Team meetings – some love them, some hate them. Regardless of how you view these gatherings, they’re typically a necessary part of enhancing workplace success and employee morale. As such, if you’ve noticed lately that your team meetings are lacking their usual pizazz and effectiveness, the following are four ways to get things back on track.
Send Out Agendas in Advance
Every workplace team meeting should have an agenda. Agendas provide meeting guidance and structure. However, a common management practice is to pass out agendas at the beginning of each meeting. This isn’t the most effective option because meeting time is wasted while the agendas are being reviewed and this poses the risk that team members will be caught off guard by certain agenda items.
To increase meeting effectiveness, email or hand out agendas in advance of the scheduled meeting time. If your meetings are first thing in the morning, send the agendas out at least a few hours before the office closes the day before the meeting is scheduled. This allows employees to plan more effectively for each meeting and reduces confusion.
Limit Meeting Occurrences
Unless you operate a high action company that’s continually changing, daily meetings aren’t necessary. Rather, they’re overkill. Weekly, biweekly or even monthly meetings are perfectly sufficient to accommodate the important team topics that must be discussed in most companies.
However, if your meetings are spaced biweekly or longer, send out agendas at least a few days in advance of each meeting. This is necessary because employees will likely require additional time to become refreshed on agenda items and to prepare their presentations.
Involve Everyone
Most workplace teams include some employees that live for meetings, viewing these occasions as their chance to shine among coworkers. Workplace teams also typically include workers who view these gatherings as wastes of time and who would prefer to simply return to work in isolation. Since teams include such a vast mixture of personalities, it’s management’s responsibility to find ways of involving everyone.
Involving everyone includes giving those that love meetings their due time to shine while also finding ways to rally those that typically sit back with arms folded, letting out occasionally exasperated sighs. By finding more effective methods of involving everyone, your team meetings will be more effective and you’ll increase team cohesiveness.
Change it Up
Scheduling meetings in the same location with the same agenda structure every time is sure to grow old for even the strongest of meeting supporters. If you’re guilty of always hosting meetings in the same way, change things up. A simple change in location can bring fresh perspectives and heightened attention. If your team is small enough, take everyone out for a periodic company lunch to discuss important topics in a more relaxed setting.
Team meetings are necessary for the continued success of most workplace projects. During these gatherings, employees share ideas, managers obtain project progress reports and company morale is enhanced. However, only by finding ways of creating more effective workplace team meetings will you experience these and other benefits.
Do you have additional suggestions for creating more effective team meetings?
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