes that concept one step further and looks at how to adopt the same principle when seeking a promotion at work.What employers want...SecurityIf you think about it, most of us desire security in our lives. We desire to own a home, have a stable relationship, and have a steady income. Employers are no different, and the more secure they can make their workforce, the more content they will be with the ‘work’ element of their lives. Employers will frequently look to promote those who demonstrate stability and don’t look like they up-sticks in search of a better opportunity once they have been given a better job title. Being at a company for a number of years obviously implies a level of … [Read more...] about Thinking Like Your Boss to Get a Promotion
What if Your Parents Had a “Teacher” Conference With Your Boss?
Remember when your parents had to go to a parent/teacher conference with mean Mrs. Snyder? You just knew she was going to say terrible things about you and you’d be in SO much trouble. It was worse if your parents had worked all day, were dead tired and would rather do anything than go to the school.Jeffrey Zaslow’s Wall Street Journal article, “Acing Parent Teacher Conferences” addresses how to prepare for and approach conferences with your kid’s teachers. It made me wonder what would happen if your parents regularly met with your boss to assess how you’re doing at work. (Okay, I’m making this up and I already have a creepy feeling of dread.)It would start with a texted memo from your boss to your folks - “Please select an hour slot on my schedule to meet with me to discuss your son’s job performance.”Then the meeting might go like this. “Mr. and Mrs. Smith, I wanted to talk to you today because I’m concerned … [Read more...] about What if Your Parents Had a “Teacher” Conference With Your Boss?
Help! My Boss Thinks He's Me! Handling a Copycat Coworker
Have you had this experience with a co-worker or boss - no matter who he is interacting with, he takes on the characteristics of that person? It could be mimicking the person’s mannerisms, voice inflection or even using the same verbiage or jargon. It’s weird if you notice it once or twice, but if it’s a constant M.O. of taking on personality traits, it can get a little creepy. Why would someone adopt this behavior? From a psychological perspective, it could be a number of different things.* Fitting in - When we go into a situation in which we are uncomfortable, we look to others for the “norms.” We can then modify our behavior to fit in. This can happen when interacting with someone from a different culture - we follow their lead.* Social discomfort - Some people have difficulty reading social cues, some even body language or facial expressions. Or they have a form of social phobia or anxiety disorder that results in discomfort around others. So … [Read more...] about Help! My Boss Thinks He's Me! Handling a Copycat Coworker
7 Ways to Impress the Boss (Including how to say no to your boss)
Making and leaving a positive impression that sits well with your boss is a sure-fire way to steadily move up within a company. Knowing your fundamental duties and acknowledging your own limitations is the ideal way of initially handling any position given to you. But how do you subtly move up the corporate ladder without ruffling too many feathers? How do you stand out in the crowd without being too overbearing? Follow these simple guidelines and you're sure to leave a lasting impression on your boss.Honesty is the best policy. Whether you're speaking to the boss about needing some extra time off work or explaining why a certain project wasn't complete on time, always be honest. Without your integrity and honesty, your credibility as a valuable and efficient employee and coworker is shot. If you can't be honest and open about the small, mundane things, how is your boss supposed to move you up trusting that you can handle larger … [Read more...] about 7 Ways to Impress the Boss (Including how to say no to your boss)
5 Tips to Keep Your Cool When Your Boss is HOT
It's a sticky subject. Common, yet rarely addressed in orientations or procedural manuals. Still, it happens to the best of us—male or female, Black or White, Blue collar or White collar. Somewhere on the path to professional success you're bound to encounter a cutie who has the potential to make your senses detour and compromise your concentration and composure.Whether it's love at first site, or a slow brew that becomes steamy without intention.Heck, it happens in real life and even in T.V. land. Remember Dianne and Sam in Cheers? Or how about Angela and Tony in Who's the Boss? And let's not forget the storyline with Fran Drescher in The Nanny.Let's be clear here. I'm not talking about workplace dating or affairs. This is strictly about simple chemistry. Nothing more, nothing less.Depending upon how you handle this workplace dynamic, it can be a distraction or a great incentive for perfect attendance! It's your call.Here are a few helpful tips to working with … [Read more...] about 5 Tips to Keep Your Cool When Your Boss is HOT
Managing Your Boss
The past several weeks of work have been pretty darn swell, and I have no one to thank but myself.After an annoying stretch where everything work-related that could go wrong did, I decided that checking my anger and recalibrating my focus was essential for my mental health. A weekend of healthy eating, exercise and meditation helped. But by the time Wednesday came, I felt my equanimity begin to shift. Then I received a package at Jobacle HQ...inside, a career book titled Working for You Isn't Working for Me. With several books and review offers coming in each day, I've learned to temper my expectations. Actually, I've learned to realize that most career books suck. But not this one. In fact, I'd like to thank the authors - without this book, I don't think I'd be on the good run I'm currently experiencing.Written by pyschotherapist Katherine Crowley and management consultant Kathi Esther, the book is the "ultimate guide to managing your … [Read more...] about Managing Your Boss
The Worst Fictional Bosses
Fictional bosses. They are often even more dreadful than their real-life counterparts. They can utter the words "You're Fired!" on a whim, cause in the fake world, wrongful termination lawsuits don't exist. The list below is by no means complete. We need YOUR help! Share your opinions - and more importantly - your additions. On with the list! Buddy Ackerman, Swimming With Sharks As usual, Kevin Spacey nails the role, this time as a back stabbing movie mogul in a story of two-faced revenge. When new assistant Guy starts his assistant job, the last thing he expects is to run meaningless errands, have his ideas jacked, and (the straw that broke the camel's back) assume that his current girlfriend is banging the bossman. Needless to say, Buddy gets his - and then some. And that results in vicarious living for all. Mr. Angelino, Three's Company We've all worked for a Frank Angelino. He takes credit for your hard work, hires crappy help (Felipe!) and keeps you shoved out of sight … [Read more...] about The Worst Fictional Bosses