It really wouldn’t be fair to call this blog a business, but that’s not to say a lot of thought didn’t go into the name. Originally started as the Working Podcast, I decided I wanted a more generic name that would encompass more then just a podcast. So after tossing around hundreds of names with Eric and Lyds (the best springboards ever), JOBACLE was born.
Why? Being a "caeer related" Web site – it had the word job in it, it sounds like cubicle, and is a play on debacle – which work always is, right? It’s not genius but it’s a short name that actually had a dot com available.
A new abstract word is good because it can get attention and get people asking questions. The downside is that they have no clue what the hell you actually do. I remember hearing Donald Trump in an interview once talking about how one of the smartest things he ever did was name everything after himself – thus making his name an entity.
I’m a huge believer that success comes down to great marketing and a decent product – in that order. I have the medicore idea, now I just need some money for marketing! Any takers?
If you’re thinking of starting up your own biz or blog, check out How to Name Your Business for some good background.
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